Those A'mal which prove helpful for the people in Barzakh.
Allamah Qutubud din Rawandi quotes from Lubbe Labaab' that it is related, that on the night of every friday, the spirits (Rooh) for the dead ones come to the doors of their houses and call out: "O my children! O' my relatives!Favour me by performing such acts which may prove helpful to me, and may also become the cause of Allah's blessings to be bestowed on you. Give us a place in your hearts, and do not forget us, have mercy on our wretched state. Surely we are in a state of imprisonment, loneliness, and anxiety. So do not hold your hands from giving alms (Sadqa) on our behalf, and pray for our forgiveness. It is possible that Allah may hear your prayers and bestow his mercy upon us, do so before you too may become like us. Alas! some day we were also strong and healthy as you are now. O' servants of Allah! Listen to our words, and pay heed to them. It is no doubt that the enormous wealth which you now enjoy was once ours. We did not spend it in the way of Alla...