[shia_strength] Always Pray for Imam (a.s.) Mikyalul Makarim


Always Pray for Imam (a.s.)

To pray for the well being of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) is
an important duty of the Shia Ithna Asharis. Various
traditions have been recorded emphasizing this duty. The
great scholar Shaykh Kulaini in Al-Kafi, Numani in his
book Ghaibat and Shaykh Tusi in 'Ghaibat' state that Imam
Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, 'This youth will have Ghaibat
before the advent of Qiyamat." "Why?" asked the narrator.
"For the fear of his life", replied the Imam (a.s.)
pointing towards his belly. Then said, "O Zurarah! He is
the awaited one (Muntazar), one whose birth will be
doubted. Some will even say that his father departed from
the world without leaving any heir. Others will say that he
was not yet born when his father expired. Some will say
that he was born two years prior to the martyrdom of his
father. He is that very Awaited one. But the almighty shall
test the Shias. Immediately after this begins the period of
doubts of the deviated people. O Zurarah! If you are alive
in such a time, recite the following Dua.

Translation: O Allah! Grant me Your recognition, for
if I do not recognize You I will not recognize your
Messenger. O Allah grant me the recognition of Your
Prophet I will not recognize Your Hujjat (Proof). O Allah!
Grant me the recognition of Your Hujjat. For if I don't
recognize Your Hujjat I will deviate from my religion.




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