Intercession and Help in Lawful Marriage

Intercession and Help in Lawful Marriage

The Holy Prophet (p.h.u.h.) said: "He who struggles to join two Muslim believers in lawful marriage that they marry under the divine law, Allah will give him in marriage from the black-eyed houri (damsels in Heaven), and there will be for him the reward of one year of worshipping for every step he takes or word he speaks."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 221

Imam Amir-ul-Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "The best mediations is it that you intercede between two persons for lawful marriage so that they both marry under the law of Allah.

AI-Tahthib, vol.7, p. 415 & Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 331

Imam al-Kadhim [a] said: On the Judgement Day, the Day in which there is no shade except the shade of Allah's Mercy, three varieties will avail of the shade of Allah's Throne: the man who caused the marriage of his Muslim brother, or he who served him, or the one who concealed his secrets for his sake."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 356

Imam Sadiq [a] said: "He who unites an unmarried person in wedlock will be of those on whom Allah will look at (mercifully) on the Resurrection Day."

AI-Tahthib, vol. 7, p. 404

Imam al-Kadhim [a] said: "On the Reckoning Day, Allah has a special shade of Mercy to spread under which none will reside except the prophets, or their vicegerents, or a believer who frees a believing slave, or a believer who pays the debt of another believing one, or a believer who unites in wedlock a believing unmarried one."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 74, p. 356

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who tries to join two Muslim believers in lawful marriage so that they marry under the divine law, Allah will join one thousand Houries (damsels of Heaven with black large eyes) in marriage with him each of whom will be in a castle from pearls and rubies."

Wasa'il ush-Shi'ah, vol. 20, p. 46


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