Battle of Khandaq

According to different traditions the Battle of Khandaq was fought on the 2nd or 4th or 9th of Shawwal in the 5th year of Hijrah.

This battle was fought in Madina. Hazrat Salman Farsi(a.r.) counseled for a Khandaq (trench) to be built around the city of Madina to fight the combined army of Mushrikeen-e-Makkah and Pagans. The trench prevented the strong army of 24,000 of the infidels to enter the city to fight against around 3,000 muslims. This army of infidels was led by Abu Sufyan and Khalid bin Walid.

A siege was laid around the city for about 27 days. Finally a strongman among the Pagan army – Amr bin Adbuwud endeavored to cross the trench together with six of his companions and challenged the muslim army. The Muslims were frightened by the stories told about the bravery and strength of Amr by some of the munafiqeen among the muslims. Amr challenged the muslims three times and all the three times only Maula Ali(a.s.) responded by seeking permission of Prophet Muhammad(sawaw) to go and fight Amr. When nobody else came forward among the Muslms, finally the Prophet Muhammad(sawaw) gave permission to Maula Ali(a.s.). and stated that “The total Imaan(faith) is going against the total Kufr (infidalism)”. He also said that “The total Islam is going against the total Kufr”.

Maula Ali(a.s.) fought with his traditional furor and killed Amr after a fierce battle. He had Amr’s head in one hand and a blood-soaked sword in the other when he returned to the Prophet(sawaw). On seeing him, Prophet(sawaw) said "One stroke of Ali at the day of Khandaq is heavier than all the good deeds of my Ummah until the day of judgement" (Maqtal Khawarzmi Page 45, Yanab al-Muwaddah Page 95, Moaraj un-Nabuwwah 4:130). At the same time Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) also said to Maula Ali(a.s.) "Congratulations to you Ali, if this act of yours toaday is compared with the with good deeds of my entire Ummah then your this act would still be heavier." (Yanabe al-Muwaddah Page 96).

A general battle was avoided after the killing of Amr and a few other important fighters of the infidels. In addition, the weather conditions deteriorated and the infidel army was forced to withdraw.

It is very important to note that this grand victory of Maula Ali(a.s.) and his show of courage at a time when all other Sahaba were afraid of Amr ibne-Abduwud laid the foundation for strengthening of the position of Muslims. Had Amr succeeded in terrorizing the Muslims, it would have been utterly difficult to overcome that fear and move forward.

A complete investigative account of the Battle of Khandaq is available on the site at including relevant references from both Shia and Sunni sources.


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