benefits of Reciting Holy Quran

Supplication which should be read before reciting the Noble Qur’an

أَللّهُمَّ بِالْحَقِّ أَنْزَلْتَهُ وَ بِالْحَقِّ نَزَلَ. أَللّهُمَّ عَظِّمْ رَغَبَـتِي فِيـهِ وَاجْعَلْهُ نُوراً لِبَصَرِي وَ شِفآءً لِصَدْرِي وَ ذَهاباً لِهَمِّي وَ غَمِّي وَ حُـزْنِي. أَللّهُمَّ زَيِّنْ بِهِ لِسانِي وَ جَمِّلْ بِهِ وَجْهِي وَ قُوَّ بِهِ جَسَدِي وَ ثَقِّلْ بِهِ مِيْزانِي وَارْزُقْـنِي حَقَّ تِلاوَتِهِ عَلى طاعَتِكَ آناءَ الْلَّيْلِ وَ أَطْرافِ النَّهارِ وَاحْشُرْنِي مَعَ النَّبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ الأَخْيارِ الأَبْرارِ الأَطْهارِ بِرَحْمَـتِكَ يا أَرْحَمَ راحِمِينَ.

O’ Allah! Surely You have revealed it (the Qur’an) with Truth and with the truth it descended. O’ Allah! Enhance my desire for it; and appoint it as a divine light for my eyes; and a healing for my breast; and make it (the Qur’an) that which removes my grief, sorrow and worries. O’ Allah! Through the Qur’an, beautify my tongue (that which I speak), and beautify my face, and strengthen my body, and make my scale of (good) deeds weighty, and grant me the ability to recite it as it should be recited in Your obedience - in the darkness of the night and the ends of the day, and raise me up with the Prophet, Muhammad and his family members - the chosen, glorified, the purified, by Your mercy. O’ the Most Merciful of those who are able to show mercy.

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): قـارِيَ الْقُرآنِ وَ الْمُسْـتَمِعُ إِلَـيْهِ فِي الأَجْرِ سَواء.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The one who recites the Qur’an and the one who listens to it have an equal share in the reward.”

Mustadrakul Wasa’il, Volume 1, Page 293

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): خِـيارُكُمْ مَنْ تَعَلَّمَ الْقُرآنَ وَ عَلَّمَهُ إِلـى غَيْرِهِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The best of those amongst you is the one who learns the Qur’an and then teaches it to others.”

Al-Amali of Shaykh at-Tusi, Volume 1, Page 5

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): قَراءَةُ الْقُرآنِ فِي الْمُصْحَفِ تُخَفِّفُ الْعَذابَ عَنِ الْوالِدَينِ وَ لَوْ كانا كافِرَينِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said that: “Reciting the Qur’an from the pages of the Qur’an (meaning to look at it and recite it - not from memory) lightens the punishment of one’s mother and father, even if they are both disbelievers.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 613

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): مُعَلَّمُ الْقُرآنِ يَسْتَغْـفِرُ لَـهُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَتَّـى الْحُوتَ فِي الْبَحْرِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Everything in existence prays for the forgiveness of the person who teaches the Qur’an - even the fish in the sea.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 3, Page 301

قالَ الإِمامُ عَلِيُِ بْنُ مُوسَـى الرِّضا (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): كَلامُ اللّهِ لا تَتَجاوَزُوهُ وَ لا تَطْـلُـبُوا الْهُدى فِي غَيْرِهِ فَتَضِلُّوا.

Imam ‘Ali ibne Musa al-Ridha (peace be upon him) has said: “Do not disregard the Words of Allah, and do not seek guidance from other than Him, for then (surely) you willgo astray.”

‘Uyunul Akhbar ar-Ridha, Volume 2, Page 57

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): إِنَّ هذِهِ الْقُلُوبَ لِتَصْدَأُ كَما يَصْدَأُ الْحَـدِيدُ وَ إِنَّ جَلائَها قَراءَةُ الْقُرآنِ.

The Messenger of Allah (prayers of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “These hearts rust just as iron rusts; and indeed they are polished through the recitation of the Qur’an.”

Irshadul Qulub; Page 78

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): أَلْقُرآنُ عَهْدُ اللّهِ إِلـى خَلْقِهِ فَقَدْ يَـنْـبَغِي لِلْمَرْءِ الْمُسْلِمِ أَنْ يَنْظُرَ فِي عَهْدِهِ وَ إِنْ يَقْرَأُ مِنَ الْقُرآنِ فِي كُلِّ يَوْمٍ خَمْسِينَ آيَةٍ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “The Qur’an is the trust of Allah (given) to His creations, therefore it is desirable for every Muslim to look at this trust and to recite (a minimum of) 50 ayat (verses) of the Qur’an everyday.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 609

قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيُّ ابْنُ أَبِي طالِبٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): أَلْـبَيْتُ الَّذِي يُقْرَأُ فِيهِ الْقُرآنَ وَ يُذْكَرُ اللّهُ عَزَّوَّجَلَّ فِيهِ تَكْـثُرُ بَرَكَتَهُ وَ تَحْضُرُهُ الْمَلائِكَةُ وَ تَهْجُرُهُ الشَّياطِينَ وَ يُضِيءُ لأَهْلِ السَّمآءِ كَما تُضِيءُ الْكَواكِبَ لأَهْلِ الأَرْضِ.

Amirul Mo’minin ‘Ali ibne Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said: “The house in which the Qur’an is recited and Allah, The Noble and Grand, is rememberedwill receive numerous Divine blessings (barakah), the Angels will be present, and the Satans will be distanced from there. In addition, that house will shimmer for the people of the sky, just like the stars shimmer for the people on the Earth.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 610

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): فِي وَصاياهُ لِعَلِيٍّ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): يـا عَلِيُّ عَلَيْكَ بِتِلاوَةِ الْقُرآنِ فِي كُلِّ حالٍ.

In his last testament to ‘Ali (peace be upon him), the Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) told him: “O’ ‘Ali! I advice you to recite the Qur’an in every state (which you may find yourself in).”

Man La Yahdhuruhul Faqih, Volume 4, Page 188

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): لَيْسَ شَيْء أَشَدُّ عَلى الشَّيْطانِ مِنَ الْقِراءَةِ فِي الْمُصْحَفِ نَظَراً.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Nothing is harder for Satan to bear than a person who recites the Qur’an by looking at the pages (of the Qur’an).”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 231

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): نَوِّرُوا بُيُوتَكُمْ بِتِلاوَةِ الْقُرآنِ وَ لا تَتَّخِذُوها قُبُوراً كَما فَعَلَتِ الْيَهُودُ وَ النَّصارى.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Brighten up your houses through the recitation of the Qur’an, and do not make them (your homes) like graves, similar to what the Jews and Christians have done (by not performing the prayers and worship of God in their house and limiting this to the Synagogues and Churches).”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 610

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ قَرَأَ الْقُرآنَ فَهُوَ غَنِيّ وَ لا فَقْرَ بَعْدَهُ وَ إِلاّ ما بِهِ غِنىً.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “One who recites the Qur’an will be free from need (of everyone), and thereafter will not be in need of anything. But as for the one (who does not recite the Qur’an), nothing at all will make him needless (and he will always be in need of others).”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 230

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): مَنْ قَرَأَ عَشْرَ آياتٍ فِي لَيْلَةٍ لَمْ يُكْتَبْ مِنَ الْغافِلِينَ وَ مَنْ قَرَأَ خَمْسِينَ آيَةٍ كُتِبَ مِنَ الذّاكِرِينَ وَ مَنْ قَرَأَ مِائَةَ آيَةٍ كُتِبَ مِنَ الْقانِتِينَ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “One who recites ten verses (ayat) of the Qur’an every night will not be counted amongst the negligent ones (Ghafilin); and one who recites fifty verses (ayat) will be written as those who remember Allah (Dhakirin); and one who recites one hundred verses (ayat) will be written down as the obedient and worshipper of Allah (Qanitin).”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 232

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): عَلَيْكَ بِتِلاوَةِ الْقُرآنِ وَذِكْرُ اللّهِ كَثِيراً فَإِنَّهُ ذِكْر لَكَ فِي السَّمآءِ وَ نُوْر لَكَ فِي الأَرْضِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “I advise you to recite the Qur’an and remember Allah much, for surely the Qur’an will remember you (do your dhikr) in the Heavens and it will be a Divine Light (nur) for you on the Earth.”

Al-Khisal, Page 525

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): عَلَيْكَ بِتِلاوَةِ الْقُرآنِ وَذِكْرُ اللّهِ كَثِيراً فَإِنَّهُ ذِكْر لَكَ فِي السَّمآءِ وَ نُوْر لَكَ فِي الأَرْضِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “I advise you to recite the Qur’an and remember Allah much, for surely the Qur’an will remember you (do your dhikr) in the Heavens and it will be a Divine Light (nur) for you on the Earth.”

Al-Khisal, Page 525

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): يَنْبَغِي لِمَنْ يَقْرَأُ الْقُرآنَ إِذا مَرَّ بِآيَةٍ مِنَ الْقُرآنِ فِيها مَسْأَلَة أَوْ تَخْوِيف أَنْ يَسْأَلَ اللّهَ عِنْدَ ذلِكَ ما يَرْجُوا وَ يَسْأَلَهُ الْعافِيَةِ مِنَ النّارِ وَ مِنَ الْعَذابِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “It is advisable for the person who is reciting the Qur’an that when he reaches to a verse from the Qur’an in which there is a request for something that he ask Allah for that thing, or when he reaches to a verse of the Qur’an in which there is talk about the punishment, that he ask Allah for protection from the fire of Hell and the punishment.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 3, Pages 1-3

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): ثََلاثَةُ يَشْكُونَ إِلـى اللّهِ عَزَّوَّجَلَّ: مَسْجِد خَراب لا يُصَلِّي فِيهِ أَهْلُهُ وَ عالِم بَيْنَ جُهّالٍ وَ مُصْحَف مُعَلَّق قَدْ وَقَعَ عَلَيْهِ الْغِبارُ لا يُقْرَأُ فِيهِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “Three things will complain to Allah, The Noble and The Grand, (on the Day of Judgement): A deserted Masjid in which the people of the town did not recite Salat (in it); an ‘Alim who was among the ignorant ones (however the people did not make use of him); and the Qur’an which was not read and was left for dust to collect on it.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 613

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): مَنْ قَرَأَ أَرْبَعَ آياتٍ مِنْ أَوَّلِ سُوْرَةِ الْبَقَرَةِ وَ آيَةَ الْكُرْسِيِّ وَ أَيَتَيْنَ بَعْدَها وَ ثَلاثَ آياتٍ مِنْ آَخِرَها لَمْ يَرَ فِي نَفْسِهِ وَمالِهِ شَيْئاً يُكْرِهُهُ وَ لا يقريه شَيْطانُ وَ لا يَنْسى الْقُرآنَ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Whoever recites the first four verses of Suratul Baqarah, Ayatul Kursi (verse 255 of Suratul Baqarah) along with the two verses which follow it (verses 256 and 257 up to ‘Wa Hum Fiha Khalidun’), and the last three verses (of this same Surah) will not see any bad or sorrow in his life or his wealth; Satan will not come near him; and he will not forget the Qur’an.”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 234

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ حِلْيَة وَ حِلْيَةُ الْقُرآنِ الصَّوْتُ الْحَسَنُ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “For every thing there is an embellishment (or a decoration), and the embellishment of the Qur’an is a good voice.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 190

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): إِنَّ هذَا الْقُرآنَ هُوَ حَبْلُ اللّهِ وَ هُوَ النُّورُ الْمُبِينُ وَ الشِّفاءُ النّافِعُ فَاقْرَوُؤهُ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ عَزَّوَّجَلَّ يُؤْجِرُكُمْ عَلى تِلاوَتِهِ لِكُلِّ حَرْفٍ عَشْرَ حَسَناتٍ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Surely this Qur’an is the rope of Allah, and a manifest Light (nur), and a beneficial cure. Therefore, busy yourselves with the recitation of it, for Allah - The Mighty and Glorious – grants the reward of ten good deeds to you for every letter which is recited.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 19

قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيُّ ابْنُ أَبِي طالِبٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ):تَعَّلَمُوا الْقُرآنَ فَإِنَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْحَدِيثِ وَ تَفَقَّهُوا فِيهِ فَإِنَّهُ رَبِيعُ الْقُلُوبِ وَ اسْتَشْفُوا بِنُورِهِ فَإِنَّهُ شِفاءُ الصُّدُورِ وَاحْسِنُوا تِلاوَتَهُ فَإِنَّهُ أَنْفَعُ الْقَصَصِ.

Amirul Mo’minin ‘Ali ibne Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said: “Learn the Qur’an for it is the best of narrations, and understand it thoroughly for it is the best blossoming of the hearts. Seek cure with its’ Light for it is the cure of the hearts. Recite it beautifully for it is the most beneficial of narrations.”

Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 110 (109 in some books)

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): فَإِذا أَلْتَبَسَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْفِتَنُ كَقَطْعِ الْلَّيْلِ الْمُظْلِمَ فَعَلَيْكُمْ بِالْقُرآنِ فَإِنَّهُ شافِع مُشَفَّع وَ ماحَلّ مُصَدِّق وَ مَنْ جَعَلَهُ أَمامَهُ قادَهُ إِلـى الْجَنَّةِ وَ مَنْ جَعَلَهُ خَلْفَهُ ساقَهُ إِلـى النّارِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Whenever the waves of calamities encompass you like the dark night, seek refuge with the Qur’an - for it is an intercessor whose intercession will be accepted. One who takes it as a guide, Allah will lead that person into Heaven; and whoever disregards it or goes against it, will be lead into the Hell fire.”

Fadhlul Qur’an, Page 599

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): إِقْرَؤُوا الْقُرآنَ ما ائْتَلَفَتْ عَلَيْهِ قُلُوبُكُمْ وَ لانَتْ عَلَيْهِ جُلُودُكُمْ فَإِذا اخْتَلَفْـتُمْ فَلَسْـتُمْ تَقْرَؤُونَهُ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Recite the Qur’an in such a way that your hearts develop a love for it and your skin becomes softened by it. However as soon as your hearts become indifferent to it (meaning that the Qur’an has no effect on you), then stop reciting it.”

Mustadrakul Wasa’il, Volume 4, Page 239

قالَ إِلإِمامُ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ الْباقِرُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ خَتَمَ الْقُرآنَ بِمَكَّةَ مِنْ جُمْعَةٍ إِلـى جُمْعَةٍ أَوْ أَكْثَرَ وَ خَتَمَهُ فِي يَوْمِ الْجُمْعَةِ كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَهُ مِنَ الأَجْرِ وِ الْحَسَناتِ مِنْ أَوَّلِ جُمْعَةٍ كانَتْ فِي الدُّنْيا إِلـى آخِرِ جُمْعَةٍ تَكُونُ فِيها.

Imam Muhammad ibne ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “One who finishes the recitation of the entire Qur’an in the noble city of Makkah within the time span of one Jumu’ah (Friday) to another Jumu’ah or more than this (more than one week), but completes the Qur’an on the day of Jumu’ah, Allah will write for that person the reward of good deeds from the first Jumu’ah that one came into the world, until the last Jumu’ah that one will remain alive in it.”

Thawabul A’mal Page 225

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ قَرَأَ الْقُرآنَ كَثِيراً وَ تَعاهَدَهُ بِمَشَقَّةٍ مِنْ شِدَّةِ حِفْظِهِ أَعْطاهُ اللّهُ أَجْرَ هذَا مَرَّتَينِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “Allah will reward the person who recites the Qur’an a great deal and makes a promise with it to try and memorize it even though it may entail great difficulty, a double reward.”

Thawabul A’mal Page 227

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): يُدْفَعُ عَنْ مُسْتَمِعِ الْقُرآنِ شَرُّ الدُّنْيا وَ يُدْفَعُ عَنْ قارِيءَ الْقُرآنِ بَلْوى الأَخِرَةِ وَ الْمُسْتَمِعَ آيَةً مِنْ كِتابِ اللّهِ خَيْر مِنْ ثَـبِيرِ ذَهَباً.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “One who listens to the Qur’an (while it is being recited) will be kept away from the evils of this world; and one who recites the Qur’an will be kept away from the trials of the hereafter. And the person who listens to even one verse of the book of Allah - this is better (for him) than possessing a mansion of gold.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 19

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): عَدَدُ دَرَجِ الْجَنَّةِ عَدَدُ آياتِ الْقُرآنِ (6236) آيَةٍ فَإِذا دَخَلَ صاحِبُ الْقُرآنِ الْجَنَّةَ قِيلَ لَهُ: إِرْقَأْ وَاقْرَأْ لِكُلِّ آيَةٍ دَرَجَة فَلا تَكُونُ فَوْقَ حافِظِ الْقُرآنِ دَرَجَة.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The number of levels (stages) in Heaven is (equivalent to) the number of verses in the Qur’an (6236). Thus, when a reciter of the Qur’an enters into Heaven, it will be said to him: ‘Go up one level for every verse that you can recite.’ Thus, no one will be in a higher level than the one who has memorized the entire Qur’an.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 22

قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيُّ ابْنُ أَبِي طالِبٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): إِقْرَؤُوا الْقُرآنَ وَاسْتَظْهِرُوهُ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ تَعالـى لا يُعَذِّبُ قَلِياً وَعْيَ الْقُرآنِ.

Amirul Mo’minin ‘Ali ibne Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said: “Recite the Qur’an and seek assistance from it for surely Allah, the Most High, will not punish one who has memorized the Qur’an (and has it within one’s heart).”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 92, Page 19

قالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيُّ ابْنُ أَبِي طالِبٍ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ قَرَأَ مِائَةَ آيَةٍ مِنَ الْقُرآنِ مِنْ أَيِّ الْقُرآنَ شاءَ ثُمَّ قالَ سَبْعَ مَرّاتٍ: ((يا أَللّهُ)) فَلَوْ دَعا عَلـى الْصَخْرَةِ لَقَلَعَها إِنْشاءَ اللّهُ.

Amirul Mo’minin ‘Ali ibne Abi Talib (peace be upon him) has said: “A person who recites 100 verses from anywhere in the Qur’an and then says: ‘Ya Allah’ seven times, if he wanted to remove a huge boulder (from the ground), he would be able to do so with the permission of Allah.”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 233

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): إِذا أَرَدَتُمْ عَيْشَ السُّعَداءِ وَ مَوْتَ الشُّهَداءِ وَ النَّجاةَ يَوْمَ الْحَسْرَةِ وَ الظِّلَّ يَوْمَ الْحُرُورِ وَ الْهُدى يَوْمَ الضَّلالَةِ فَأَدْرُسُوا الْقُرآنَ فَإِنَّهُ كَلامُ الرَّحْمنِ وَ حِرْز مِنَ الشَّيْطانِ وَ رُجْحان فِي الْمِيْزانِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “If you want ease and success in this world, the death of a martyr, to be saved on the Day of Loss, a shade on the Day of the burning Qiyamat, and guidance on the Day of going astray, then take lessons from the Qur’an. Surely it is the word of the Merciful, a protection from the Satan, and one of the most weightiest of things for the scale of (good) deeds (on the Day of Judgement).”

Jami’ul Akhbar, Page 78

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): إِنَّ قَراءَةَ الْقُرآنِ كَفّارَة لِلذُّنُوبِ وَ سِتْر فِي النّارِ وَ أَمان مِنَ الْعَذابِ وَ يَنْـزِلُ عَلـى صاحِبِهِ الرَّحْمَةُ وَ يَسْتَغْفِرُ لَهُ الْمَلائِكَةُ وَ اشْتاقَتْ إِلَيْهِ الْجَنَّةُ وَ رَضِيَ عَنْهُ الْمَوْلـى.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Surely the recitation of the Qur’an is an atonement for the sins, a covering (protection) from the Hell Fire, and a safety from the punishment. Mercy will descend upon the reciter, the Angels will seek forgiveness for him, Heaven will long for that person, and his Master (Allah) will be pleased with him.”

Biharul Anwar, Volume 93, Page 17

قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): أَهْلُ الْقُرآنِ فِي أَعْلى دَرَجَةٍ مِنَ الآدَمِيِّينَ ما خَلا النَّبِيِّينَ وَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ. فَلا تَسْتَضْعِفُوا أَهْلَ الْقُرآنِ وَ حُقُوقَهُم فَإِنَّ لَهُمْ مِنَ اللّهِ لَمَكاناً.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “The people of the Qur’an (those who recite and those who memorize the Qur’an) will be in the highest level (in Heaven) from amongst all of the people with the exception of the Prophets and Messengers. Thus, do not seek to degrade the people of the Qur’an, nor take away their rights, for surely they have been given a high rank by Allah.”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 224

قالَ الإِمامُ عَلِيُّ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ البّاقِرُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): إِنَّ كِتابَ اللّهِ أَصْدَقَ الْحَدِيثَ وَ أَحْسَنُ الْقَصَصِ وَ قالَ اللّهُ تَعالـى: ))وِ إِذا قُرِئَ الْقُرآنُ فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ وَ أَنْصِتُوا لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ))

Imam Muhammad ibne ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “Surely the Book of Allah is the most truthful of all narrations, and the best of all stories, and Allah has said: (And when the Qur’an is being recited, then listen to it and remain silent so that perhaps mercy may be shown to you.)” [Suratul A’raf (7), Verse 204]

Usulul Kafi, Volume 3, Page 422

قالَ الإِمامُ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ عَلِيٍّ الْباقِرُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ قَرَأَ الْقُرآنَ قائِماً فِي صَلاتِهِ كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَهُ بِكُلِّ حَرْفٍ مِائَةَ حَسَنَةٍ وَ مَنْ قَرَأَهُ فِي صِلاتِهِ جالِساً كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَهُ بِكُلِّ حَرْفٍ خَمْسِينَ حَسَنَةٍ وَ مَنْ قَرَأَهُ فِي غَيْرَ صَلاتِهِ كَتَبَ اللّهُ لَهُ بِكُلِّ حَرْفٍ عَشْرَ حَسَناتٍ.

Imam Muhammad ibne ‘Ali al-Baqir (peace be upon him) has said: “Anyone who recites the Qur’an while standing in his Salat, Allah will record one hundred good deeds (in that person’s book) for every letter that is recited; and anyone who recites the Qur’an while sitting in his Salat, Allah will record fifty deeds (in that person’s book) for every letter recited; and one who recites it (the Qur’an) in other than his Salat, Allah will record ten good deeds for every letter that one recites.

Thawabul A’mal, Page 227


قالَ رَسُولُ اللّهِ (صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ): إِجْعَلُوا لِبُيُوتِكُمْ نَصِيباً مِنَ الْقُرآنِ، فَإِنَّ الْبَيْتَ الَّذِي قَرَأَ فِيهِ الْقُرآنَ تَيَسَّرَ عَلـى أَهْلِهِ، وَ كَثْرَ خَيْرُهُ وَ كانَ سُكّانُهُ فِي زِيادَةِ.

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said: “Place a portion (of goodness) from the Qur’an in your homes, for surely ease will come to the people of that house in which the Qur’an is read, goodness will increase, and the inhabitants (of that house) will be given excess bounties.”

Wasa’ilush Shi’a, Volume 4, Page 85

قالَ الإِمامُ عَلِيُ بْنُ الْحُسَينِ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): آياتُ الْقُرآنِ خَزائِن فَكُلَّما فَتَحَتْ خَزانَة يَنْبَغِي لَكَ أَنْ تَنْظُرَ ما فِيها.

Imam ‘Ali ibne al-Husain (peace be upon him) has said: “The verses of the Qur’an are treasures, and every time a treasure is opened up, it is desirable that you look at what is inside it.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 609

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): ألْحافِظُ لِلْقُرآنِ الْعامِلُ بِهِ مَعَ السَّفَرَةِ الْكِرامَ الْبَرَرَةِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “One who protects the Qur’an and acts upon it as well, will be with the noble, devoted Angels on the Day of Judgement.”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 2, Page 603

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): مَنْ قَرَأَ الْقُرآنَ وَ هُوَ شاب مُؤْمِن إِخْتَلَطَ الْقُرآنُ بِلَحْمِهِ وَ دَمِهِ وَ جَعَلَهُ اللّهُ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ مَعَ السَّفَرَةِ الْكِرامِ الْبَرَرَةِ وَ كانَ الْقُرآنُ حَجِيزاً عَنْهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيامَةِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “One who recites the Qur’an and is a believing youth, the Qur’an becomes mixed with his flesh and blood, and Allah - The Noble and Great - will place him with the noble, devoted Angels. In addition, the Qur’an will act as a barrier (between him and the Hell Fire) on the Day of Judgement.”

Thawabul A’mal, Page 226

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): إِنَّ الْقُرآنَ لا يُقْرَ هَذْرَمَةً وَلكِنْ يُرَتَّلُ تَرْتِيلاً فَإِذا مَرَرْتَ بِآيَةٍ فِيها ذِكْرُ الْجَنَّةِ فَقِفْ عَنْدَها وَسَلِ اللّهَ عَزَّ وَّجَلَّ (الْجَنَّةَ)، وَ إِذا مَرَرْتَ بِآيَةٍ فِيها ذِكْرُ النّارِ فَقِفْ عِنْدَها وَ تَعَوَّذَهُ بِاللّهِ مِنَ النّارِ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “Surely the Qur’an is not to be read in a rush or very quickly. Rather, it should be recited in slow, measured portions. Whenever you reach a verse which talks about Heaven, then stop (at that verse) and ask from Allah (the bounties of) Heaven. And whenever you reach a verse which speaks about the Hell, then stop (at that verse) and seek protection from Allah from the Hell Fire (and the punishment).”

Usulul Kafi, Volume 3, Page 301

قالَ الإِمامُ جَعْفَرُ ابْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ الصّادِقُ (عَلَيْهِ السَّلامُ): لِيَعْجِـبَـنِـي أَنْ يَكُونَ فِي الْبَيْتِ مُصْحِف يَطْرُدُ اللّهُ بِهِ الشَّيْطانَ.

Imam Ja’far ibne Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon him) has said: “I would like to see a Qur’an in every house so that through this, Allah would repel the Satan (from that house.)”

Fadhhlul Qur’an, Page 669

Supplication Which Should be Read After Reciting the Noble Qur’an

أَللّهُمَّ إِنِّي قَدْ قَرَأْتُ ما قَضَيْتَ مِنْ كِتابِكَ الَّذِي أَنْزَلْتَهُ عَلى نَبِيِّكَ صَلَواتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَ آلِهِ فَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ رَبَّنا. أَللّهُمَّ اجْعَلْهُ مَنْ يَحِِلُّ حَلالَهُ وَ يُحَرِّمُ حَرامَهُ وَ يُؤْمِنُ بِمُحْكَمِهِ وَ مُتَشابِهِهِ وَاجْعَلْهُ لِي أُنْساً فِي قَبْرِي وَ أُنْساً فِي حَشْرِي وَاجْعَلْهُ مِمَّنْ يَرْقى بِكُلِّ آيَةٍ قَرَأَها دَرَجَةً فِي أَعْلا عِلِّيِّينَ بِرَحْمَتِكَ يا أَرْحَمَ الرّاحِمِينَ.

O’ Allah! Surely I have recited that which You have decreed for me to recite from Your Book which You sent upon Your Prophet, may Your prayers be upon him and his family so then (all) praise belongs to You, our Lord. O’ Allah! Place it (the Qur’an) amongst those people who keep permitted that which You have made permissible, and who forbid that which You have made forbidden and who believe in the clear and apparent verses and the ambiguous verses and make it (the Qur’an) an instrument of love in our grave and an instrument of love when we are raised up and raise the person who recites the verses, a stage from the highest of the high, through Your Mercy, O’ You who are the most Merciful of those who are able to show mercy.


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