Three greater sins

Salamun Alaikum Brother's and Sister's,

Confiscating a Kafir’s Soul through Torture

By: Ayatullah Shaheed Dastghaib Shiraazi

There is a hadith in Biharul Anwaar volume three. According to it once the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) went to visit his cousin brother Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.). The latter was suffering from an illness of eyes. He was sighing and groaning due to acute pain despite the fact that he was a mountain of patience in bearing troubles.

At that time the Holy Prophet gave Ali a frightening news which made the latter forget his pain. The Holy Prophet said: O Ali! The archangel Jibraeel has informed me that when the time of taking soul of a Kafir comes some angels of torture arrive and retrieve his soul hitting him with bars and whips of fire. Ali (a.s.) asked: O Messenger of Allah! Does such a terrible thing happen to anyone from your Ummah also?

The Holy Prophet said: Yes, even in Muslims there are three groups whose souls are taken in this harsh manner: First is a tyrant ruler. Second, who eats the wealth of an orphan and the third is the one who gives false witness.

A Student Of Fuzail Who Died The Death Of A Disbeliever

Biographers have written that when the time of death approached his most knowledgeable and intelligent student, Fuzail and some other persons went to see him. Fuzail began to recite Surah Yasin.

The unfortunate student at that time hit his teacher Fuzail saying: I do not want you to recite the Surah (Quran). Just think over the bad luck of a man who had learnt the Holy Quran throughout his life and who had spent a lot of his life time in mosques and madressas and assemblies of worships and prayers, at his last moment says: I do not want you to recite Quran before me! The unfortunate fellow did not recite even the Shahaadatain and passed away from this world.

This made Fuzail extremely sorrowful. He took to a corner of his house and stopped going out until he saw his unlucky student in a dream and asked him the cause of his bad behavior on his deathbed. The late student said: I had three evil habits due to which I left the world in a state of a disbeliever. The three evils were:

I was jealous and never liked that anyone should surpass me.

Yes, jealousy is the bad habit which destroys faith just as fire reduces wood to ash. (Sum Ma…Yastahzioo: S. Room, V: 10).

Dying In Disbelief Due To Sinning

The second evil habit was backbiting and inciting one against another. It causes separation even between a man and his life. Therefore if some one backbites someone else before you then you should not tell the latter the former was speaking ill of you. Rather, in order to remove dislike between the two, you may tell one that the other was praising and using good words.

Remember that it is no evil to tell untruth with a view to remove ill will and mistrust between two persons because the intention is only to improve relations between two brothers.

There is a Persian proverb: "Durooghe Maslehat Aameez Beh Az Raastiya Fitnah Angeez" meaning: Untruth resulting in improvement of relations is better than a truth causing strife.

Contrary to it, backbiting is the worst evil as it besides increasing ill will and enmity between two human beings, deprives the bitten one of his peace and calm. Then it sows a seed of trouble and unrest which is worse than murder. (Wal Fitnatu… S. Baqarah V: 191 and Wal…S. Baqarah V: 217).

The third evil which was found in that student of Fuzail was that of wine drinking.

These were the three greater sins which cause a man die faithful even though he was a scholar and a high-class teacher. (Greater sins have been discussed in detail in Hazrat Ayatullah Dastgaib's book in Gunahane Kabirah).

May Allah Protect us from Evil deeds and forgive our sins and hasten the Re-appearance of Imam Mehdi(a.t.f.s)

Iltaemas e dua


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