Miraculous Words of Ali-"Nahaj al Balagha"

Miraculous Words of Ali-"Nahaj al Balagha"

By: Qazi Dr. Shaikh Abbas Borhany

PhD (USA), NDI, Shahadat al A'alamiyah (Najaf, Iraq), M.A., LLM (Shariah)

Member, Ulama Council of Pakistan

Published: "Daily News", Karachi, Pakistan on 18-07-2008

Part I

"Nahj al Balagha" is a collection of the sayings, speeches and correspondences of Amir al Mumeneen Ali, which was compiled by Syed Razi; towards the close of the 4th Century A.H. This celebrated book comprises of 242 sermons, 79 letters and 498 selected sayings of divine wisdom of Amir al Mumeneen, Ali, which contains an ocean of ilm, from the creation to the eternity. Naturally, to collect all the wordings of Ali in single volume is beyond the power of single person, some sources, other then "Nahj al Balagha" are also worthy of mention in this regard, such as: "Ghurar al Hikam wa Durar al Kilam", "Mustadrak Nahaj al Balagha". The words of Ali are rays of light of Hidayat and the fountainhead of Hikmat. He was brought up in the lap of Nubuwat, and was nurtured by sucking the saliva of Risalat. Every word of his sentence is an ocean of Hikmat and Treasure of Knowledge. He wears all the crowns of excellence. His garden is full with the flowers of achievements. Therefore, he magnanimously bestowed lustrous pearls of Hikmat. In fact he is the distributor of "Al Kawsar", who showered "blessings of "ilmu Min'al Kit'ab"-Knowledge from the Book (Qur'an), to the seekers. It was Rasulullah (S) who directed the Ummah to learn ilm from Ali. 51st Al Dai al Fatemi, Syedna Taher Saifuddin (d.1385/1965, Mumbai, India) reminded the unique status of Ali, recorded in the Hadith, through a beautiful verse as follows:

"Rasulullahe Kana Madinat'al ilme;

Kana Laha Aliyuan Khaira B'abe"

(Rasulullah(S) was the city of Knowledge; while Ali was its Gateway)

Ali spent his life in Ibadat, virtual, physical and spiritual, and attained Shahadat for the Sadat of the Ummat. Amir al Mumeneen, Ali occupies a place of greatness and grandeur in the world of literature among Arab and Ajam. Arabi prose and poetry achieved excellence due to him and he conferred a new manner of writing. Today, when prose and poetry have both accomplished tremendous progress, nothing can match the chaste style of Ali al Murtaza. The most prominent quality of his style is its similarity with the approach to the Qur'an, which is full of Haqaiq. Scholars of high caliber can find solution of each problem from the wordings of Ali. He is the pioneer Hakim-e-Rabbani, who has discussed Tawhid, and explained the Mudabbir from a logical point, and etches the first and last impression in ilm al ilahiy'aat. The learned knows well that topic of ilahiy'aat is one of the most difficult subjects; and they also agreed that it was Ali and Ali alone who solved the problems and difficulties of this subject. Tawhid, which contains the proof of the Mudabbir, and introduction and functions of the Uqul, Luh and Qalam, Akw'ar and Adw'ar, has all been explained by him, beautifully.

Philosophers have admitted that it is beyond the power of wisdom to even discuss mono-reality, which is called Sirriyat. The entire system of science is based on obvious objects, which in the terminology of Qur'an is called A'alam al Shahadat. Philosophy is the science, to explain the ultimate reality of A'alam al Shahadat, which belongs to Ghaib. Human intelligence is not enough, to touch the precincts of Ghaib, unless one is blessed with the blessings of Al ilm al Laddunni. In "Nahj al Balagha", whoever wishes to search out, he would find so much material about it that a sizeable book can be compiled from, out of it. It is not only a treasure of Arabi literature, but also an undying miracle of Hashmi oratory and the fountainhead of all qualities of meaning and expression. In it Ali had discussed non countable issues, which is not found even in Encyclopedias.

Famous commentator of "Nahj al Balagha", Allamah Ibn Abil Hadeed al Mutazali has rightly said:

"Ali's eloquence is such that he is the leader of the eloquent, and the chief of the rhetoricians. Ali's wordings are below the words of the Creator, but above the words of all the created ones, from him the world has learnt the art of oratory. Each time that I read "Nahaj al Balagha", new points emerge into my mind, with the conclusion that if I read it throughout my whole life, even then I would be unable to comprehend it fully".

Famous pupil of Syedna al Moayyad al Shirazi (d. d.470/1078, Qahera, Egypt), known among the Orientals as `Ruby of Badakhsahan', Hujjat of Khurasan, Syedna Abu Moinuddin Nasir Khusraw (d.481, A.H. Yamgan) says:

"Khatibane Huma Aa'jiz Andar Khitabish;

Hizar'brane Huma Ruba Andar Ghubarish"

(Prominent orators of the world are helpless before the commanding ability of oration of Ali; and all the braves of the world are like a fox when compared to the heroic courage of Ali).

"Huma ilm Ast Ba Taede Ezad;

Yaki Qatrah Khurad Bud Az Baharish"

(With the Ta'ed of the Ezad (Allah) the collective Knowledge of the entire Ummah in comparison to Ali's ocean of Knowledge, is like a drop).

Doubtlessly, "Nahj al Balagha" is a collection of such miraculous wordings where bird of intellect have no access, because scissor of helplessness cuts off its wings. To prove its reality, we must examine the conclusion of top world intellectuals, orators, and of those who express their opinion on philosophy and wisdom, poetry, courtesy and civilized behavior, sermon and advice, science, and all existing things, it would be obvious that the Creator has conferred zest according to one's capabilities. Some have been endowed with the quality of description of places in their treasure of ability. Some have been blessed with the best capability of writing. Some were enriched with the distinction of poetry writing in their intellectual lap. It is an undeniable fact that when even the best poet steps into the field of writing, the light of his perfection is dimmed. When a mournful writer turns his attention to humor, the flow of his pen slows down considerably. However, in "Nahj al Balagha" everyone can judge easily that Ali is a conqueror of all the branches of literature.

The wordings of Ali are a rosary of pearls from the beginning to the end; each pearl is similar in luster and perfection. Even prejudiced, who do not accept the "Nahj al Balagha" as wordings of Ali, are compelled to admit that it is a unique miracle of literature. Some short sighted and so called intellectuals think that the teaching of "Nahj al Balagha" is an impediment in the way of progress. No doubt Amir al Mumeneen, Ali was not in favor of colouring the teaching of Islam in the manner of Roman emperors or the Ceaser. It is also note worthy that he also did not promote teaching of Ruhbaniyat-celibacy. Rather he taught to build Duniya and Akhirat, which is much mire difficult than celibacy. Qur'an extended the teaching of "Amarat al Duniya wal Akhirat"-Progress in the world with the preparation of hereafter. Likewise "Nahj al Balagha" deals this topic with others. It contains new meanings, deep and humorous points as well.

Many sermons-wordings of Ali are still behind the curtain, researchers have no access to theirs; they are preserved in the manuscripts, available in different private collections, known as Khazain (plural, Khazana). During the long course of history, one who discussed first- sayings of Ali ibn Abi Talib, with the meaning of Tawhid, and very well explained it was the celebrated author of the `Rasael' "Ikhwan us Safa". Its writer is known as "Al Shakhs al Fazil-Sahib al Rasael", whose name is Imam Ahmad al Mastur (d. Salamiyah, Syria). In these `Rasael', amazing facts and wonders are discussed with philosophical approach, opening many vistas of learning, for the seeker of science of Tawhid. Numbers of books have been written on the `Rasael', yet no one can counter the rational discussion of Tawhid proved by the `Learned Author'. These `Rasael' were compiled specifically to counter anti-Islam approach and to explain the real meaning of Tawhid and its Faiz, which explained by Ali. 8th Ithna Ashari Imam, Ali al Raza (d.29th Safar 203A.H) poisoned by Abbasid emperor Mamoon (786-833 A.D), prior to the distribution of the "Rasail Ikhwaan as Safa". Mamun Abbasi not only adopted but propagated Aqidah of Mutazaliyah, founded by Wasil bin Ata (d.2nd Century A.H). Government Agencies enforced and imposed this anti-Islam Aqidah upon the Muslims. Even after the death of Mamun, the succeeding Abbasid monarchs extensively promulgated Mutazaliyah's Aqidah. During this awful repugnant to Shariyat state of affairs, Imam Ahmad al Mastur came in the field with force and demonstrated the divine wisdom, in colour of philosophy to establish the necessity of the Shariat. He compiled 52 volumes; each discussed different branches of Knowledge, based on a few words of Ali.

During the era of Fatemi Imam Abdullah al Mahdi (d.322/934, Mahdiyah, Tunisia), a native of Nakhshab, in the region of Mavara-al-Nehar, Syedna Abu Abdullah al Nasafi (d.331 A.H.) has written a famous treatise: "Al Mahsul". He was "Hujjat al Jazirah" of Khurasan (according to the Ismail Dawah setup, world is divided in to 12 Jazair-continents, head of the each continents entitled: `Hujjat'), with additional charge of Turkistan and Bukhara, on behalf of the Fatemi Imam. He discussed the topic of Tawhid, with especial reference of the eternal world. His arguments based on the wordings of Amir al Mumineen, Ali. Likewise Syedna Abi Yaqub al Sijistani (d.331 A.H. /942 C.E.) was one of the paramount intellects of his time. He was pupil of Syedna Nasafi and had written a number of books, on ilahiy'at, elaborating the wordings of Amir al Mumineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib. He completed his education in Yemen and began to spread the Science of Islam from the mountainous region of Hir'az, Yemen. He differed in interpretation, discussed by the learned author of "Kit'ab al Zinat", Syedna Abu Hatim al Razi (d.322 A.H.), another "Hujjat al Jazirah", earlier than him. Syedna Abi Yaqub al Sijistani seconded his mentor, by writing "Kit'ab al Nusrat". This difference of approach was later concluded by his pupil, Syedna Hamiduddin al Kirmani (d. in between 411-427 A.H.), "Baab al Abw'ab" (the highest spiritual status, after the Mansoos of the Imam, in the Fatemi Dawat hierarchy), through "Kit'ab al Riyaz", during the era of Fatemi Imam al Hakim (d.411/1021, Qahera, Egypt).

"Bab Madinat al ilm", Ali had informed the esoteric meaning of the following Hadith:

"Innaha Lav Wuzi'at Fee Kaffate Mizan Wa Wuziat al Samae Wal Arze Wama Baena'huma Fil Kaffat'il Ukhra La Rajahat Kalimat'il Ikhl'as"- If on a scale, if the skies and earth and what is in between them is placed on one side, and on the other side, "Kalimat al Ikhl'as" the side having Kalimah will be heavier.

Syedna Hamiduddin al Kirmani written Tafsir-interpretation of the above saying of Ali and created his work of genius: "Rahat al Aqal"-`Peace of intellect', in the final phase of his life, around 410 (A.H).

"Jahiz" had criticized a few wordings of Amir al Mumineen. Syedna Hamiduddin al Kirmani very nicely encountered him in length in another work: "Masim al Huda". It is also worthwhile to discuss the contribution of Syedna Al Qazi al Nauman (d.363/974 C.E. Qahera, Egypt). He had written a book under the instruction of the Fatemi Imam al Moiz (d.365/975, Qahera, Egypt), which is known as: "Kit'ab al Tawhid Wal Imamat Min Khutub Amir al Mumineen, Ali ibn Abi Talib". Twelve sermons, which are available in the above treatise, are absent in the collection of "Nahaj al Balagha". Likewise, in his celebrated work: "Daem al Islam", we find a few valuable sermons of Ali, which are also absent in "Nahaj al Balagha". One more book, which he had written on the above subject, is "Isb'at al Haqaiq Fee Marifat Tawhid al Khaliq". Afterwards, Syedna al Moayyad al Shirazi (d.470/1078, Qahera, Egypt) interpreted the sayings of Ali ibn Abi Talib in his famous "Majalis", which is available in eight volumes. Each volume contains one-hundred Majalis. Like his predecessor, Syedna Hamiduddin, he was also "B'ab al Abw'ab". He played a significant role of a bridge, to transfer the sacred science for coming generations to come, in Satar-seclusion, under the instructions of the 19th Fatemi Imam al Mustansir (d.487/1094, Qahera, Egypt).

The writer is Attorney at Law & Religious Scholar

Email address: qazishkborhany@hotmail.com

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