Dua to be prayed during the Namaz of witr
During the namaaz of witr, after rising from the bowing (ruku'), you should recite the following du'a silently standing in the posture as that of taking the niyyat and then proceed to prostration saying ‘ same'allaaho leman hamedahu ' and complete the witr prayer. The du'a is as follows:
“O Allah, send Your blessings and bounty upon Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) and his progeny. O Allah, You can perceive (see) all of us but no one can see You. Because Your sight (perspective) is higher than the vision of man; and all are going to come towards You; and all the eyes (vision) are going to lift (raise) at You; and all the feet are walking to You (arriving to You); and all the necks stretch at You and all the hands expanse at You. O Allah, to whom the hands are spread and the hearts of believers inspire; and the eyes look down with submission and the necks bow down. And we complain to You that our Prophet has expired so the believers have become less in number and the enemies have increased in number; and our Imaam – Abul Qaasim Ameer ul-Mumineen Imaam Taiyeb (AS) who is the grand son of our Prophet who is to guide us towards You; who is to show us the right path; we thank You for this blessing. O Allah, I seek from You to shower Your blessings on the forefathers of the Imaam and also on his kind progeny; who are awaited till the Day of Qayaamat and help them to provide guidance so that Your religion gains respect; by which You help Your saints. O Allah, unite the hearts of believers on their (Imaam's) obedience; to entrust on their Imaamat and succeed them over the enemies who have left the religion. O the Creator and the Survivor of all universes. O Allah, establish certitude in my heart and grow (increase) the guidance, blessings, glow and exemption within me and guide me over the right path. O my Allah, I seek goodness (love for Hazrat Ali (AS)) in this world and in the hereafter and protect me from the punishment of Hell. I seek Your mercy, O the most merciful of all the merciful ones.”

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