We dedicate this website to the Most Noble Messenger Muhammad(PBUH)
and to the people of his household, the Ahlul Bayt (AS),
salutations and peace be upon them all.
As'ad Wahid al-Qasim is a seeker of the truth who tried hard to reach it very bitterly till Allah guided him to the Straight Path. He was born in the Dayr al-Ghusun village on the West Bank [of the Jordan River] in Occupied Palestine. Having finished his high school, he made the trip to Jordan where he earned a diploma in engineering vocations. Then he traveled to the Phillippines where he earned his B.A. in Civil Engineering then his Masters in Construction Management. He is about to earn his Ph.D. in Governmental Administration as soon as he finishes his research about Islamic Public Administration.
An Islamic novel by Bint al Huda. Hasanat, a very pious young girl recently gets engaged with Mustafa who is studying in a foreign country. Her sister Rihab is influenced by liberal ideologies of the west and is jealous of her happy life. She makes a secret plot to destroy her relationship with Mustafa by writing letters to him pretending as Hasanat…
Excellent lessons and activities on the month of Ramadhan for children and youth; includes verses from the Qur'an, traditions on fasting, a chant, Ramadhan checklist, reasons for fasting, seaking nearness to God, and much more.
A summary of what has been written about the dreat gnostic Ayatullah Bahjat. It includes anecdotes from his life, his teachings and the views of others.
The author provides an introduction to the life of the founder of Wahhabism and an in depth analysis of the beliefs of Wahhabi School of thought in the light of Quran, Hadith, and logical reasoning. The title deals with following topics: Construction of graves, Ziyara, Tawassul, Shafa’a, Nadhr, Commemorating the birth and death anniversaries of Awliya Allah, and Political and Social dimensions of Hajj.
Social independence of women, modern life and Islam, women in Qur'an, family rights, differences between men and women, inheritance, divorce, mut'a, and polygamy.
Explains in a clear language the special rules Muslim women must follow during their menstrual cycles and at other times to achieve ritual purity. It has as its strengths, a systematic layout that helps to chart the sometimes complicated territory that these rules have come to form. The copious use of examples and scenarios greatly helps to make the laws and rules accessible and understandable. Hence, this book goes a long way in filling the large vacuum and need that exists for practical guidance on this subject.
This book corrects the claim made by those who say Yazid was Amirul Muminin (Commander of the believers), with proofs and evidence from the traditions (ahadith) of the Prophet (s) and the books of prominent Muslim scholars.
Useful guide for those making pilgrimage. Includes suggestions for books, hotels, flights, transportation, visa, as well as a health guide, maps, laws and practices, supplications and salutations, information about cities, and even a shopping guide.
Once, 'Ammar ibn Musa asked Imam Sadiq [a] about commiting sexual intercourse with beasts or masterbation by the hand or other limbs of one's ownself, and he [a] replied: "Any form of these kinds and the like of them by which man pours forth his water, is (considered as) fornication (and it is unlawful)." AI-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 541 Question: What is the situation of Islam towards masturbation? Some youths say that doctors think it has no harm. The answer: Not all that doctors say is true. There are other doctors that say the opposite. What is important to us is what our Wise Creator says. He is more aware of His creatures. Islam, which is the speech of Allah, is clear in its verdicts. The Prophet (S) and his progeny have prohibited it. Masturbation is a filthy doing. Some traditions have called it as “adultery with oneself”. It does not fit the dignity of a respectable man. The clearest evidence on its ugliness is that the doer feels disgust with himself after...
24th of Rajab marks the anniversary of the victory of Islam against the Jews in the battle of Khyber. This battle was fought in the 7th Hijrah. Background ========== Khyber was a locality at a distance of about 96 Kms from Madina. It consisted of eight (or ten) popular and very strong forts where the Jews lived and also gave refuge to the enemies of Islam. They had become an active center of conspiracies against Islam. In the 7th Hijrah, our Holy Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) got information about the conspiracy being hatched by the Jews against Muslims in connivance with other hostile elements of Islam. He(sawaw) decided to take on the challenge. Preparation for War =================== In a consultative meeting, it was decided by the Muslims to take on the enemy outside Madina. A force of 1,400 muslim fighters (History of Muslims of the World by K.A.Hameed) set out of Madina to protect themselves and their homeland against a Jewish force of more than 14,000 fighters (Allama Tabrisi). Before...
Alhamdu means that (all) praise, thanks, gratitude, be to Allah alone, not to any one else, from the beginning of the universe to its end, not under compulsion, but because He alone, and none else, deserves to be praised, not only for the fulfilment of his particular desires but also, mainly, for all the bounties and blessings made available to man in his existence. The love of the merciful for His creation is so deep and fulfilling that no compensation, even in the form of gratitude, can be offered to Him. In fact He needs no return. The divine mercy is independent of gratitude. It reaches and covers all the created beings whether the creatures show gratitude or not for the benefits and bounties they make use of and enjoy. The smallest bounty is an unconditional favour. Man does not deserve it, nor has he any right to claim any favour from the Lord. It is the allembracing mercy of the merciful Lord which reaches one and all, whether any creature asks for it or not, whether the recipie...
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