Have we prepared ourselves for the Month of Ramadhan?

Have we prepared ourselves for the Month of Ramadhan?

The best account of the greatness of this noble month is what Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) narrated on the authority of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.&h.f.) when he spoke to a group of Moslems one day starting his speech by citing ‘the coming' -or advent- of Ramadhan to those who fast it. Obviously, the coming (advent) stems from the longing of the comer to those who welcome it. It is as if Ramadhan longs to those who fast it bringing along with it precious prizes like forgiveness which coincides with its onset. So, blessed is the one who acquires Allah's acceptance at the end of the fast!

The month of Ramadhan is linked to Allah, The Great, and “Ramadhan is Allah's month". This necessarily means that what this month has to offer is also great. The breaths, which are normally worthless, are regarded during this month as tasbeeh (Glorifying Allah), the Prophet says: Sleeping, which is identical to dying, is regarded as worshipping." The foul smelling of food remnants in the mouth is regarded as more pleasant than the smell of musk! All that is from the blessings of the divine hospitality in this month. So, blessed is the one who exposes himself to it provided of course his meats the necessary criteria.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h. & h.f.) calls on us to ask Allah to grant us the Success to Fast this month and recite the Koran". This implies that acceptable fast (with Allah) and the effective recitation is not achieved but by the guidance and blessing of Allah. For how many a fasting person gets nothing form his fasting but thirst, and how many a meditating person gets nothing from their meditating but the hardship! The Prophet then mentions a frightening outcome; For surely the wretched is the one who is forbidden Allah's forgiveness in this great month". So, would we be among the wretched in this year?

Fasting has a clear symbolism in it. The Prophet encourages us to shift from the outward (physical) to the inward (spiritual) one. As apart of that is reminding us of the concepts linked to fasting. One of which is the hunger and thirst of the Resurrection Day. This in turn encourages the fasting person to prepare for these hardships to persistently doing what should ease up the reckoning on that day!

The Prophet reminds us, especially in Ramadhan, to perform the great act of worship, meditation. This is because the servant's transcendence that accompanies it is even stronger during the special times and the special places of worship. One of the most significant outcomes of praying in these places and times, is the submissive meditation which was a delight to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.&h.f.) about which he had this to say: And raise your hands to Him in prayer during the times of your meditation, because it is the best of all times in which Almighty Allah mercifully looks unto His servants He answers their prayers a weather whispered or said a loud."

The sealing sharia (Islam) always links the individual side of the acts of worshipping with its social side. It does not require us to be extreme in our devotion, rather, to experience collective servitude. An example of which is taking care of the affairs of the Moslem community whether in regard to their spiritual food (guidance) or their material food (invitation to a fast-breaking meal). The reward that the Prophet cites for this work is astounding: “Whoso offers a fast-breaking meal to someone will be rewarded (by Allah) as the one who frees a slave is rewarded, in addition to the expiation of all of his past vices".

It is imperative that we make our motto: ‘the best Ramadhan we ever had'. He who aspires for high achievements must have an assertive and specific intent to reach that goal! Let it be obvious that there is a clear distinction between lay people's fasting (abstinence from food and drink), the elite's fasting (abstinence from all kinds of forbidden acts) and the fasting of the elite of the elite (which is turning away from everything save Allah). Let us ponder these enormous ranks to see how different will this year's Ramadhan be, for he who has two equal Ramadhans is wronged.

The Prophet utilized every occasion to remind others with the obligation of following the line of wilayat (adherence) to Ali (p.b.u.h.) starting from the well-known event of Hadith al-Dar at the beginning of the call up until the last days of his blessed life, namely, the major event at Ghadeer Khum. At the conclusion of his speech, the Prophet wept which made Ali (p.b.u.h.) ask about the reason behind it. The Prophet replied, “I am crying about what will be done to you in a month like this one! It is like seeing you before me and you are praying to your Lord when the most wretched of the ancients, the full brother of the ham stringer of Thamood's Camel upraises, striking you on the summit of your head imbruing (coloring) your beard from (the blood that comes out of) it." Interestingly, Ali subsequent question was: “And will my faith be sound then?" The Prophet's answer was affirmative which made Ali delightful.

Let's take a look at the ultimate devotion to the massage and servitude to Allah in both the seal of the Prophets and the seal of the vicegerents, and hopefully we will follow through.


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