
Showing posts from February, 2009

The Battle of Nahrwan

The Battle of Nahrwan Location : Nahrawan located 12 miles from Basra, Iraq When the battle was fought : 9th of Safar 37 A.H., January 657 AD for about 2 weeks. Army of Imam Ali(a.s.): 65,000 men Kharjites : 1,800 men Casualties: 12 from the army of Imam Ali(a.s.) and almost all apart from a few men of the Kharjites Background and Reason This was a battle between Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) and the Kharijites. After the unsatisfactory conclusion to the Battle of Siffin, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) returned with his army back to Kufa on the 13th of Safar 37 A.H. (~30 July 657 C.E.) During the march, a group of 12,000 men kept themselves at a distance from the main part of the army. The group was furious at the way things had ended at Siffin. These were the Kharijites. They were the same people who had put down their weapons on the battlefield. Now they said that Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) had betrayed Islam by agreeing to the truce and should have referred judgment to the Quran ...

Imam Husain (a.s.) and the Holy Ka'bah

The House of Allah and the Ahle Bait (a.s.) are the pivots of guidance and deliverance for the people. In addition to this broad resemblance, there are numerous other similarities between the Holy Kabaa and Imam Husain (a.s.). Keeping brevity in consideration, we shall narrate some of them in this article: 1. Precedence Allah has given the Holy Kabaa precedence (over all other structures) and has made it the First House. In Surah Ale Imran:96, Allah declares: 'Most surely the first house appointed for men is the one at Bekka, blessed..' On the other hand, Allah the Almighty, has exalted the Ahle Bait (a.s.) by creating them before all others. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) declares: 'Allah created my light before everything else.' (Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 1, pg. 104) The Holy Kabaa came into existence when the land was already created, while the creation of Ahle Bait (a.s.) was undertaken when none other than Allah was present. Their creation preceded that ...

Remember Death

Death 3.كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ وَإِنَّمَا تُوَفَّوْنَ أُجُورَكُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَمَن زُحْزِحَ عَنِ النَّارِ وَأُدْخِلَ الْجَنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ وَما الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا إِلاَّ مَتَاعُ الْغُرُورِ {185}[Holy Quran 3:185] Every soul shall taste of death, and you shall only be paid fully your reward on the resurrection day; then whoever is removed far away from the fire and is made to enter the garden he indeed has attained the object; and the life of this world is nothing but a provision of vanities. 4.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) Says : "One who gains the love & grace of Allah, the always Ajal (End) will be before his eyes & he will be always worried about his death. But the one who take shaitan as afriend & becomes Bad-Bakht. Shaitan overpowers him & indulge (giraftaar) him in long long desires & them he never remember deaths". 5. 3.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). Says : Most intellectual of man is he remembers the death most. (Arabic in 2n...


To perform a ghusl as prescribed in the sunnat [1] , we must first wash both of our hands and private parts even if they may be clean. Then, if there is any najasat [2] on our body, we must wash it away. Then we must perform a complete ablution. While washing our face we must intend to perform a ghusl. If water will not accumulate under our feet, we must wash our feet, too. Then we must pour water on our entire body three times. To do this, we must pour it on our head three times first, then on our right shoulder three times and then on the left shoulder three times. Each time the part on which we pour water must become completely wet. We must also rub it gently during the first pouring. In a ghusl, it is permissible to pour the water on one limb so as to make it flow onto another limb, which, in this case, will be cleaned, too. For in a ghusl the whole body is counted as one limb. If in performing an ablution the water poured on one limb moistens another limb, the second limb w...

Prophecies about the Holy Prophet of Islam in Hindu, Jewish and Christian scriptures

PROPHECIES ABOUT THE HOLY PROPHET Of ISLAM As the Holy prophet of Islam was to bring a universal religion for the whole mankind and as that religion was to continue unto the end of the world, all prophets in all regions of the world informed their followers of his advent and told them to accept his religion without any 'ifs' and 'buts. In many instances, they also gave the details of his personal and family life, so that the people may easily recognize him. It is necessary to point out that in many places, the good tiding about the Holy Prophet of Islam is followed by description of his family-members who were his successors. I have given some of such prophecies that several useful books have been written on this subject in past centuries. Important among them are: Mir-aat-ul-Makhlu-quat, by late Molvi Abdur-Rehman Chishti of India. This book was written in 1041 Hijri. It contains translations from relevant parts of the sacred books of Hinduism. Bassharat-Ahmadi, by late Mo...

How Palestine Became Israel

In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called “political Zionism” began in Europe. Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on the ancient and long-inhabited land of Palestine for the location of this state . 1 Palestine's population at this time was approximately ninety-six percent non-Jewish (primarily Muslim and Christian ). 2 Over the coming decades Zionist leaders used various strategies to accomplish their goal of taking over Palestine: Encouraging Jewish immigration to Palestine , partly through the invention of such deceptive slogans as "a land without a people for a people without a land," when, in fact, the land was already inhabited. Since the majority of Jews were not Zionists until after WWII, Zionists used an array of misleading strategies, including secret collaboration with the Nazis, to push immigration . 3 Convincing a “Great Power” to back this process. By turn, Zionists...