
Showing posts from July, 2008

The Holy Quran and Religion in the Last Era

AL MUNTAZAR section=Shabaan&source=85& article=211 Islam is the religion chosen by Allah. The Holy Quran is the book revealed by Allah which will continue to guide those who fear Him and those that guard against evil till the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.) - the last and final prophet was sent by Allah with the station of messengership for the propagation of Islam. Allah appointed twelve protectors; one followed by another, and granted them authority and raised them to the distinguished position of Imamat after the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) for the protection of Islam and His Book. He granted a long life to the twelfth Imam (a.t.f.s.) and concealed him through occultation, thus completing His Proof upon the people. He also promised that at an appointed hour He would cause the last Imam (a.t.f.s.) to reappear and through him, fill the earth with justice and equality just as it would be rife with inju...

Dr. Herbert's Journey to ISLAM

Dr. Herbert's Journey to ISLAM -Dr. Abdul Karim Herbert forum/showthread.php?t=14158 Why did I embrace Islam? My only convincing answer to this question is that Almighty God in His Glory helped me in admitting the Greatest Truth and testifying to the biggest reality to the world. I, however, know fully well that human nature and its disposition refuse to be convinced of certain facts and realities without satisfactory proofs and cogent arguments. Keeping in view man's nature, I feel that this reply of mine would not satisfy those who are not inclined towards, nor do they feel any interest in, searching for the Truth, nor those on whom the light of truth has not dawned. I am, therefore, left with no alternative but to reduce to writing some of the reasons and causes that induced me to embrace Islam and to stick to it. While staying in a European society, I express my joy and jubiliation, that the people living in these societies do not change t...

How I became Muslim

How I became Muslim A must read testimony for every Muslim and non-Muslim By S. Ghaffan In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful I was born of staunch Catholic Christian parents. My father was a preacher who knew the Bible almost by heart my mother, an orthodox Catholic, would only give us the morning coffee after her return from Church. Even from my youngest days, I was made to memorize certain verses from the Bible. By the time I had completed the study of all the four Gospels and knew many important verses, in those four books, by heart. My father sometimes took me along with him when he went to preach, and from the special attention he paid to my knowing certain controversial points, and his teaching me the methods of explaining to the others those intricacies, it was quite obvious that he wanted me to succeed him in his profession. The strong desire of the paternal love to make me a priest was implemented by educating me with a detailed knowledge of the B...