[shia_strength] Fw: Film 786


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From: Arif Vakil <arifalivakil@hotmail.com>
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Sent: Thu, 5 November, 2009 20:52:07
Subject: FW: Film 786


From: rush_mmerchant@hotmail.com
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Subject: FW: Film 786
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 18:21:30 +0530


From: reza_dodhiya@hotmail.com
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Subject: FW: Film 786
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 15:44:30 +0530

From: samcongo@hotmail.com
To: aaliyah-mpih@hotmail.com; afsheenvazir@hotmail.com; azrat92@hotmail.com; bluepearl_786_2@hotmail.com; coolkazim@hotmail.com; ghratnani@hotmail.com; h_soukaina@hotmail.com; hasnain_ratnani@hotmail.com; hinananji@hotmail.com; huraa_786@hotmail.com; ishika_merchant@hotmail.com; jasminepunjani@hotmail.com; kananisadiq@hotmail.com; kausarmuni@hotmail.com; maashu110@hotmail.com; kreatvz@hotmail.com; mkanani@hotmail.com; mohsinadodhiya@hotmail.com; moonlight786_110@hotmail.com; bigburst_50@hotmail.com; nanjidanish@hotmail.com; neelam_st15@hotmail.com; nousheenzavery@hotmail.com; reza_dodhiya@hotmail.com; shaheenb26@hotmail.com; shehzamz@hotmail.com; shuaibmerchant@hotmail.com; dreamachiever_1923@hotmail.com
Subject: FW: Film 786
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 22:37:26 +0100


From: altaf@zenufa.com
To: coolkazim@hotmail.com
CC: samcongo@hotmail.com
Subject: Fw: Film 786
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 10:04:03 -0700

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 9:58 PM
Subject: FW: Film 786



Warm Regards

Syed G Abbas,

Gurgaon, Cell No: +91-9971063435, IP Phone 21059


From: SYED MOHD TAQI HUSAIN RIZVI [mailto:syedmohd.rizvi@futuregenerali.in]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 10:25 AM
Subject: Film 786



"Film 786'' is a movie that Holland has made in which our beloved prophet(S.A.W.W), is made fun of.
60 million Muslims
can destroy the economy of Holland by taking less than
5 minutes to forward this message so that we can answer Allah Subhana Wa Tala when He asks us what actions did you take when His most beloved(S.A.W.W) was made fun of?

Denmark is Loosing

Please don't let this mail stop in your pc.
Assalaam O Alaikum,
Great News
Hope you all know about the Denmark newspaper who made fun of our holy Prophet PBUH and till now they do not regret... let us make them regret for good....The Danish Ambassador, Prime Minister and Denmark National Channel; all are trying to do something just to stop the boycott by Muslims since last month through which their losses have reached 4 billion Euro. If we continue to boycott Denmark products 7 months more it could reach around 80 billion Euro's loss. Believers do not let this message stop in your PC... Please forward this text to as many Muslims as possible ... Can't u spare 15 minutes in order to spread this message among Muslims ...

7-up drink, LEGO, Cadbury chocolates, Hall Chewing gums or any product with barcode no. starting with 57
Please convince all Muslims to circulate this to Muslim ummah to ban
Danish made products.

                   JAZAKALLAH KHAYR( MAY ALLAH REWARD YOU inshallah)


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