Dua - Supplication - Hadith

Our Prophet Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallam said, "Any muslim who supplicates to Allah in a Du'a which contains no sin or breaking of kinship, Allah will give him one of three things: either his Du`a will be immediately answered or, it will be saved for him in the hereafter, or it will turn away an equivalent amount of evil (from him)" The companions said "So we will ask for more" He replied, "Allah is more [generous]."

[Tirmidhi, Ahmad]


Win win! You ask, and you will get. I find this hadith incredible. Allah is telling us that whatever we make dua for, so long as it's not sinful or breaks family ties, we will get what we asked for, or benefit somehow from it equally. I ask for a billion dollars, either 1) I get it. 2) It is saved for me for the hereafter, or 3) One billion dollars worth of evil is turned away from me. SubhanAllah! Make big duas. Make big, big, big duas. Allah is capable of all things. :) 

dua - supplication; the act of one praying that Allah will fulfill a want or need. When someone asks Allah for something, he or she is making dua. 


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