Is this Ayat contrary to the issue of “abiding forever”?

Question: Our belief is that those who enter Paradise do not go out from there and remain there forever. And many Ayats explicitly prove this. But by Ayat No. 108 of Surah Hud it seems that it is possible that one day they may go out of Paradise.

“And as to those who are made happy. They shall be in the garden abiding in it as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord please, a gift which shall never be cut off.”


As it evidently seems that it is possible that one day Allah may wish to drive them out of this center of blessings, whereas other Ayats prove that they will never go out of Paradise. In this situation what is the meaning of this Ayat?

Answer: It is true that the Almighty Allah has promised a permanent stay in Paradise in many Ayats to virtuous people and He will never go against this promise as He Himself says:

“Whatever Allah Has promised, He will never go against that.”[72]

But it is possible that some may think that after this categorical promise the reins of power go away from Allah and then He does not have that power that He may drive them out of Paradise and He may seize His grace from them. In the scholarly and conversational term this categorical judgment puts limit to the Power of Allah. And it diminishes the vastness of strength of Allah. That is the reason that with these words Allah stresses on this fact that though He has promised them a permanent stay in Paradise and He will never go against His promise; nevertheless this does not diminish His Power in anyway whatsoever and He still has the Power and control on all the existing things and can do anything whatever He wants and His Power and control over everything is intact and permanent.

Also the same sentence is revealed in the first Ayat (regarding the people of Hell and in which they were promised a permanent chastisement). And the reason for that is also same, which is related in reference to the first Ayat.

The sentence, which has come in the end of the Ayat, is from the evident and clear Quran, which is corroborating the Tafseer as mentioned above. This sentence makes it clear that this gift of Allah is going to remain intact and established forever and is never going to part.


[72] Surah Rum 30:6


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