islamic ebooks page 5

Inquiries about Islam by Shaykh Mohamad Jawad Chirri Views: 26612
An exchange of letters that took place between the Muslim scholar, Imam Mohamad Jawad Chirri, and Dr. Wilson H. Guertin, that led Dr. Guertin to accept Islam. Writes Dr. Guertin: "If you are a Muslim, read this book out of the obligation to acquire knowledge. If you are a Jew or Christian, read it for the same devout motive. Comparative study of religions may be unsettling if your belief in God is based upon non-rational grounds but can only have the ultimately desired result of strengthening your belief. The pervasive belief in God as represented in our motives must be the goal which our religious educators work toward, with gains in sectarian support becoming quite secondary... If you are unable to say that you believe in God, you can still find value in the study of religion. In the following pages of dialogue, you will be pursuing some of the most important concerns of mankind that can be traced back to the beginning of recorded history. The thoughts and historical events are important in their own right, and perhaps you will, as I have, find the way to a belief in God through them."

Inquiries about Shi'a Islam by Sayyid Moustafa al-Qazwini Views: 14407
An excellent introduction to the major doctrines of Shi'i Islam, including an explanation of the Ahlul Bayt, infallibility, intercession, dissimulation, companions and wives of the Prophet, and other schools of Islamic thought.

Introduction to the Science of Tafsir of the Quran by Ayatullah Jafar Subhani Views: 5484
A discussion of the rules governing the interpretation of the Holy Quran.

Invitation to Islam by Sayyid Moustafa al-Qazwini Views: 22707
An excellent introduction to 'What is Islam?', the main Islamic beliefs and practices, religious texts, as well as other Islamic issues such as marriage, social life, women and law.

Invitation to Islam: A survival guide by Thomas McElwain Views: 8463
This work is geared towards a Muslim audience. The author's intention is to make Muslim contacts with those of other faiths more productive. Includes spirituality, theological differences between Christianity and Islam, practices compared, secularism, and da'wa (call to faith).

Islam by Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi Views: 3106
A transcript of a series of lectures on the fundamental roots of Islam.

Islam and Nationalism by Dr. Ali Mohammed Naqvi Views: 5372
An analysis showing how far Islam and Nationalism are compatible. Some questions that are answered "Can an individual be a Muslim believer and a faithful nationalist at the same time? , What has been the historical course of the birth and spread of nationalism in Islamic countries? "

Islam and Religious Pluralism by Shahid Ayatullah Murtadha Muttahari Views: 9238
An indepth discussion on the Islamic perspective of Religious Pluralism. This book offers rational answers to questions such as: will the great inventors and scientists, despite their worthy services for humanity, go to Hell? Will the likes of Pasteur and Edison go to Hell whilst indolent people who have spent their lives in a corner of the Masjid go to Heaven?

Islam In the Bible by Thomas McElwain Views: 24018
Common beliefs and practices in Islam and Christianity including the concept of God, Divine Guidance, leadership, prayer, fasting, sacrifice and marriage.

Islam, Dialogue and Civil Society by Sayyid Muhammad Khatami Views: 11309
Dialogues among civilizations, Islamic world and modern changes, reason and religion, freedom and development, and traditions and modernity.

Islam: Faith, Practice & History by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi Views: 6451
An introductory treatise on Islamic beliefs, laws and ethics as well as the early history of the faith in fifty lessons.

Islamic Doctrines Simplified Views: 11190
Simple passages on Islamic beliefs about God, Prophethood and the Day of Judgement.

Islamic Family Life Ethics by Ayatullah Hussain Madhahiri Views: 5877
This book is a presentation of 24 illuminating talks given by Ayatullah Hussein Madhahiri to highlight the concept of the home and family in Islam; a concept that is based on faith and love.

Islamic Family Structure by Husayn Ansarian Views: 15949
Derived from thirty lectures given on various topics relating to the Islamic family structure. Includes topics on marriage, relationships among family members, pregnancy, and raising children.

Islamic Government: Governance of the Jurist by Imam Khomeini Views: 6676
This book originated in a series of lectures given at Najaf between January 21 and February 8, 1970. Three major points emerge from the lectures. The first is the necessity for the establishment and maintenance of Islamic political power for Islamic goals, precepts, and criteria. The second is the duty of the religious scholars (the fuqahā) to bring about an Islamic state. Third, a program of action for the establishment of an Islamic state, including various measures for self-reform by the religious establishment.

Islamic Laws by Ayatullah Sayyid Abul Qasim al-Khoei Views: 12091
Laws on cleanliness, prayers, fasting, hajj, transactions, marriage, and other topics. According to the risalah of Ayatullah Sayyid AbulQasim al-Khoei.

Islamic Laws by Aytuallah Makarem Shirazi Views: 3737
Islamic rulings according to Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi.

Islamic Marriage by Syed Athar Husain S.H. Rizvi Views: 365
This book is compiled for those intending to marry in the near future or the newly married people.

Islamic Stories Views: 15374
Stories from the lives of the Prophets, Imams, and Companions.

Islamic Teachings Book 2 Views: 12659
Short lessons for children on different aspects of Islam, including belief in God, the Prophet and the Imams, as well as prayers, morals, and good behavior.


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