islamic ebooks page 1

Al-Miqdad b. Al-Aswad by Br. Kamal al-Syyed Views: 10003
Biography of the companion of the Prophet (s).

Al-Mizan: An exegesis of the Qur'an by Allamah as-Sayyid Muhammad Husayn al-Tabataba'i Views: 15556
The first volume of the renown commentary on the Qur'an written by one of the greatest commentators on the Qur'an in modern times. Sura al-Fatiha and Sura al-Baqara verses 1-93 (corresponds to Volume 1 of the English translation of this work). Translated by Sayyid Akhtar Rizvi.

Al-Muraja'at (The Right Path) by Sayyid 'Abd al-Husayn Sharaf al-Din Views: 20845
A series of letters debating Shi'i and Sunni beliefs between the late Shi'i scholar Sharaf al-Din, and the late Sunni scholar and head of Al-Azhar university.

Al-Serat Journal Archives Views: 8910
Collection of articles from a journal of Islamic Studies published by the Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Allah: The Concept of God in Islam by Yasin T. al-Jibouri Views: 12497
Knowing God, His 99 attributes, the Unity of God, and supplicating to Him

Ammar b. Yasir by Br. Kamal al-Syyed Views: 10204
Biography of the great companion of the Prophet (s).

Ammar Yasir (ra) - A Companion of the Prophet (s) by Sadruddin Sharafuddin al-Amili Views: 7190

An Introduction to the Glorious Qur'an by Bahram Samii Views: 9049
A simple exposition of the way in which the Qur' an presents itself in its own terms and how this can be disclosed through a careful reading of the text. It answers several common questions about the Qur'an.

Anecdotes for Reflection by Sayyid Ali Akber Sadaaqat Views: 11238
Moral stories from the lives of the prophets, the Ahlul Bayt, and their companions. Includes topics such as sincerity, hope, altruism, and independence.

Arabic Accounts of al-Husayn's Martyrdom by I.K.A Howard Views: 12016
An attempt to reconstruct the tradition of historical writing about the martyrdom of the Imam al‑Husayn. The narrative into 8 distinct sections.

Arabic Grammar for the Holy Qur'an by Al-Qaem Institute Views: 3488
Published by Hawzat al-Qaem under the auspices of Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeya (I.M.A.M.)

This e-book covers the Arabic Alphabet and the Arabic Noun, including Prepositions, Nouns: Singular, Dual and Plural (Sound and Broken Plurals), Detached and Attached Pronouns, Demonstrative Nouns, Relative Nouns, and Verbal Nouns. The Arabic Verb is NOT covered in this document (i.e. it discusses Nahw but not Sarf).

Ashura Encyclpopedia by Jawad Muhaddithy Views: 9681
Detailed accounts of people, places and events surrounding the al-Taff Battle and the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (a), members of his huosehold and companions on Ashura Day.


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