The Muslim Ummah at the End of the Time

The Muslim Ummah at the End of the Time

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "There will come a time for people that: they will not respect their scholars except for their good clothing; they will not hearken to the Qur'an except for the pleasant voice; and they will not worship Allah except for during the fasting month; there will be no shyness in their women, no patience in their poor ones; and no prosperity for their rich ones, they will not be contented with a small (portion), and they will not be satiated with abundance. They will strive (only) for their stomach; their religion is their money (wealth); their women are their Qiblah (direction of worship); and their homes are their mosques; they run away from their scholars just as lambs run away from wolves.

Then, when they become like that, the Lord will afflict them with three conditions. At first, He takes the prosperity from their properties. The second is that a cruel ruler will dominate them. The third is that they will pass away from this world without having (true) Faith."

Waqayi'-ul-'Ayyam, p. 439

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "There will come a time for my Ummah when their rulers will be cruel, their scholars will be greedy and have little piety, their worshippers (will act) hypocritically, their merchants will commit usury and conceal the defects of their buyings and sellings and their women will be busy with the ornaments of the world. Hence, at this time, the most vicious of them will dominate over them, and their good doers will invocate but they will not be answered."

Bihar-uI-Anwar, vol. 23, p. 22

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "There will come a time for my Ummah when they will love five things while neglecting five others:

They will love this world and neglect the next world.

They will love wealth and forget (the Day of) Reckoning.

They (their men) will love (corruptive) women and forget the houries.

They will love buildings and forget the graves.

And, they will love (their) selves and forget the Lord. Those (such people) dislike me and I, too, dislike them."

Al-Ithna 'Ashariyyah, p. 202


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