[shia_strength] Giving Sadaqah on Behalf of Imam (a.s.) Mikyalul Makarim


Giving Sadaqah on Behalf of Imam (a.s.)

Giving Sadaqah on behalf of Imam (a.s.) proves ones
love and friendship for him. The correctness of this
statement in based on whatever has been recorded
concerning the giving of Sadaqa or praying on behalf of
believers (momineen). As Imam (a.s.) is the Master of the
believers he is the most deserving.
Apart from this, we have many traditions that
recommend performing Hajj, Tawaf, Ziarat etc. on behalf
of Imam (a.s.). Further research, however, throws up the
evidence that if we sift through the huge collection of
hadith we shall find that every kind of worship act on
behalf of Imam (a.s.) is highly rewarding. As mentioned by
Allahmah Ali Ibne Tawoos in his book Kashful Muhajja, in
which he has reminded his son about the acts that we
should perform during the Ghaibat of Imam (a.s.), He
finally says,
"You must care for his leadership, loyalty and
attachment in a way that Allah, Prophet (s.a.) and the
forefathers of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) expect from you. You
must give preference of the needs of Imam (a.s.) over your
own needs, when you are reciting the Namaz-e-Hajat
(Prayer of having your need fulfilled). Before giving
Sadaqah on behalf of your family members, give Sadaqah
on behalf of Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.) and pray for him. In
addition to this, give him preference in every good deed. All
this things will invite Imam's (a.s.) attention and favours for
(Kashful Muhajja Pg. 151-152)




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