The most important fundamental in all Prayer is the knowledge and understanding
of the Creator.The understanding of the Creator is directly
related to the degree of Faith the believer has in his Creator. Where there
is no faith, all worship is futile. To the contrary, worship sans Faith is
subject to Retribution.
WHAT IS FAITH? Faith is the belief in the Existence of the Creator
and His Attributes— the Positive Attributes (Sifat e Subutiah) and Negative
Attributes (Sifat e Salbiah). The other important components of the
believer’s faith are the Belief in Allah’s Justice, His being One and Only
God, the Belief that Mohammed (a.s) is the Last and Final of the line of
the Prophets and acceptance of the Twelve Imams (a.s) from the Family
as his Vicegerents; the belief in Meaad Jismani (The Hereafter- when
people will be raised before the Day of Judgement for questioning). Belief
in the existence of the Heaven and the Hell and the concept of Reward
and Retribution too are important aspects of the Faith.


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