Islamic Ebooks

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Biography of I Mohd Bin Ali (AL-TAQI)Certainty Uncovered - Kashf al-Yaqin
M.M. DUNGERSI PH.DJamal al-Din ibn Yusuf Allamah Hilli
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A complete book about Imam Mohammed Taqi, his childhood, imamate, character, miracles and sayings.
Translaition of Kashf al-yaqin virtues of imam ali. Translaitor: Dr. 'Ali Akbar Aghili Ashtiani
Burial RitualsFrom Marriage to Parenthood
Muhammad Husien KermaliAbbas and Shaheen Merali
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Required actions before and immediately after death, during the Ghusl (washing the body), Kafan, and Salat al-Mayyit.
The information in this manual is based on the authentic & original sources of  teachings of Prophet (s) & his Ahlul Bayt (as), the topics of sexual etiquette between a man and a woman, and the creation of a ‘heavenly’ child.
Temporary Marriage in Islamic LawIslam, Dialogue and Civil Society
Lady Sachiko MurataSayyid Mohammad Khatami
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Major purpose of the study is to trace the origin of this divergence between Sunni & Shia law by going to sources & arguments on both sides. A 2nd purpose is to describe legal situation of mut'a in Shi'ism.
This book has two main subjects. One is Dialogue among Civilizations; the other is Civil Society. President Khatami highlights the significance of culture in international relations
Beauty of Concealment & Concealment of BeautyAwsaf al Ashraf: The Attributes of the Noble
Dr. Zahra RahnavardKhwajah Nasir Al Din Al Tusi
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Sister Rahnavard a graduate from the Faculty of Fine Arts, & is presently a Professor at the University. She is the wife of Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran explains the importance of Hijab for a female.
A concise treatise describing the ways of the awliya' and the methods of the seers according to the principles of the wayfarers of the Path (tariqah) and the seekers of the Truth (haqiqah)
A Short History of Ilmul UsulFiqh and Fuqaha
Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir Al SadrMulla Asghar Ali M. Jaffer
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The subject under discussion is the knowledge of the Principles of Jurisprudence (Usulul Fiqh). It is essential that in his practical life man should know clearly what he should do and what he should not.
There are laws which prompt us to serve, be helpful to human society, at the same time affirming our obedience to Allah. These are Zakat, Khums, our social duties, Jihad, Amrbil Ma'roof & Nahianil Munkar etc.
Sexual Problems of YouthsTruth About Shi'ah Ithna 'Ashari Faith
Ayatullah Al Uzma Nasir Makarim ShiraziAsad Wahid al-Qasim
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None of the issue of youths is as important as the sexual problem. Regretfully, we must admit that its becoming more complicated due current life long duration of education, availability of luxury, and lack of confidence.
When I started investigating the sensitive issue, my ultimate goal was to make sure whether the ShÄ«as are Muslims or not. I had no doubt at all that the method of the followers of the “Sunnah” was the right one.
To Be With the TruthfulAsk those who Know
Sayed Muhammad Al Tijani Al SamawiSayed Muhammad Al Tijani Al Samawi
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An extension of the book "Then I was Guided" by the same author, with the purpose of elaborating with further evidence on the truthfulness of Shia beliefs. Discussion of major doctrines of Shi'i Islam.
A discussion by a former Sunni scholar on the Prophet, the Ahlul Bayt, some of the companions of the Prophet, and Sunni books of hadith. By the author of 'Then I was Guided'.
Mizanul HikmahLet Us Understand Eachother (Shia - Sunni Dialogue)
Ayatullah Mohammed ReyshahriJamal al-Din ibn Yusuf Allamah Hilli
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A beautiful compilation of the ahadith n niwayat copied from the most authentic source a Major Hadith book.
The aim of this book is neither to attack anyone nor to make the opinion of others.It is just an effort to explain the beliefs of Ithna Ashari Shias and their tenets.
Analysis of the History of Aale MuhammadMarriage and Morals in Islam
Qadi Bohlool Bahjat AfandiSayyid Muhammad Rizvi
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It contains all references containing logical as well as documentary proofs. Publication of this book is instrumental in spreading the truth & it has a definite effect upon those who seek it. Hope it attracts people of truth.
The replies to majority of cases who feels guilty for actions that are absolutely permissible in Islam. But because of their ignorance or misinformation they dont know wot is allowed in Islamic shari'ah.
Essence of Tawhid: Denial of Servitude but to GodFor a Better Future
Ayatollah Sayyid Ali KhameneiAbdul Adheem al-Muhtadi al-Bahrani
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The Prophet of Islam announced a slogan: "There is no god but Allah" 1 From the Point of View of its Outlook upon the Universe, 2)Upon Studying & Judgment on Man, 3) From Social, Economical & Political Stands.
The replies to majority of cases who feels guilty for actions that are absolutely permissible in Islam. But because of their ignorance or misinformation they dont know wot is allowed in Islamic shari'ah.


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