Significance of 15th Night of Shab’an & Doa al Kumail

Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany

PhD (USA), N.D.I., Shahadat al Aalamiyah (Najaf-Iraq), M.A, LLM (Shariah)

Mushir: Fed. Shariat Court of Pakistan

Member: Ulama Council of Pakistan

Published in ‘Daily News’, Pakistan on 29-07-2009

1). Fortune Would be Change on 15th Night of Shab’an:

In “Tarikh al Umam wal Muluk”, vol. No 2, page No 416 ‘Tabari’ has mentioned that following Ayah was appeared on 15th day of Shab’an when Rasulullah(S) was offering Salaat al Zuhur:

“Verily, we see the turning of your face to heaven, so we shall turn you to a Qiblah which you will like. So turn your face towards Masjid al Har’am; and wherever you are, turn your face toward it”.

(Ayah No 144 of Surah Al Baqarah- No. 2)

Direction of the Qiblah was changed in-between the Salaat from Bait al Maqdis to Kabah.

9th Al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Ali bin Syedna Husain (d. 682[A.H], Sanaa, Yemen) has written “Risalah al Kamilah Fee Salasah Layalil Fazilah” on the importance of 3 nights in Islam. He divided this Risalah in to three chapters, in which he dealt with esoteric importance of the three important nights: 27th Rajab, 15th Shab’an and 23rd Ramazan-Lailat al Qadar, as per Fatemi Ismaili Lunar Calendar. This Risalah also explained the concept of special Nawafil Salaat offered on these occasions. The Dai discussed the enigmatic Tafsir of Ayah No.144, Surah No.2-Al Baqarah in regard to 15th Night of Shab’an, which open vistas of understanding for divers of the deep ocean of ‘ilm al Ruhani.

A Doa exclusive for 15th night of Shab’an draws our attention to deeply consider on its wordings. Learned compiler of the Doa says:

"ilahee In Kunta Katabtani Fee Ummul Kitabay Indaka Shaqiyan Faqiran Faamhu Anni Ismal Faqray Wal Shaqawatay Wa Asbitnee Indaka Saeedan Ghaniya,Wa In Kunta Katabtani Fee Ummul Kitabay Indaka Mahruman Muqataran Aleya Rizqee Faamhu Anni Hirmani Wa Taqtira Rizqee"

(O Allah! If you have mentioned my name in Ummul Kitaab as unfortunate and scarce than remove it. If unlucky and fateful, then fix my name in your record as prosperous, happy and independent one. And if you have mentioned my name in Ummul Kitaab as a poor person, who's Rizaq has shrunk than increase my Rizaq).

Qur’an says:

"Allah will remove what He wishes and continue and He has Ummul Kitaab".

(Surah Raad-No.13, Ayah No. 39)

2). Less-fortune Ignored Night of 15th of Shab’an:

Hadith Literature has provided guidance to those who refuse to realize the importance of this great night, and offers an opportunity to repent on their Jahalat. A narration from one of the wives of Rasulullah(S) is as follows:

“One night, which was the 15th of Shab’an, I did not find Rasulullah(S) in the house so I went in search of him. After a long search, I found him in Jannat al Baqi (the burial place of dignitaries of Islam in Madinah, which has been destroyed by the current regime), offering Doa for the deceased and praying for their forgiveness”. (Baihaqi)

Number of Ash’ab transmitted following Hadith:

“Allah looks upon His creation on the middle of the night of Sha’ban, and He forgives all of His creations, except for a Mushrik or a quarreler.”

Rasulullah(S) said:

“During the Night of 15th Shab’an Allah takes decisions in the matters of sustenance, life and death and welfare of the people”.

Next to the “Night of Qadr”, the night of 15th Shab’an is the most auspicious night. According to the Abi Jafar Imam Mohammad al Baqir and Abi Abdillah Imam Jafar Assadiq, Allah has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to Him tonight. During this night Allah bestows on His people from His bounty & forgives them out of His grace & generosity.

Keep awake this night in Ibadat and encourage your family members as also your near and dear ones to do so in order to get closer to Allah through their Ibadat since this is a noble night.

3). Injunction of the Qur’an Regarding 15th Night of Shab’an:

Prior to discussion of Doa al Kumail; introduction of Syedi Kumail is essential. Syedi Kumail bin Ziyad bin Nahid bin Haysam bin S’ad bin Malik bin Nakhai, born in 18 (A.H), was head of his tribe in Kufah, Iraq. He was a Muttaqi and a reliable Reporter of Hadith. He was a true friend and learned pupil of Amir al Mumineen. A person of exemplary nature, he refined himself to the highest degree by following Rasulullah(S). Nabavi Tarbiyah and Alavi Talim shined him like a lustrous Ruby. He became the Governor of Heet, Iraq, during the time of Ali, in the year 35-40 (A.H.). Amir al Mumineen instructed him on the general characteristics of a Muslim ruler.

There are a few precise nights, when Allah throws open the doors of Rahmat for humankind. Night of 15th Shab’an is one of those specific chosen nights of Barak’at, when Doa is granted. Amir al Mumineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib taught a Doa to his very close Sahabi, Syedi Kumail Ibn Ziyad al Nakhaee. Shaikh Abu Jafar Mohammad ibn Hasan Tusi has recorded in his famous book, “Misbah al Mutahjjid”: Syedi Kumail narrates that one night Ash’ab of Ali gathered at Masjid al Basrah, one of the Ashaab asked Ali, O Amir al Mumineen! Explain to us the meaning of the Ayah:

“Feeha Yufraqu Kullu Amrin Hakim”

(On that night all divine instructions are given)?

(Surat al Dukh’an, Ayah No. 4)

Ali explained that it is the night of 15th Shab’an Wallah! For people budgets (financial resources) are determined, from this night to the coming 15th Shab’an. Wallah! A Mumin who performs Ibadat is blessed with Barak’at and then they saw the Master of the sword, “Zulfiq’ar” recite Doa al Kumail. Ash’ab of Ali then returned to their homes, but Syedi Kumail knocked at the door of Ali. Without asking who was on the door, Ali said:

“Kumail! What brings you at this late hour of night?”

Kumail replied:

“O Amir al Mumineen! I have come to learn Doa al Khizar”.

Sole Trustee of ‘ilm al Nabi, Ali ibn Abi Talib bestowed tidings to Kumail:

"Allah may protect you from the evils of the enemies and the plots contrived by impostors. O' Kumail! In consideration of your companionship and understanding, I grant you this honor of entrusting this Doa to you”.

As Syedi Kumail becomes the source of transmission of this Doa, therefore, Doa al Khizar is also known as Doa al Kumail. This Doa should be recited every Lailat al Jumuah (night between Thursday & Friday). If not possible, recite once a month, on any Jumuah night. If not possible, recite it on the night of 15th Shab’an; if not possible then, at least, recite once in a lifetime. Amir al Mumineen Ali said:

“Whosoever keeps awake in Ibadat on night of 15th Shab’an and recites Doa al Khizar, undoubtedly that person's Haj’at will be granted by Allah”.

To seek fulfillment of legitimate desires, recite it after Farz Salaat, until the desire is fulfilled. It guarantees safety from the intrigues of enemies, multiplies means of livelihood, and sins are forgiven.

Reciting this Doa with conviction awakens human soul and will invoke Rehmat of Allah. “Al Sahifah al Alaviyah” is read around the world and people are benefited according to their belief and level of understanding. Syedi Kumail spent 18 long years under the divine umbrella of Rasulullah(S). He was blessed with Shahadat, as predicted by Amir al Mumineen Ali. When the tyrant Hajjaj was appointed governor of Iraq, he searched for Kumail, whose only crime was his devotion to Ahl al Bait. Kumail went into seclusion, but when he learnt that Hajjaj had made life difficult for his family and relatives, and put a total ban on food, he came out of seclusion. It was below his dignity that his relatives should suffer because of him. He appeared before Hajjaj Saqafi who threatened to kill him. Syedi Kumail replied:

“Do whatever you wish; my Master has already informed me that you will be my killer. Soon we both will appear in the court of Allah”.

Hajjaj Saqafi instructed the executioner to cut off his head. Kumail was ninety years old. His Shrine is located in Suya, in between Najaf and Kufa (Iraq).

4). Aamaal of 15th Night of Shab’an:

Give Sadaqah in the name of Allah. It is recommended to give Sadaqah in this month even if it is as small as a half date. Giving Sadaqah in this month keeps you away from Jahannam. In this respect, it has been narrated that when Imam Sadiq was asked about the merits of observing Sawm in Rajab, he questioned:

"Why do you not ask about the merits of observing Sawm in Shab’an?"

The narrator asked:

What is then the reward of him who observes Sawm on one day in Shab’an, Yabna Rasulullah(S)? The Imam replied:

"The reward will be Jannah, Wallah."

The narrator then asked again:

"What are the best deeds that should be done in Shab’an?"

The Imam answered:

"Giving Sadaqah and seeking Istaghf’ar are the best Aamaal in Shab’an. Verily, if anyone of you gives Sadaqah in Shab’an, Allah will breed that Sadaqah in the very same way as you breed your small camels. Therefore, this Sadaqah will be as huge as Mount Uhud on the day of Qiyamah."

5). Divine Instructions of Doa:

For better understanding of the divine strategy of Doa it is necessary to know that when the Creator speaks to the created, it is called Wahi and when the created speaks to the Creator, it is called Doa. It is a universal remedy, which has a miraculous power of healing, gifted from the Rahman as a gift of Rehmat. The word “Doa” is derived from the word “D’a ”, which means in Arabi language, to call Allah. This call is very essential to have the nearness of Allah. When all other doors are closed, then Doa is the only hope. The faith of Jews and Christians regarding Doa are totally repugnant to Islam. The Jews have presented the Creator as an embodiment of terror, where scope of Rehmat and Maghfirat is very narrow, while Christians have enlarged the elements of Rehmat and Maghfirat to such an extent that they become ignorant of the outcome of their deeds and rewards. Only Islam provides a total balanced ideology, between these two extreme notions, and beautifully maintains the concept of justice along with Rehmat and Maghfirat. How beautifully an intellectual has explained: There is only one key to happiness, that is Doa. Only the unfortunate ones do not believe in Doa. The punishment and torture of Jahannam are ordained in the Qur’an for the one who does not offer Doa.

Qur’an says:

“Your Lord says: Call to Me, I will answer you. Verily those who are too arrogant to offer Ibadat, due to pride, shall enter in to the Jahannam soon and disgraced”.

(Surah al Mumin,Ayah No. 60)

Imam Ali Zain al Abedeen explained the word of the above Ayat:Ibadat” as Doa, because Doa is a form of Ibadat. Doa is not only a request for a purpose, but it is also an expression of submission with devotion, a request for Rahmat, Maghfirat, Naimat & Naj’at. It is a Hamd of the Creator. Doa is a Sunnat of Anbiya; it is a teaching of Ahl al Bait. Doa in assembly is highly recommended. Doa from the beloved of Allah is not rejected, but granted. While he offers Doa with tears, devotion and repentance, Allah grants his request, and with his Doa the Doa of others are accepted. Precisely, if one offers Doa with devotion, for continuously 40 days, Doa will be answered Inshallah. The motivation of 40-days long Ibadat is derived from the following Hadith:

"Whoever offer Ibadat sincerely for forty (40) days, Allah opens his heart, expands his chest and loosens his tongue to speak with wisdom even though he may be very weak in speaking and understanding”.

(1-“Lub al Lubab”; 2- Bih’ar al Anw’ar, vol.53, page No. 326).

Another Hadith says:

“While forty persons collectively offer Doa for one cause, at one place, Allah grants it, even if they offer Doa for a difficult matter, mountains also move from its site”.

(1-“Mustadrak al Wasail”, vol.5, page No. 239; 2-“Jamey Ahadith al Shia”, vol. No.19, page No. 354)

A tradition transmitted from Imam Sadiq:

“While four people jointly offer Doa for one cause, before their separation, their Doa got the honor of acceptance”.

(“Al Kafi”, vol. No. 2, page No. 487)

Essa (A.S.) was instructed through the Wahi:

“O Essa! Be closer to the congregation of Mumineen and order them to offer Doa with you”.

Imam Jafar Assadiq (d.148 A.H/765 A.H, Jannat al Baqi-Madinah) narrates that when my father Imam Baqir faced problems he gathered women and children of the family and performed Doa and all present over there recited loudly A’meen. Word of A’meen is usually recited after submitting the appeal which means O Allah! Be the witness. Syedna Salman al Farsi (d.33 A.H/653 A.D., Madayn-Iraq) explained that it is a compound sentence created with a verb and noun which means that O Allah! Fulfill my needs. Mosa (A.S.) (13th Century BCE) sent Lanat on Firoon and his supporters and offered Doa O Allah! Crush them and make their hearts fearful, subsequently Haroon(A.S.) (13th Century BCE) recited Aameen. It is also said that A’meen in Hebrew is said as Aam’an. It also points towards the acceptance of agreement, similarly said at the end of any agreement for its acceptance. This is the sentence of proof and witness for any Doa. Based on the above meaning it is mentioned in “Mazamir”, “Save us O our Lord! Attach all nations with peace so that we should approach you, and feel proud to offer you Sajud.

(Kit’ab al Zinat, Syedna Abi Hatim al Razi, Hujjat al Jazirah of Ray, Head of the Dawat mission and responsible to promote the faith of Islam in that region, during the era of 11th Fatemi Imam Abdullah al Mahdi [d.322/934, Mahdiyah, Tunisia],manuscript)

6). Doa al Kumail: Nucleus of ‘Sahifah Alaviyyah’:

“Doa al Kumail” is a peerless precious gem available in the treasure of “Al Sahifah al Alaviyah”. Every sentence of it renders the reader spellbound. As “Surah al Yasin” is considered to be heart of the Qur’an, likewise “Doa al Kumail” is believed to be the nucleus of “Al Sahifah al Alaviyah”. Awliya have composed numerous Ady’at, with the help of a single sentence available in Doa al Kumail. Every single sentence is used as Amal for numerous matters. An excellent Doa of the learned writer of “Al Shamus al Zahirah”, 3rd al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Hatim Mohiyuddin(d.596 A.H/1199 A.D, al Hutaib, Yemen) is an example. He composed one Doa in the fort of Al Hutaib, Hir’az, Yaman, in such a literary manner that he used half a part of the first opening sentence of Doa al Kumail “Allahhumma Inni Asaluka” as beginning of his Doa and the remaining half part as a closing.

(“Shareh Sahifah Alaviyyah”, manuscript).

7). Amal of Doa al Kumail:

Doa al Kumail provides solace here and in the hereafter. It gives Increment in Rizaq for the body and soul. Protects from the Evil Eye, shield from evil sciences, such as Black Magic. It becomes armor for the enemies. In short, it is a cure for all pains, and a solution for all kinds of problems. Doa al Kumail, if recited with firm conviction provides protection from misery, averts calamity, fulfills wishes, and begs forgiveness of sins and source of Naj’aat. Awliya suggested specific sentences of this Doa to be recited a particular numbers of times for the attainment of various purposes. Whenever in trouble, make Wuzu and prepare yourself for Ibadat. Apply Attar and burn Aud, Bukhur, Luban. Offer two Rak’at Sal’at al Hajat, recite Salaw’at eleven times in beginning and at the end of Doa al Kumail. Recite Doa al Kumail with ‘Tazarru’. Inshallah, each legitimate al desire will be fulfilled by Allah. Perform this act. Do this act in darkness of night, in isolation.

The goal of Doa al Kumail is not confined to create Noor in the hearts of those who recite it with full dedication, but its aims are magnificent. It seeks Noorani help, in other words Ta’eed to advance materially, spiritually and intellectually. Read this Doa with full devotion and attention. Turn face towards the Qiblah and recite it with tears flowing. Doa with tears is very dear to Allah. Deeply consider wordings of Amir al Mumineen Ali ibn Abi Talib, he says:

“Ah---the Provision is meager- in quantity- and the journey is long, after departure (death)”

(Nahaj al Balagha).

8). Firework: An Act of Shait’an:

Fireworks and the use of firecrackers during 15th night of Shab’an is Isr’af and Tabzir in the lexicon of Qur’an, which is an act of Shait’an. Muslims parents have a great responsibility to refrain their children, who are un-aware with teachings of Shariah. Muslim Intelligentsia is duty bound to ask others to refrain from these evil acts and instead of blessings not invite curse. Muslims are kept out of hellfire on the night of the 15th of Shab’an that is why it is referred to as “Shab e Bar’aat,” (night of deliverance from sins) in South East Asia.

9). Concluding Remarks:

Finally, concluding this discussion on a few verses of the Manqabat, written by 51st Al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Taher Saifuddin, as “Khit’amah-ul-Misk”-seal of fragrance:

Salaamu Aalaiyka Amir’al Arabe;

Amin’al ilahe Munil’al Arabe

O Amir al Arab! O Trustee of Allah! O distributor of wishes-on behalf of Allah, upon you Sal’am

Shahidtu Beanneka Qumtu Beamaril

ilahe wa Adayytu Ma Qad Wajabe

I testify that you had enforced Laws of Allah and performed obligatory responsibility which was assigned to you

With Salaam, I request you to kindly remember me & my family in your Mubarak Doa, especially when you recite Doa al Kumail. May Allah grant us Sadaat and Arzaaq and provide me Tawfiq and opportunity to complete the ‘Shareh’ of “Doa al Kumail”, Aameen.

Selected Bibliography

1) “Al Qur’an”

2) “Tarikh al Umam wal Muluk”, by: ‘Tabari’, vol. No 2, page No 416 ,Qahera

3) “Risalah al Kamilah Fee Salasah Layalil Fazilah”, 9th Al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Ali bin Syedna Husain (d. 682[A.H]. Sanaa, Yemen),manuscript

4) “Nahj al Balagha”

5) Al Sahifah al Alaviyah”,Najaf

6) Shareh al Akhb’ar,Syedna Qazi al Nauman, Qahera

7) “Diw’an” of Syedna Taher Saifuddin, Published in Dubai

8) “Al Sahifah Husainyah”,Qum,Iran

9) Kit’ab al Zinat,Syedna Abi Hatim al Razi,manuscript

10) Sharh Nahaj al Balagha”, by: Izzuddin ibn Abi al Hadid al Mu'tazili

11) “Diw’an” of Syedna Abu Moin Hamiduddin Nasir Khusraw,

12) “Sirah al Halbiyah”, Vol. No.1

13) “Diw’an”, Shams Tabriz”,

14) “Kafi”, vol. No. 1, Page No 42

15) “Rabi al Abrar wa Nusus al Akhbar”, Abil Qasim Mehmud b. Umar al Zamakhshari, vol No. 3,Pg No 219

16) “Al Adyat al Moayyadiyah”,

17) “Lub al Lubab”

18) “Bih’ar al Anw’ar”, vol.53, page No. 326,

19) “Mustadrak al Wasail”, vol.5, page No. 239

20) “Jamey Ahadith al Shia”,vol. No.19,page No. 354

21) “Al Kafi”, vol. No. 2, page No. 487

22) “Mazamir”

23) “Misbah al Mutahjjid”, Shaikh Abu Jafar Mohammad ibn Hasan Tusi, Qum

The Writer is Attorney at Law & Religious Scholar

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