To perform a ghusl as prescribed in the sunnat [1], we must first wash both of our hands and private parts even if they may be clean. Then, if there is any najasat [2] on our body, we must wash it away. Then we must perform a complete ablution. While washing our face we must intend to perform a ghusl. If water will not accumulate under our feet, we must wash our feet, too. Then we must pour water on our entire body three times. To do this, we must pour it on our head three times first, then on our right shoulder three times and then on the left shoulder three times. Each time the part on which we pour water must become completely wet. We must also rub it gently during the first pouring. In a ghusl, it is permissible to pour the water on one limb so as to make it flow onto another limb, which, in this case, will be cleaned, too. For in a ghusl the whole body is counted as one limb. If in performing an ablution the water poured on one limb moistens another limb, the second limb will not be considered to have been washed. When a ghusl is completed it is makruh [3] to perform an ablution again.

[1] Sunnat: 1- (when used alone) The Shari’at; 2- (when used together with the name Book) The hadith of the Prophet. 3- (when used together with the word Fard) Any action, word or thought liked and commanded by the Prophet.
[2] Najasat: i) any kind of dirt, filth, that prevents one from performing namaz. ii) religiously impure thing.
[3] makruh: (act, thing) improper, disliked and abstained by the Prophet (‘alaihi ‘s-salam); makruh tahrima: prohibited with much stress.


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