Islamic Ebooks

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Manifestations of the All MercifulANECDOTES OF PIOUS MEN
Abu Muhammad Zaynul AbidinShaheed Murtaza Mutahhari
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Commentary and reflections on the first portion of the supplication recited daily during the month of Ramadhan that begins with "Allahumma adkhil `alaa ahli-l-quboor as-suroor" (O Allah, give happiness to the people of the grave). Includes Part I and II. 
I being a young girl was highly fascinated by reading this book. It struck to my mind that some of its stories should be translated for the benefit of those children who do not know Persian. I have selected only 14 most interesting stories of the pious men.
Moral Values of Quran - Surah HujuratForty Hadith
Ayatullah Dastaghaib ShiraziAyatullah Ruhullah Khomeini
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A detailed tafsir (exegesis) on Surah Hujurat by Ayatullah Dastaghaib Shirazi focusing on the moral instructions and contained within and lessons on how to implement this morality.
An Exposition on 40 ahadith narrated through Prophet n his Ahl al-Bayt. The author delves into philosophical n mystical exegesis of these ahadith explains lessons which are beneficial to us in both our physical spiritual lives.
ULAMAA OF RECENT ERAInteresting True Stories of Ulamaa
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Biography of Ulama - recent era. Including Imam Khomeini, Syed Borujerdi, Syed Arif Hussain Al Hussaini, Ayt Mohsinul Hakim, Ayt Mutahhari, Shaheed Beheshti, Ayt Marashi Najafi,  Ayt Mohd Taqi Behjat etc.
Excellent Collection of true Stories from the Life of our Ulema.
Lessons from the Lives of our UlemaSpiritual Journey of the Mystics
Islamic-laws.comMirza Jawad Maliki Tabrizi
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A Compilation of Short lessons from the stories about the life of Ulema. Prepared & Translated by Shaikh Abbas Jaffer. 

Suluk-e-Airfaan, Etiquette of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. A beautiful comprehensive Commentary About the Esoteric Essence of the Holy Month of Ramadhan.
Hidden Truths in God's WordInner Voice
Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi LariSyed Saeed Akhtar Rizvi
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The author has discussed some of the terms & verses of Qur'an which he feels need to be analyzed deeply. He takes an unorthodox approach to understanding these terms and explains the reasons for his conclusions.
Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi aptly explains the need for man to understand his purpose in life and to be able to ponder over some of the important aspects of our journey in reaching nearness to Him.
Akhlaq e AimmaLady Fatima Masuma of Qum
Syed Zafar Hasan AmrohiAbdul Rahim Mugahi
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Akhlaq e-A’imma, Morals & Manners of the Holy Imams - The aim of this book is to present the perfect morals of the Holy Imams. Topics include their knowledge, worship, bravery, justice, chastity, humility and contentment
The daughter of 7th Imam & the sister of the 8th Imam. She is buried in the city of Qum in Iran. This book includes her biography, education, and narrationof traditions. It also includes the history and description of her shrine and a brief look at the city of Qum.
Islamic Government: Governance of the JuristAN INQUIRY CONCERNING AL-MAHDI
Ayatullah Ruhullah KhomeiniSayyid Mohammad Baqir As Sadr
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This book originated due to the lectures given in Najaf 1970. 3 major points emerge 1 necessity for the establishment of Islamic political power 2 The duty of religious scholars for an Islamic state, 3 A program for the establishment of an Islamic state.
Al-Mahdi (atfs) is no longer an idea waiting to be materialized nor a prophecy, but a living reality & a particular person, living among us in flesh & blood, who is sharing our hopes, suffering, sorrows & joys.
The Hereafter - Ma'adMe'raj - The Night Ascension
Ayatullah Dastaghaib ShiraziMullah Faidh Al Kashani
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A detailed account of humanity’s experience of death, and the stages beyond it, including the status in one’s grave, Barzakh, the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah), and the final recourse in Heaven or Hell.
Beautiful book by Mullah Faidh-e-Kashani about Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj.
Muhammad (S) is the Last ProphetSHIITE ISLAM: Orthodoxy or Heterodoxy?
Syed Saeed Akhtar RizviLouis Alberto Vittar
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This text is a response to the erroneous Ahmadiyya (Qadiani) beliefs about the alleged prophet-hood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. It discusses in depth the prophet-hood in the light of Qur'an and traditions (ahadith).
Second Emended and Amplified Edition - Luis Alberto Vittor clearly explains the essence of Shi'ite Islam on its own. Without the need of putting down any other sect of Islam, Shi'ite Islam can be understood truly for what its basic fundamentals and teachings.
Islamic Teachings in BriefStory of the Holy Ka’aba And its People
Allamah Muhammad Husain TabatabaiS.M.R. Shabbar
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Allamah Tabatabi elaborates on some of the core principles & beliefs in Islam that are important for all followers of the Ahlulbayt to be familiar with. Principle explained using references from Qur'an, hadith & Ahlulbayt.
This book is about the 14 Masoomeen without taking too much of your time in understanding it. It is a simple, concise biography in simple English with all the necessary references at the end of each biography.


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