Miraculous Words of Ali-"Nahaj al Balagha" part 2

Miraculous Words of Ali-"Nahaj al Balagha"

By: Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany

PhD (USA), NDI, Shahadat al A'alamiyah (Najaf, Iraq), M.A., LLM (Shariah)

Member, Ulama Council of Pakistan

Published: "Daily News", Karachi, Pakistan on 18-07-2008

Part II

The hidden science available in the wordings of Amir al Mumineen Ali was later on discussed in length on the mountainous region of Yemen by a number of Fatemi Ismaili Scholars, and Syedna Ibrahim al Hamedi (d.557/1162, Ghayl Bani Hamid, Yemen) was one of them. His son, Syedna Hatim Mohiyuddin (d.596/1199, al Hutaib, Yemen) spent his entire life to interpret and explain the Haqaiq, hidden in the wordings of Ali. "Al Shumus al Zahirah" is one of his celebrated works. "Mafatih al Kunuz" is another well known work of the learned author, in which he discussed the meanings of the wordings of Ali, behind the lines. His successors continued this tradition of learning and produced numerous `Rasael', discussing the topic of Haqaiq-divine realities. Syedna Idris Imaduddin (d.872/1468, Shib'am, Yemen) was the great preserver of the Fatimi literature and culture. He had written number of books, like "Zahr al M'ani", and "Ziya al Basair" which deals the faculty of Tawhid, and explained the esoteric meanings of Ali's sayings. Syedi Hasan bin Nuh al Bharunchi (d.11th Zilqadah, 945 A.H. = 1538 A.D. Masar, Yaman), an Indian high repute scholar, migrated Yemen and wrote with pain "Kitaab al Azhaar", consisting seven volumes. Through his valuable work, expressions of Amir al Mumineen preserved, which are not published yet. It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss the vast contribution of a number of the Fatemi dignitaries, who discussed Haqaiq, and have written numerous books. These paramount scholars throw light on how Ali ibn Abi Talib presented the difficult subject of Tawhid in a few words. In short, in each era, intellectuals have written many `Rasael' to explain the wordings of Ali. A careful study of this literature provides an opportunity of refreshing the study of Fatemi literature. Scholar of high repute and master of Arabi literature at India, Syedi Abde Ali Imaduddin (d.1271 A.H.) said in praise of super natural abilities of oration, sermons and spontaneous sentences of wisdoms and Haqaiq of Ali ibn Abi Talib as follows:

"Ahbebta Iz Kana Estava Khateban;

Lav Asbahal Arsho Lahu Minbara"

(When he delivers sermons one feels Throne of Allah is his pulpit).

"Ya Ley Kalamin Minho Fi Khutubin;

Haqqa Aaaihe Addurro Un Tunsara"

(How amazing are his words in sermons that it befits to shower pearls on it.)

"Ya Be Abi Ma Fihe Min Asarin;

Lav Saba Sakhran Kana Jalda Jara"

(How effective are his sayings that if they touch a hardened heart like a boulder it will meltdown and flow).

"Bassaratel Ama Akaleemohu;

Va ba' Sarat Min Qabrehil Muqbara"

(His short sayings bring back light to the eyes of blind and resurrect the dead from their graves).

The excellent and basic topics dealt with in "Nahaj al Balagha" are as follow:

1. ilahiy'aat, Aiteqad'at; Hikmat. religion

2. Morals and etiquettes, learning and understanding, psychology.

3. Injunctions, modes of Ibadat, Jih'ad, "Amar Bil Maruf wa Nahe Anil Munkir"-instructions of good-deeds and restrain from the evil-deeds.

4. History, biography of the Anbiya, Sirat al Nabawi. Role of the previous nations in the history and causes of their downfall along with warning to the coming Muslim generation

5. Political awareness and collective matters, Muslim Government, Muaml'aat-dealing, Economic and finance management

A constrictive reading of the "Nahaj al Balagha" would open up the vision of understanding, similar to the poet of the East, Shaikh Saadi. He has expressed his sentiments as follows:

"Abid'u Zahid'u Sufi Hama Tiflaan Dahand;

Mard Agar Hast Bahe Juz `A'alime Rabbani' Neest"

(Abid, Zahid and Sufi all are kids; if there is a young, then alone he is "Al A'alim al Rabbani"-Divine Teacher)

A Hadith guided us in this regard more clearly:

"Ali is Rabbani-Teacher of the Ummah".

How to rule and conduct the government has largely been discussed in the letters. Topic of Muslim Governance and politics has been described in greater detail than other topics. Ali Ibn Abi Talib is one of the most prominent figures in the history of Islam. His great services in spreading, propagating, interpreting, clarifying and explaining the sciences of Islam are recognized and admitted by all. Most of the letters, sermons and orders available in the "Nahaj al Balagha" are related to the period when power and command of the `Zahiri Khilafat' Power & Command of the Muslim Government was in the hands of Amir al Mumeneen Ali. In these sermons and letters he has expressed his opinions on various topics. However, collectively, the total subject matter and theme of the compilations in "Nahaj al Balagha" is the appreciation of the Shariat in the daily practical life of a human being, and the various ways in which these religious principles can be applied.

There is both, logic and philosophy, in these sermons.

It is a source of history as well. History does not preserve any human being like him, who is the centre of so many virtues and attributes.

There are divine instructions. These truth and divine instructions can only be seen and heard with an insight.

Literature can not produce a better specimen of literary and metaphysical production as available in the form of the collection of "Nahaj al Balagha".

The former Mufti of Egypt, Mohammad Abdullah has also written a commentary on "Nahaj al Balagha". Expressing his opinion about the writings of Ali he says:

"Every one of the great scholars of Arabi is of view that except the Wahi of the Qur'an and the wordings of Rasulullah (S), the discourses of Ali are the most sublime, and consist of the greatest purity of language and eloquence of speech. In modern age also, the writings and speeches of Ali form a valuable part of Arabi Literature, and the wise person of the present day obtains benefits out of it. Even nearly after fourteen centuries, "Nahaj al Balagha" has retained the same attraction, freshness, charm and beauty for the present day audience which it has possessed for the people of earlier days.

The Late Mufti of Egypt, Shaikh Mohammad Abduh, who was introduced to "Nahaj al Balagha" because of his exile from his home, while writing a detailed commentary on "Nahaj al Balagha" states, in its introduction:

"There is not a person in the whole of Arabia who can deny that after Qur'an and Ahadith, the writings of Ali are the most comprehensive, and full of oratory and meaning".

Head of the Department of Knowledge, Qahera University (Egypt), Ali al Jundi, has written in the introduction of his book: "Ali ibn Abi Talib, Sherau wa Hikau" about the prose of Ali as under:

"There is a special stream of music in the writings of Ali, which sets its foot in the depths of sensibilities. It is so poetic that it should be called poetic prose".

People are unable to understand those mysterious points; discussed by Ali in "Nahaj al Balagha", because they do not seek to comprehend the meaning, as in each and every sentence of Ali the spirit of Qur'an and Hadith is absorbed. No doubt, the writings of Amir al Mumeneen, Ali, are lustrous pearls. Selection of words and the beauty of expression and liveliness are available in his sentences with full force. We can learn the history and know about the civilization and culture of that period from his sermons. He is rightly the first Sirat-Biographer, who discussed, collected and narrated the life of Rasulullah (S) in his sermons, with detail. On account of the beauty and loveliness of his language, and the grace of his writings, pious thoughts engulf the mind of the reader. The purpose of Ali's prose is constructive-criticism, which enable every practitioner to attain success here and hereafter. His letters in "Nahaj al Balagha" are a mirror of the history, culture, social conditions, civilization, political and social atmosphere, difficulties, terms and conditions. The beauty of language, the correctness of metaphors, the grace of Tashbih and metaphors create such a beauty that one is never tired while reading.

This knack of his pen is a great miracle for the world of letters. It is not possible for words to serve anybody else in the same manner as they have served Amir al Mumeneen, Ali. On whatever subject he discussed, he perfected it thoroughly. Not only in the history of the Arabs but in the history of the entire humanity, his writings are a valuable asset of our Aqidah, and a heritage. He introduced a new style of oratory, full of eloquence, use of beautiful unique terms and phrases, which history has recorded forever. The novelty of his expression, significance of his writings and the magnificence of his sentences has extended its influence to the utmost limits of belief and religion. True meaning of Islam and philosophy of Qur'an understand only when a person can take benefits from the wordings of Ali, in depth. Sirat & History literature provide us much details regarding the contribution of Ali towards Tajwiz, Tafsir, Ahadith, Theology, Astronomy, Grammar, Poetry, and even esoteric sciences are attributed to him, and he is accepted as the original expounder. Muslim as well as non-Muslim historians, scholars and eminent Orientals have already written more than 8,000 (eight thousand) books in Arabi, Farsi, English and Urdu, on the "Nahaj al Balagha". In this modern age, the wordings of Ali are the suburb fount of Arabi Literature, and the wise person of the present day obtains benefits out of it. Even nearly after fourteen centuries, "Nahaj al Balagha" has retained the same attraction, freshness, charm and beauty for the present day audience that it possessed for the people of earlier days.

Prince of the galaxy of scholars, 51st Al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (d.1385/1965, Mumbai, India) discussed the miraculous merits of Ali in Manqabat as follows:

"Wa Kam Khutabin Lahu Gharra'a Tazhu

Balaghatuhun'na M'a Faslil Khit'abe"

(All his sermons are shimmering; which are not only on the peak of eloquence, but final words with perfection).

"Wa Amma ilmuhuu Fahuwas Sharabut'

Tahuru wa ma Siwahu Kas'Sar'abe"

(His knowledge is pure, sweet water, which have power to infuse life; other than this source of Knowledge-Al ilm al Ladunni, all so called springs of learning are fraud, similar to that sands, which from the distance looks like a water).

As patient in a critical condition, need emergency treatment, likewise, a sick human soul can required spiritual healing, for recovery from spiritual disease, which is available in "Nahaj al Balagha". It is that fountain of Knowledge which introduction is beyond the power of a single person; even a team of high caliber scholars can not describe its merits fully. This humble student has discussed the topic only as per the Arabi phrase:

"Ma La Yad'raku Kul'lahu La Yat'raku Kul'lahu"-Those who can not achieve fully should not leave totally.

The writer is Attorney at Law & Religious Scholar

Email address: qazishkborhany@hotmail.com

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