Islamic Ebooks

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Moment by Moment expecting the advent of AL QaimSelections from judgements of Ali (as)
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During their mission, all prophets have emphasized the fact that a savior will arrive who will implement the government of justice over globe. This news has been heard since human beings appeared on earth.
Very important info discussed about the point and Instructions to Judges, exclusively selected stories, punishments of sin and most perfect judgement made by Ali ibn abi Talib.
Lohoof Sighs of SorrowAzadari in the sight of Maraje Uzzam & Ulema
Seyed ibn Tawus (ar)
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Allamah Majlesi, in Behar stated Seyed Ibn Tavoos, "I have written the book "al-Malhoof ala Qatlal Tofouf" who reads will know its preferences over similar books". The original title was Malhoof old manuscripts its Lohoof
"Performing azadari-e-Imam Hussain is a part & portion of His mission because declaring the zulm (oppression) of zalim (oppressor) and mazloom (oppressed) is exactly the Deen." Syed Abul Qasim Moosavi Al Khoie
Islamic Factsheet Shiite Beliefs & Practices explainedJihad The Holy war of Islam &  its legitimacy in the quran
IslamicMobility.comAyatullah  Murtaza Mutahhari
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What happened on the day of Ghadir Khumm? Did the Prophet (saww) Appoint a Successor? If there still remains doubt about the historic importance of this statement....
This book is one of a series of publications brought out on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of victory of Islamic Revolution. We pray to God to keep us steadfast..
Glimpses of Al MahdiSalatul Jumuah
IslamicMobility.comAyatullah  Murtaza Mutahhari
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To those who have acquaintance with the invaluable treasure of Shiite traditions & precious heritage of Imams (as), the importance of "Imamah" (leadership) and "Wilayah" (vicegerency) is not concealed.
lslam has, within its teachings, a weekly prayer service referred to as Jumu`ah. This Salatul has been mmentioned within the Noble Quran itself within the Surah of the same name – al-Jumu`ah..
Parents & ChildrenWhy Prostrate on Karbala's Turba
Al Balagh FoundationYasin Jabouri
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Topics like Child Wishes vs Father Wishes, Among the Mistakes of the Parents; Essential Differences, Determination and Strictness, Spying and Monitoring, Guardiahip and Protection, Independence and Separation.
This short book explains the reason why Shias prostrate on the turba that is; Khak-e-Shifa / tablet / mohr
A Commentary on PrayerMethod of offering Salat Al Lail
Muhsin QaraatiAllamah Majlisi
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We express our gratitude to Hujjat al-Islam Shaykh Muhsin Qara’ati, the author of book & Mansoor Limba, its translator. We also thank our colleagues who have participated in producing this work.
In many of the verses of the Qur`an, the performance of Salat al-Lail and staying awake a portion of the night - after midnight - in the worship of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) has been mentioned.
Wilayat the Station of the MasterHistory behind Masjid Jamkaran
Ayatullah  Murtaza MutahhariResearch Office Jamkaran
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Wila, walayah, wilayah, wali, mawla. Original meaning of all of these comes from root-word "waliya". This appear with greatest frequency in Qur'an, 124 places in noun form, in 112 in verb form.
History of the mosque and its picture, recommended prayers to be recited at Jamkaran, and a prayer for the safety of the 12th Imam. Book published by The Holy Mosque of Jamkaran Publications, Qum, Iran.
Martyrdom Epic of Imam - Maqtal Al HusainImamat and Khilafat
Abd al Razzaq Al MuqarramAyatullah  Murtadha Mutahhari
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This book is simply referring to Karbala tragedy,  for it certainly is the greatest of all tragedies most momentous of all catastrophes that befell Progeny of the Chosen One. The series of disasters on the House of Revelation from Medina to Iraq, then to Syria.
If we look at the history of Islam from the view-point of the events manifesting faith & human values, we will find that it has no rival. This history is full of heroic deeds. It is laden with brilliance & is replete with a display of human qualities. The existence of a few ugly spots does not tarnish its beauty and majesty.
Imam Reza PilgrimageImam Husain's Revolution
Ali PeiraviAllamah Majlisi
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We thank God Almighty for the opportunity granted to us to undertake the preparation of IMAM REZA'S PILGRIMAGE PROCEDURES & PRAYERS. Imam Reza is the eighth Immaculate Leader of Muslims from the progeny of Muhammad the Prophet of God.
Since our 1st publication received with great enthusiasm by the readers & encouraged us to re-publish the same for wider circulation. We hope that wider circulation of this booklet would help the cause of Islam, help realize the goal set by this group.
Our PhilosophyOne Hundred Fifty lessons for Life
Allamah Mohammed Baqir As SadrAyatullah Makarim Shirazi
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Our Philosophy is a collection of our basic notions concerning the world & our way of considering it. For this reason, the book is divided into 2 investigations: 1 concerned with the theory of knowledge & other with the philosophical notion of the world.
Our Greatest capital after divine book is practice of prophet & valuable traditions of household of prophet & these are two great weights after demise of prophet & resorting to them prevents man from misguidance & error.


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