Magnificent Role of Ali(as) in Jih’ad

By: Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany

PhD (USA), NDI, Shahadat al A’alamiyyah (Najaf, Iraq), M.A., LLM (Shariah)

Member, Ulama Council of Pakistan

This Tribute has been presented on the Bliss Occasion of Mil’aad of Moula-e- Kaen’aat, Amir al Mumineen Ali , Published in ‘Daily News’, Pakistan on 08-07-2009

History of Islam is witness that from the beginning when Rasulullah (S) commenced the Talim of the Qur’an, Ali Ibn Abi Talib was his associate at every stage. At every place Ali was the protector & defender of Rasulullah (S) and the Qur’an. And why should it not have been? At the famous reception of ‘Dawah Zawil Ashirah’, when Rasulullah (S) invited all his nearest and dearest towards Islam, except Ali, none of them responded. As per the command of the Qur’an, Rasulullah(S) invited his nearest kinsmen towards Islam.[1] On the day of ‘Dawah Zawil Ashirah’ Ali was appointed Wasi and Waris, in other words Brother & Minister of Rasulullah(S),with explicit instructions to follow him. Rasulullah(S) instructed in clear words:

This is my brother, my executer, and my successor in you. Listen to him and obey him” [2]

Ali responded in the affirmative to Rasulullah (S) and gave him Bait and Misaq. Later on Ali clean the Kabah from idols, under instruction of Rasulullah(S). 51st Al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Taher Saifuddin described that historical event in his Aby’at, when Ali was raised upon the shoulders of Rasulullah (S) and he destroyed the idols: [3]

Walaqad Raqitu Bey Gharibin Haffat Behi;

Zumarrul Malaekatil Kir’amey Ruqiya

(You were raised on the shoulders of Rasulullah (S), which were surrounded by the Malaekat)

In this verse he reminded the historical unique event when Ali was mounted on the shoulders of Rasulullah(S) and went up to the roof of the Kabah.

Wa Talata Fauqal Kabatil Baitil Har’am;

Wa Kunta Bil Sharfil Azeemay Hariya

(And (Ali) are ascended to the top of the Kabah and you deserve this glory).

Wa Kasarta Asnaman Nusibna Zalalatan;

Fa Hawaina Min Baitil ilhai Huwiya

(And you broke the idols and they were dropped from the Allah’s House).

Ruby of Budakhshan, Dai of the 19th Fatemi Imam Mustansir, Syedna Abu Moinuddin Nasir Khusrow says in a Qasidah: [4]

“If somebody continues to praise merits of Ali for hundred years;

even then he would not be able to dwell upon even one quality adequately”

Valour prided on Ali in the battle field. Courage loved him, dignity cast down its eyes before him. Awe knelt itself before him. Victory was his maid. Before Kuff’aar Ali roared like a lion, and rained down like a cloud and swept off the enemy like a storm of dust. The striking of his bright sharp sword was the terminator of the enemies of Islam. The history of the Jih’ad of Ali is very extensive. I would like to discuss it very briefly.

“Jibrael instructed Rasulullah(S) not to lie on his bed on the night of Hijrah, and he ordered Ali to sleep on Nabavi bed. Mohammad(S) informed his secrets and delivered the trusts to handover, which Mushrikin had deposited with him for the sake of safety” [5].

Rasulullah(S) discovered the high status of his Wasi. He left reciting the Ay’aat of Surah Yasin and throwing handful of dust upon the side of enemies moved out from the mob of Kuff’ar of Makkah. At night, when the assassins sized house of Nabi and surrounded Nabavi bed from all sides, with intention to kill Mohammad, the Noor of Wasayah rose from the bed of Nubuwah. Khalid attacked Ali with great anger. Ali very bravely snatched his sword. The mercenaries inquired about Mohammad (S)? In the shadow of swords Ali demonstrated the meaning of valour of Bani Hashim and countered:

“Had you entrusted Mohammad (S) to me for which you are asking? [6]

This braveness was only due to the Talim and Tarbiyah of Rasulullah (S), which he expressed without any fear. After completion of the task of handover the Aman’at, Ali reached Madinah with his mother Fatimah bint Asad, his wife Fatimah, Fatimah bint Zubair and others and Rasulullah (S) provided Ali accommodation in his own house. [7].

Rasulullah (S) declared Ali to be his brother alone, and says:

“O Ali (A.S.)! You are my brother in Duniya as well as in the Akhirah” [8]

Later on, the battle of Badar was fought. The army of Kuff’aar consisted of 1000 soldiers while Muslims were only 313 in number. They were also not fully equipped and armed. Rasulullah (S) offered Doa with Khuzu & Khushu and said: [9]

“O Allah! If this small force is destroyed today, then nobody shall do your Ibadah till the Qiyamah”

Seventy arch enemies of Islam were killed, out of them 36 Kuff’aar were slain alone by the sword of Ali and consigned to Jahannam. It is definite evidence to the valour and staunch Aqidah, that Ali killed the famous Chieftains of Quresh, without wearing protective coverings. [10]

The real victors of this battle were Ali, Hamzah and Ubaidah, whose valour would be remembered in the history of Islam for ever. During the battle, Ali struck his sword on the shoulder of Walid bin Atabah, with such a force that the sword after piercing him pierced his horse, too. The 48th al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin has written a beautiful Manqabat in his “Risalah Ramzaniyah” of 1271 (A.H). He described this historical event in only eight words: [11]

Ula’ho Bil-Saife Fa’ Nisfihi;

Zarban Min’al-Raase ‘ ila Surrattihi

(“Raise the sword and divide into two, cut him from head to down part of navel”).

In the battle of Badar five dearest members of Abu Sufiyan’s family were killed with the sword of Ali. Abu Sufiyan and his wife Hindah swore to avenge their deaths. Hindah had to lament the deaths of her father Atabah, brother Walid and her uncle Shaibah. “The battle was won by Ali’s heroic attack” [12].

Under Divine Injunction Rasulullah (S) solemnized Nikah of Syedah Fatimah al Zahra with Ali. From this wedlock Allah bestowed them four illustrious children, Imam Hasan, Imam Husain, Syedah Zainab, Syedah Umm-e-Kulsum, who have left their indelible golden marks in the annals of the history of the world. A poet says in praise of Ali rightly: [13]

“Ispo Zano Shamshire Wafad’aar Key Deead;

Wallah Ali Deead Ali Deead Ali Deead’

(A faithful horse like Zuljinah, a devoted wife like Syedah Fatimah (A.S.) and a perfect sword like Zulfiq’ar, by the Oath of Allah has not been bestowed and conferred to anyone except Ali).

Ali loved Fatimah very much, that is why he did not enter into Nikah fold with any other woman in her life, but after the demise of his beloved wife, he established Nikah tie with Ummul Banin. Allah bestowed him a son, Abbas, from her, who was so handsome that he became known in Arabia as Qamaru Bani Hashim, and he personified his loyalty and bravery in the battlefield of Karbala.

On the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, the nearest and dearest ones of those Mushrikin, who were killed during different Ghazw’at by the sword of Ali, entered into the fold of Islam, due to the fear of Ali’s Zulfiq’ar. The burning fire in their hearts, created an enmity against Ali and his house, and their only aim was to kill Ali. If in the Ghazwah Badar, Muslims were defeated, there would have been no Muslim thereafter. It was only Ali’s sword which strengthened the roots of Islam and it became so powerful that even the Emperors of Rome and Iran could not undermine it.

The result of the Ghazwah Badar manifested itself in the Ghazwah Uhad. It was the result of the burning fire of revenge, which was continuing in the hearts of the Quraish, for the years. It was further inflamed due to the infuriating songs of their Flag-bearing women, who were headed by Hindah, who was famous for her numerous lovers. They had brought a Force of 3000 armed-men to the teeth against a Force of 700 Ans’ar and Muhajrin. The Muslims had to suffer heavy losses for ignoring and overlooking the explicit orders of Rasulullah (S). The situation became so grave that all the believers left Rasulullah (S) alone. “A voice was raised that Mohammad (S) had been killed. People say that it was the voice of Shait’an”. [14] We believe, he, who said so, was a Shait’an. The uncle of Rasulullah (S) Hamzah had already attained Shahadah. Only the sword of Ali was defending Rasulullah (S). Mohammad (S) was alone, while Ali protected him. Amazed by Ali’s sacrifice, Jibrael (A.S) declared: [15]

“It is the great devotion of Ali, what a saviour he is?”

Rasulullah (S) attested his decision and said:

“Why should it not be. Ali is from me and I am from Ali

It was not a sentimental statement of a common person, but a divine statement of Rasulullah (S), who never used to did not say anything but under the guidance and influence of Wahi”. Afterward Jibrael added:

“I am from both of you”

After the Ghazwah, Rasulullah (S) inquired from Ali:

When the absconders returned to share the glory of this victory, why did he not run away like the others?

Ali replied:

“Should I have become a Mushrik? I have to sacrifice myself upon you. [16]

In this Jih’ad Ali’s sword had been broken and Zulfiq’ar was bestowed to him. People also listened voice of unseen:

“La Fata ‘illa Ali La Saifa ‘illa Zulfiq‘ar” [17]

(No man perfect like Ali , and no sword similar to Zulfiq’ar).

There is no brave man except Ali and there is no sword which provided protection to Islam except Zulfiq’ar.

Abu Sufiyan’s wife Hindah on account of her enmity with Bani Hashim cut out the limbs of Hamzah’s body and hung them like a bracelet, around her neck. She also unsuccessfully tried to chew the liver of Hamzah. [18] Not only Muslim Historians but also Orientals, like Gibbon, have labeled her “Hindah, the Liver Eater”. She mutilated the body of Hamzah, while later on her descendants desecrated the graves of Hamzah & Ahl al Bait. Rasulullah (S) used to turn his face away in aversion whenever he saw Hindah’s face. History is a witness to it and historians like Ibn Alvardi have recorded[19], Rasulullah (S) offered Sal’aat al Janazah of all the Shuhada only once; but for Hamzah 72 times. There is always Hikmah in the words and deeds of Anbiya and Awliya.

5 (A.H): The battle of Khandaq took place on the 5th of Shawwal. Abu Sufiyan gathered different tribes of Kuff’ar against Rasulullah (S) and invaded Madinah. To make Madinah safe, Rasulullah (S) with the consultation of Syedna Salman al Farsi (R.A.) ordered the Muslims to dig a trench around the city. The mighty warrior of Arabian Peninsula, Umar bin Abdiwad was the hero of the Mushrikin. When ibn Abdiwad called out for a fight, the entire Muslim Force became motionless, as if birds were sat on their heads and any movement allow them to fly. [20] There was none of his caliber in the Arabia. Umar bin al Khattaab introduces to Muslim Force who Amr bin Abdiwad was? He explained that he used as a shield a young camel and fought hundred single handedly and yet gained victory. This introduction removed remaining moral of Muslim force. [21] Rasulullah (S) inquired from Muslims Force thrice, who would respond to his call for a fight. On every occasion Ali replied that he would fight the Mushrikin. Rasulullah (S) reminded Ali that he was Amr bin Abdiwad. Ali (A.S.) replied: “I am Ali Ibn Abi Talib”. [22] Now look at the action of Rasulullah (S). He bestowed his Amamah to Ali (A.S.) to wear. He thereby indicated Ali’s greatness and the highest place in Ruhaniyat. Rasulullah (S) gave his sword to Ali (A.S.), and fixed the seal, denoting to each and every that the pinnacle of Islam was on account of Ali’s sword. By giving his armour to Ali, Rasulullah (S) confirmed that Ali was the defender of Islam and the protector of Rasulullah (S). Tears rolled down from the eyes of Rasulullah (S), while saying good-bye to Ali . Rasulullah (S) offered Doa with Tabattul:

“O, Allah! You took away Ubaidah on the day of Badar and Hamzah on the day of Uhad. Now only Ali is left. Do not leave me without an heir and successor. You are the Lord of all”. [23]

When Ali advanced towards Amr bin Abdiwad, Rasulullah (S) said a historical sentence:

“Total Im’aan is advancing towards absolute Kufur . [24]

And when Ali having killed Amr bin Abdiwad raised the call of Allah-u-Akbar, Rasulullah (S) declared:

“The duel of Ali ibn Abi Talib against Amr ibn Abdiwad at the Khandaq, is out-weighs the good deeds of my whole Ummah until the Qiyamah. [25]

Syedna Abu Moinuddin Nasir Khusrow, Hujjat al Jazirah of Khurasan & Badakhshan says: [26]

“Doubtless Ali was a lion and for him warfare was his garden and Umar bin Abdiwad and Antar Khibari were his prey.

If the religion of Islam has received any help, it has done so by the powerful sword of Ali ”.

Syedna Taher Saifuddin (R.A) described this historical event in one of his Manqabat: [27]

Haidar ‘ul Karraro Kam Qata‘iz;

Zalfaqare Astalla Lil Kufral Watin.

(O Ali! You are the greatest warrior. When you took Zulfiqar in your hands, you eliminated the Kuff’ar).

7(A.H): The battle of Khaibar took place. Marhab was equal to 1000 warriors, was in the fort of Qamus. [28] Ali had not joined the Ghazwah yet, due to an eye infection. [29] Rasulullah (S) sent several persons as Commanders of the Muslim Force; but they returned unsuccessful. Rasulullah (S) used a historical sentence on this occasion, under the divine instruction. He said:

“Tomorrow I shall give the flag in the hands of one who loves Allah and His Rasul and Allah and His Rasul love him. Allah would grant victory at his hands. He is a brave and a courageous warrior and is not one who flees from the battle field” [30]

Fleeing from the battle field against Kuffaar is against the dignity of a Rasul and dignity of his Waris, because fleeing from the battle field is like fleeing from Deen. Suffering from an eye infection, Ali heard the words of Rasulullah (S), he offered Doa:

“Allahhumma La Muti Lima Manata wala Maneya Lima A’ateyta”

(nobody can confer anything when you forbid and nobody can forbid, when you confer) [31]

All the Ash’aab gathered outside the camp of Rasulullah(S) before dawn in the hope of being selected. Rasulullah (S) called loudly in the morning:

“Call my brother Ali”.

Ali, who was suffering from an eye infection came up. Rasulullah (S) applied his saliva to Ali’s eyes, instantly his eyes were cured. Afterwards Rasulullah(S) offered Doa for Ali:

“Allahhumma Azhib Anhul Harra wal Qarra”

(O Allah ! Remove from him trouble of hot and cold).

Hassan bin Sabit, the poet of Rasulullah (S) wrote in his Qasidah: [32]

“How blessed was the physician and the patient”.

Ali afterwards said:

“I got a more increasing power of vision instantly, which I did not have before” [33]

Rasulullah (S) gave him a white flag and said:

“Jibrael (A.S) is your companion and success accompanies you” [34]

Ali advanced towards the fort of Qamus and fixed the Nabavi flag near the gate. One Jew Rabbi presented there asked his name. Amir al Mumineen replied I am Ali. He immediately addressed his people and informed :

“Ghulibtum Wama Unzila Ala Musa”

(By the oath of Old Testament! You will conquer)

The first warrior who came to fight Ali was Harith. To see dead body of his brother, Marhab proudly came in the battleground, to attack Ali, he recited following Rajz:

“Qad Alimta Khibarun Anni Marhabun;

Shakias Salahi Batalun Muharrabun”

(Entire Khaibar knows that I am Marhab; well equipped warrior and master of battlefield)

“Ana Unasun Waladtana Abharah;

Libasunal Washa Ware’tun Habarah

Abnau Harbin Laiysa Feena Ghadarah”

(We are one of those who are born of gorgeous women, colourful clothes, and precious Yemeni stole are our costumes.

We are children of warriors, free from treacheries).

Let’s observe the poetic manner of Ali in the battle field, here his majestic expression warns and alerts the enemy to be ready for death. The thundering sound of death is ringing from his Rajz clearly. He always responded in ‘Rajz’ not only in similar ‘Qafiyah’ but also in the same “Radif’. In reply to Marhab, the ‘Rajz’ of Ali is famous, and is written in the pages of history in gold. History witnessed, what this fearless warrior had claimed, he did it not only with perfection, but in a manner that people are still amazed at and remember with wonder. In the same coin and same tone Ali responded through Rajz:

“Anal’Lazi Sammatni Ummi Haiydarah;

Zirgghamu A’jamin Wa Laiysun Qaswarah”

(I am the one, who has been named ‘Lion’ by his mother; such a ‘Lion’ who never turns back until he tears off -his enemies).

Marhab divided into two pieces with single stroke of Zulfiq’ar. As soon as the dust would clear in the battlefield, the armies of both sides would witness that Ali would be cleaning the blood from his sword and the enemy down. Thereafter Antar, Rabi and Yasir left to Hell through Zulfiq’ar. Ali pulled down the iron gate of Khaibar fort which was 800 maunds heavy [35], and which used to be opened and closed by 20 men at a time. [36] Apparently this was beyond the power of any human strength. In the Ghazwah of the Khandaq, Umar bin al Kattab had introduced Amr bin Abdiwad as a giant that fought a thousand men by making a young camel as his shield. In the battle of Khaibar, Ali proved that the making of a young camel as a shield should not be deemed of any great importance. Ali said that he had pulled down the gate of the fort of Khaibar, with that special power, which Allah had granted him. [37]

Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuuddin recounts the event through this verse: [38]

“Wa Lahu Fee Khaibarin Mujezatun Mashuratun;

Qata’lal Marhab Hatta Bab Hisne Qal’a”

(In the battle of Khaibar, his miracle is very famous; he killed Marhab and opened the gate of the fort).

8 (A.H): Makkah was conquered without bloodshed and Rasulullah (S) entered Kabah and ordered Ali (A.S.) to break the idols. The idol Hubal was the largest idol in Makkah, a giant idol which was placed on the top of the Kabah. Rasulullah (S) raised Ali on his shoulders and Ali climbed to the top of Kabah, pulled Hubal from its place and demolished it with the other idols. [39]

9 A.H.: On the morning of 24 Zilhajjah, under the Divine Decree, Mubahila took place between Rasulullah (S) and the Christian-clergy of Najran in a filed outside of Madinah. Rasulullah (S) was accompanied by Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain. When the Pope and the Cardinals saw these resplendent Noorani faces, they totally refused to stand in Mubahila and requested Rasulullah (S) for Peace Treaty.[40]

10 A.H.: During this year Rasulullah (S) assigned Ali to Yemen for establishing the Dawah, where he succeeded greatly in establishing Dawah, and converting the famous tribe of Hamadan along with other tribes. [41]

As a seal of this article, I owe the couplet of Allamah Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, which he submitted as sentiments in his celebrated “Shikwah”:

“Tu Hi Keh Dey Key Uk’hara Darre Khaibar Kisney?

Sehar Qaisar Ka Ju Tha Is Ku Kiya Sar Kisney?

Turey Makhluq Khudawindun Key Paikar Kisney?

Kaat Kar Rakh Diyey Kuff’ar Key Lashkar Kisney?

Kisney Thanda Kiya Aatish-Kidah Iran Ku?

Kisney Phir Zinda Kiya Tazkirae Yazd’aan Ku?”

(You tell us who were they who pulled down the gate of Khaibar?

Who were they that reduced the city that was the pride of Caesar?

Fake gods that men hade made, who did break and shatter?

Who routed infidel armies and destroyed them with bloody slaughter?

Who put out and made cold the ‘sacred’ flame in Iran?

Who retold the narration of Tawhid ,Yazd’aan?).

It is beyond the power of human intellect to discuss the merits of Ali fully, as poet says:

“Aws’aafe Ali Ba’ Guftagu Mumkin Nest”

(Discuss the merits of Ali is beyond human reach )

O Amir al Mumineen! Islam pays Sal’aam to your Zulfiq’ar

If you and your father were not existing, Islam would not stay alive

At most critical juncture, due to your Hikmah, Dawah of Islam survive

Salaam upon you that even holding Power you keep Sabar & Taqwa

Select Bibliography

1) “Al Quran”, Surah No.26, Ayah No. 214-215

2) 1- “Al Kamil”, ibn Al Athir, part 2,page No. 22;2- “History of Nations, Messengers & Kings”, Al Tabari, part 2,page No. 217;3-, “Al Musnad”, Ahmad bin Hanbal, part 1, pg. No. 111-119;4-“Fazail al Imam Ali”, Page No. 134

3) “Diw’aan”, Syedna Taher Saifuddin, Published Dubai

4) “Diw’aan”, Syedna Abu Moinuddin Nasir Khusrow, Published Tehran, Iran

5) “The Brother of the Prophet Mohammad (The Imam Ali)”, By Mohamad Jawad Chirri, Qum, Iran

6) 1-“Fazail al Imam Ali”, page No. 145; 2- “Al Kamil”, Ibn Athir , part 2, page No.72

7) “Muruj al Zahab”, vol. No. 2, page No. 377

8) “Sirah al Nabi”, Ali ibn Burhanuddin al Halabi, part 2, page No. 97 ;2-, “Al Mustadrak”, Al Hakim, part 3, page No. 14;3- “Kanzul Ummal”, Al Muttaqi al Hindi, Hadith No 6105,

9) Doa of Rasulullah(S) in Badar prior to began the combat, Ibn Hisham, Sirah al Nabi, part 2, page No. 621

10) All prominent historians admitted this fact unanimously

11) “Risalah Ramzaniyah-1271 (A.H)”, 48th al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin, manuscript

12) Sirat-un-Nabi”, Shibli Numani

13) “Al Majalis al Aashuriyah, 1270(A.H)”,Farsi couplet in praise of Ali, published Mumbai, India

14) Madarij ul Nabuwah”, Shah Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehlvi

15) “Aayan al Shia”, Syed Mohsin al Amin, part 2,page 195;2- “Fazail il Khamsah”, Al Fairozabadi, part 2, page 317;3- ibn al Athir, “Al Kamil Fit Tarikh”, part 2, page No. 107

16) “Madarij al Nubuwah”,

17) “Tarikh”, Al Tabari, vol No. 4, pg No. 406; Al Kamil Fit Tarikh, vol No. 2, pg No. 58

18) “Hinda the Liver Eater”, Orientals knows her with this name

19) Ibn Alvardi

20) Muhaddis Shirazi,

21) Tarikh al Khamis”,

22) “Tarikh Khamis”,”Rawzat al Ahbaab”, “Rawzat al Safa”

23) Doa of Rasulullah(S)

24) “Hayaat al Hywaan”,vol.No. 1,page No. 238

25) “Al Mustadrak”, part 3, page No. 32

26) “Diw’aan”,Syedna Abu Moinuddin Nasir Khusrow, Tehran,Iran

27) “Diw’aan”, Syedna Taher Saifuddin, published Dubai

28) “Tarikhi Yaqubi”,

29) “The Brother of the Prophet Mohamad (The Imam Ali)”, Mohamad Jawad Chirri, Page No. 109, Qum, Iran

30) Ibid

31) Doa of Rasulullah(S)

32) “Diwaan”, Hassan bin Sabit, published

33) “The Brother of the Prophet Mohamad (The Imam Ali)”, Mohamad Jawad Chirri, Page No. 109, Qum, Iran

34) “Mairaj al Nubuwah”, “Usdul Ghabah”,vol. No. 4, page No. 46;Fazail al Imam Ali”, page No. 148

35) Rauzatus Safa”, ibn Hisham, “Sirat al Nabi”, part 2, page No. 335

36) 1-Tabri has recorded this event with the reference of “Baridah al Aslami”; 2-Ibn Ishaq; 3-Ibn Athir; 4-Ibn Asakir; 5-“Sirat al Halbiyah”

37) Madarig al Nubuwah”, 2,page no. 202

38) “Diwaan”, Syedna Abdulqadir Najmuddin, manuscript

39) “Tarikh Khamis”, vol. No. 2, page No. 92; 2- demolished idols.

40) Mubahilah

41) Shareh al Akhbar”, Syedna Qazi al Nauman, published, Iran

The writer is Attorney at Law & Religious Scholar

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