[shia_strength] Steadfastness in Praying for Imam (a.s.) Mikyalul Makarim


Steadfastness in Praying for Imam (a.s.)

We have been commanded to recite this Dua regularly.
Shayikh Sadooq narrates from Abdullah bin Sinan who says
that Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said, "After this a time of such doubt
will befall you that you will be without the visible signs and
a guiding Imam. And no one shall be able to achieve
salvation from this except those who recite
"Dua-e-Ghareeq." (Supplication of the drowning man).
The narrator asked what this Dua was? Imam (a.s.)
"O Allah! O Beneficent! O Merciful.O One who
changes the hearts (of people) Give me steadfastness upon
Your religion"
After repeating 'Muqallebal Quloob' the narrator added
the word, 'Wal absaar' (and the vision). When Imam (a.s.)
heard this, he said, "Indeed Allah is the Who changes the
hearts and vision, but you recite the Dua as I have said."
(Kamaluddin Vol. 2 Pg. 351)




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