letter of Amir al Mumineen to his A’amil: A study of letter No. 45 of "Nahaj al Balaghah"

A Study of the Letter No. 45 of “Nahaj al Balaghah”

By: Qazi Dr.Shaikh Abbas Borhany

PhD (USA), NDI, Shahadat al A’alamiyyah (Najaf, Iraq), MA, LLM (Shariah)

Mushir: Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan

Member: Ulama Council of Pakistan

Published in ‘Daily News’, Pakistan on 05-06-2009 & in the largest circulated Pak-weekly ‘Mag’ a few years ago.

During the Zahiri Khilafah of Amir al Mumineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib, A’amil-governor of Basra was Usman bin Hanif. Khurasan & Kirman (Iran) were also under his domain. A renowned trader of Basra had invited eminent figures, including Usman bin Hanif, as guest of honour to a reception. When this news reached the Amir al Mumeneen Ali, he called for an explanation from Usman bin Hanif. Although the A’amil-governor was a noble and honorable person but this explanation fixed a perpetual precedent that in accountability all are equal. This example provide a guidance that it is a duty of the ‘Ruler’ that he should remain vigilant and keep a strict eye on his subordinates, in their affairs. Alas! It is the misfortune of the Ummah at large that their Power & Command is in the hands of hypocrites; they do not practice what they advice to others. They are the true examples of ‘Bani Israel’. How can they keep an eye on others, while they are largely involved in dishonest activities?

During the time of Ali, facilities like E-mail, Telex, Fax and Mobile were beyond the reach of even human imagination. Despite that Amir al Mumeneen, Ali had established a Network of Communication on such scientific manner that if any of his A’amil-Governor committed any unpleasant, he would got the news. Ali charged in following letter to his A’amil:

“O Son of Hanif! I have heard that one of the richest of Basra invited you on a feast and you leapt towards it and participated in it”.

If it was possible to borrow two more feet for you, you would borrow and run towards the function more swiftly. At some places person has to go under undue influence, to build social contacts, while at other place he goes according to his will.

Ali teaches simple living with high moral values, which disappeared at present. He extended his disapproval in the following words:

“Varieties of foods and numerous dishes were served to you”.

There was lavish food. It is common that dine of the richest are always fill with so many dishes. One takes a morsel from one kind of dish and another morsel from another kind of dish. These people do not give even the left over of food to the poor. It is common affair of still today that excess quantity of food is cooked for guests and the reason they provide it is necessary to do so for the sake of honor, dignity and prestige. At least ten different kinds of dishes are always in such feasts available. Every guest eats three or four morsels from each dishes and the rest of the food is thrown away in trash. It is Isr’af and Tabzir in the lexicon of the Qur’an. This practice is Har’am. Often people are deprived of even a single morsel and they sleep hungry. On the other hand dogs and cats enjoy these foods, which are thrown in a waste or outside of the bungalow, where such functions are arranged.

Today members of the judiciary, executive politicians and even clerics compel people their surrounded to invite them in their functions. They join the function as VIP and feel happy to impress masses. Ali says:

“I never thought that you would accept the (invitation of the) feast of a people who turn out poor and invite the rich”.

Amir al Mumineen Ali taught his A’amil-Governor that a feast in which only rich are invited, is a humiliation of the less fortunate class. He warned in a clear terms and showed his displeasure that being appointed A’amil-Governor by Ali how dare he was to become on of the guest of that feast. A message communicate through this letter that one should not neglect non privilege class in any feast. Another point is necessary to be mentioned that Muslim manners of eating should not ignore while eating. A Hadith says:

“Eat with respect, as if you being a subordinate are sitting before your Lord”.

Clerics consider it a religious duty to impose their ideas on such matters which are beyond their reach of intellect, while it is quite within their limit to guide the manners of eating according to the Sunnah. Etiquette of eating is largely discussed in Sirah Literature. It is unfortunate that Muslims ignore the Sunnah during eating, at large. They attack on food like an animal, who rush towards the bone. It is necessary that Ulama should draw attention towards this forgotten Sunnah of eating.

“Look at the morsels you take, leave out that about which you are in doubt and take that about which you are sure that it has been secured lawfully”.

The magnanimous Khalifah of the Muslims guides that it should be ascertained that the funds spend on such feast is from the legal source. He further said:

If you are doubtful with the source of the feast arranged, do not attend or eat and find out this important point first.

If you know that food has been prepared from illegal income, never eat it. So long as food prepared by illegal means would remain in your body, it would assume the spirit of Shait’an. Qur’an says:

“O people! Eat legal and pious food and the food prepared from lawful means and do not tread the path of Shait’an”.

No one says do not eat delicious rich food. Do eat these; but it should be obtained by legal means. How can an illegal thing turn into a legal one by the mere recitation of the ‘Bimillah’ over it? Never ever! If a morsel is swallowed up, Shait’an would take hold in the body. Taqwa should always be kept, in consumption of food, because foodstuff is like a seed, through which body develops with a divine or evil influence. Shait’an is in every doubtful morsel. Therefore, anybody who eats such doubtful food would allow the entry of Shait’an in the body. What is even more shocking that the Ulama also ignore the music and band in such gathering? This practice is not only apprehensible but is forbidden. Enjoying lavish food as a routine and quoting Ali is contradictory approach.

Ali ibn Abi Talib says:

“Remember that every follower has a leader whom he follows and from the effulgence of whose knowledge he takes light”.

Examples are always set from the upper side and not from any lower strata of society. It is the duty of the leading class to practically set example of high thinking and simple living, which lead society towards progress and prosperity.

Lavish expenditure forced to think that the show would be arranged not from legal means. President, Prime Minister, Ministers, Judges, Officers of the Forces, Politicians, tycoons and clerics participate in such shows with great pomp and gusto. Through these functions people demonstrate their public relation with influential of the society. Amir al Mumineen Ali says:

“Realize that your Imam has pleased himself with two shabby pieces of cloth out of the (comfort of the) world and two loaves for his meal”.

Two breads of barley with salty water, instead of curry, were usual food of Ali. It was possible that after each forty days he took a small quantity of meet, as instructed by Rasulullah(S). ‘Saheb al Shariah’ considered unpleasant uses of meet daily. Likewise Ali wore simple dress, while we always run for imported cloths. He changed his cloths when no space left for patch.

Amir al Mumineen Ali argued:

“Certainly it is beyond your strength, you cannot do so but at least support me in piety, exertion, chastity and uprightness, because, by Allah, I have not treasured any gold out of your world nor amassed plentiful wealth nor collected any clothes other than the two shabby sheets”.

(Letter No.45, “Nahaj al Balaghah”, page No. 392, vol.No. II, Qum, Iran)

Surely, Ali knew that his followers were not alike Syedna Salman al Farsi and Syedna Abizar al Ghiffari, who truly followed his each steps. Therefore he said in clear terms that it was beyond your power to spend life like Ali. Just imagine, as Khalifah of the time, entire Bait al Maal was in possession of Ali, but he did not construct Qasar for his residence nor he showed interest in lavish food receptions. But does it mean that you never follow Ali? He said clearly, step forward and help me. Fear Allah do not commit Har’am acts, Qan’at on your legal earning, don’t take money from illegal means, help people, don’t ask him to come again and again, every person is busy at his place. It is Zulm on that person who visits the office of Establishment and ‘Holder of Authority’ instruct ‘come on such and such day’, keeps Taqwa- fear of Allah.

Conclusion & Talim:

In the above mentioned letter there is a crystal clear direction of the Shariah to all the responsible and most concern that they maintain equality without making any class distinction among the people. The leaders residing in palatial bungalows under security should ponder this reality that Islam is not confined to deliver speeches from high pedestal alone; but it demands ‘Concrete Action’. The Talim of the above ‘Charge sheet’ & ‘Show cause Notice’ to the A’amil-Governor, issued by Amir al Mumineen is this that A’amil (Administrative missionary of the Muslims, funded by Bait al Maal) should adopt the manners of piety, simplicity and equality. They should not spoil the mony of the Ummah for their lust and luxury. It is a lesson of practice, in which secret of society’s welfare is hidden.

O Amir al Mumineen! You ordered for ‘Maruf’ & forbidden from ‘Munkir’

Sal’aam upon you! Concept of Accountability of Qur’an established by you

Sal’aam upon you! Corrupted never ignored by you, whosoever he may be

O Allah! Grant us Tawfiq to eliminate Fas’aad-corruption wherever we find

The Writer is Attorney at Law & Religious Scholar

Email Address: qazishkborhany@hotmail.com

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