islamic ebooks page 6

A Shi'ite Encyclopediapick Views: 148441
A vast collection of information that addresses Shi`a/Sunni inter-school related issues.

Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya (The Psalms of Islam)pick by Imam Ali Zaynul 'Abidin (a) Views: 107229
A collection of supplications and whispered prayers composed by the great-grandson of the Prophet (s). Includes supplication for the Coming of the Month of Ramadhan, and supplication for Bidding Farewell to the Month of Ramadhan.

Islamic Lawspick by Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Sistani Views: 115880
Laws on cleanliness, prayers, fasting, hajj, transactions, marriage, and other topics. According to the risalah of Ayatullah Ali al-Husayni Al-Sistani.

Nahj al-Balagha (Sermons, Letters, Sayings of Imam Ali)pick Views: 109711
The English translation (accompanied with original Arabic text) of the supremely eloquent sayings and sermons of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him). Nahj al-Balagha contains over 200 sermons given by Imam Ali (a), dealing with a wide variety of topics including our existence, relationship with the Almighty, building a God-fearing personality, and the Imam's (a) reflections upon historical incidents.

Supplication of Kumaylpick Views: 54694
Arabic text, English translation, commentary, and audio recitation of this famous supplication that Ameer al-Mu'mineen Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (a) taught to his companion Kumayl ibn Ziyad (r).

A Bundle of Flowers Views: 16383
An excellent collection of traditions from the Ahlul Bayt, organized according to topics such as the knowledge of God, Invocation and social issues.

A closer look at Christianity by Mohamed Qasem Views: 13373
A discussion on Jesus (Prophet Isa), including the questions Who is Jesus?, is he the son of God?, and was he sent down to be crucified?

A Glance at the Life of the Holy Prophet of Islam by Dar Rah Haqq's Board of Writers Views: 13634
A comprehensive biogrophy of the life of the Final Messenger of God (s), from his birth to events immediately after his death.

A History of Muslim Philosophy Views: 10201
Pre-Islamic philosophy in India, China, Greece and Arabia. Philosophical teachings of the Qur'an. Major philosophical groups in Islamic history, including Mu'tazilism, Ash'arism, and Zahirism.

A Manual of Ramadhan Devotions Views: 28498
The arabic text, english translations, and audio recordings of supplications recited in Ramadhan, including Du'a Iftitah, the A'amal of Laylatul Qadr, and sermon of the Prophet (s) welcoming the month of Ramadhan (Ramadan).

A New Perspective: Women in Islam by Sayyid Moustafa al Qazwini & Fatma Saleh Views: 5905
"A New Perspective" is a dialogue between an Islamic scholar and a Muslim woman. The book discusses and expounds various issues regarding the rights and laws that pertain to women in Islam, and unwraps some of the distorted images and misconceptions that surround Muslim women.

A Probe into the History of Ashura by Dr Ibrahim Ayati Views: 15322
A history of the events leading to and including the tragedy of Karbala, and its aftermath.

A Restatement of the History of Islam and Muslims by Sayyid Ali Ashger Razwy Views: 20076
A new story of Islam. The story of the movement which was launched by Muhammad (s) in Makkah, and was consummated with the support of his cousin, collaborator, and vicegerent 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (a). It covers a period of ninety years from A.D. 570 to A.D. 661.

A Shi'ite Anthology by 'Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Tabataba'i Views: 13441
A collection of sayings, sermons, prayers and writings that cover the three basic dimensions of Shi'ite tradition: 1. The Unity of God 2. The political, social and moral teachings and 3. The spiritual life. Translated by William Chittick, and Introduction by Seyyed Hossein Nasr.

A Short History of 'Ilmul Usul by Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr Views: 9759
A discussion of 'Ilm al-Usul (the science of the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence), including its need, importance, and history.

A Short Treatise on The Divine Invitation by Muhammad M. Khalfan Views: 10537
This book discusses why the Holy Month of Ramadān described by the Holy Prophet (s) as ‘The Banquet of Allāh’ and what it means to be his special Guest.

A Summary of Logic by Sayyid Sadiq Shirazi Views: 8082
Al-Mujaz fi al-Mantiq - A Summary of Logic. Translated by Shaykh Ali Abdur-Rasheed.

Copyright 2006 Madani E-Publications ( All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the translator is prohibited. is grateful to the translator for his written permission to host this work.

A Summary of Tasreef - Part 1/2 by Shaykh Ali Abdur-Rasheed Views: 7017
Al-Mujaz fi al-Tasreef - A Concise Treatise on The Morphology of the Arabic Word.
PART ONE: THE VERB (pages 1-315).
Second Edition. Madani E-Publications ( All rights reserved by the Author. Reproduction of this publication in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the author is prohibited. is grateful to the author for his written permission to host this work.

A Summary of Tasreef - Part 2/2 by Shaykh Ali Abdur-Rasheed Views: 6553
Al-Mujaz fi al-Tasreef - A Concise Treatise on The Morphology of the Arabic Word.
PART TWO: THE NOUN (pages 316-443)
Second Edition. Madani E-Publications ( All rights reserved by the Author. Reproduction of this publication in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the author is prohibited. is grateful to the author for his written permission to host this work.

A'zadari - 40 Ahadith

Abu Dharr (r): A Great Companion of the Prophet (s) by A Group of Scholars Views: 7049

Abu Dharr al-Ghifari by Br. Kamal al-Syyed Views: 17387
Biography of the devoted companion of the Prophet (s).

Abu Talib b. 'Abdul Muttalib by Br. Kamal al-Syyed Views: 12916
Biography of the uncle of the Prophet (s).

Adabus Salat by Imam Khomeini Views: 19901
A detailed explanation of the strict disciplines and moral secrets of prayer, written by Imam Khomeini for the general public.

Al Siraj: The Lantern on the Path to Allah Almighty by Husain ibn 'Ali ibn Sadiq al Bahrani Views: 11004
A guide for spiritual wayfarers on ethics and ways to strengthen one's faith, with the goal to reach Allah (swt).

Al-Abbas Views: 5322
The life, characteristics, and family of Al-Abbas, the loyal brother and companion of Imam Husayn (a).

Al-Amali Views: 12792
Dictations of ahadith (traditions) by the great Shi'i schol


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