The Companions and the Jewish Influence (Part II)

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              The Companions and the Jewish Influence (Part II)

Kaab Interfered in the Caliphate
Ka'b used all his shrewdness to make Umar keep Imam Ali (AS) away from
the Caliphate. Kaab was motivated by his resentment towards Islam and his 
hatred of Imam Ali (AS). After all it was Imam Ali ( as ) who had brought 
the Jewish Influence in Hijaz to an end in the battle of Khaibar.

It is amazing that the Caliph had so much confidence in Kaab, he even
sought his advice about the future of the caliphate. Ibn Abbas reported
that Umar said to Kaab, in the very presence of Ibn Abbas, the following

Umar asked ...

        I would like to name my successor because my death is near. What
        do you say about Ali ? Give me your opinion and inform me of what
        you find in *your books*, because you allege that we are mentioned
        in *them* ?

Kaab answered ...

        As to the wisdom of your opinion, it would be *unwise* to appoint
        Ali as a successor because he is *very religious*. He notices every
        deviation and does not tolerate crookedness. He follows only his
        opinion in Islamic rules and this is not a good policy. As far as
        *our* scriptures, we find that neither he nor his children will
        come to power. And if he does, there will be confusion.

Umar asked ...

        Why will he not to come to power ?

Kaab answered ...

        Because he has shed blood and Allah has deprived him of authority.
        When David wanted to erect Walls of the temple in Jerusalem, Allah
        said to him : ' You shall not build the Temple because you have
        blood. Only Solomon shall erect it. '

Umar asked ...

        Did not Ali shed blood rightly and for the truth ?

Kaab answered ...

        Ameer al-Mumineen, David also shed blood for the truth

Umar asked ...

        Who will come to power according to *your scripture* ?

Kaab answered ...

        We find that after the Prophet ( Peace be upon him and his Cleansed
        and Pure Progeny ) and his two ( 2 ) companions (Abu Bakr and Umar)
        power will be transfered to his enemies ( the Omayyads ) whom he
        fought for religion.

When Umar heard this, he *sadly* said : ' We belong to God and to Him we
shall return '. Then he said to Ibn Abbas : ' Ibn Abbas, did you hear what
Kaab said ? By God, I heard the Messenger of God say something very
similiar. I heard him ( Peace be upon him and his Cleansed Progeny ) say :

        The Children of Omayyad shall ascend to my pulpit. I have seen them
        in my dreams jumping on my puplit like monkeys.

Then the Prophet said that the following verse was revealed about the
Omayyads :

        And We made that dream, which We have shown you, only as a test
        to the people and the cursed tree in the Quran ...

Sunni reference :

        - Ibn Abi al-Hadid in his Sharh, v3, p81
          Printed by Mohammad Ali Subaih in Egypt

        - Imam Fakhr ad Din al-Razi in his commentaries of the Holy Quran
          Chapter 17, v5, pp 413 - 414
          Second Printing by al-Matbaah al-Sarafeyah 1304 H

This dialogue should alert us to the deceptive and succesful attempt on the
part of Kaab to influence future events by Satanic suggestions. It contains
a great deal of decepetion which produced many harmful results to Islam and
the Muslims. It is very easy to read the following into this dialogue : -

        1. Kaab was very indictive towards Imam Ali ( as ) because he was
        the one who had smashed the Jewish strong hold in the Arabic
        Peninsula. Kaab thought, and rightly so, he would remove all the
        Jewish influence from the Arab Society. Therefore, Kaab was very
        anxious to have the leadership in the hands of the Omayyad who were
        un-concerned with the future of Islam. They only concerned
        themselves with the materialistic aspect of the World. In addition
        they were as hostile to Imam Ali ( as ) as Kaab. The Omayyads and
        Kaab considered Ali their common enemy. He had destroyed their
        leaders in the defense of Islam.

        2. Kaab comments that Imam Ali is highly religious and he does not
        close his eyes on any crokkedness; nor does he tolerate any
        deviation from the Islamic path, when further examined reflects
        that either Kaab forgot or he deliberately deleted from his story
        that the Messenger  ( Peace be Upon him and his followers ) was the
        most religious and the most successful head of the state in the
        history of the World.

        3. Kaab also found in * his * scriptures that neither Imam Ali (as)
        nor his children would come to power because he has shed blood. In
        addition, Kaab said that it is written that David did not build the
        Temple of Jerusalem becuase he shed blood and that his son, Solomon
        was destined to build it so. Kaab did not mention and he made the
        Caliph forget that David, in spite of his shedding blood and being
        prevented from constructing the Temple came to power and became the
        Ruling King !

        The Holy Quran declares that Allah said to David :

        Oh David, We certainly have made you Caliph on earth. You should
        judge between people rightfully ...      [ Chapter 28 Verse 26 ]

        Kaab also forgot that the great Prophet ( saw ) shed the blood of
        enemies for truth. Infact he led several battles and this did not
        prevent him from ruling and administering the affairs of the
        Muslims, nor did it prevent him from building an Islamic State !

        4. Furthermore, Kaab by saying that shedding blood prevents coming
        to power, makes those who endeavour in the name of God less
        valuable than those who do not endeavour. This contradicts the Holy
        Quran which declares : -

                Those believers who  sit  still,  other than those who have
                a disabling hurt, are not equal  to  those who endeavour in
                the way of Allah with their wealth and * lives *. Allah has
                conferred upon those who endeavour  for religion with their
                lives and wealth a  rank  above  those who sit ( at home ).
                And to each, Allah  has  promised good, but He has bestowed
                on those who strive a  great  reward  above  the sedentary;
                degrees of rank from Him, and forgiveness  and Mercy. Allah
                is ever forgiving, merciful.         [ Chapter 4 Verse 95 ]

        It would be illogical to think that Allah commands people to
        endeavour in His way, then punishes the endeavours by preventing
        them from coming to power.

        5. It is indeed very curious that Kaab claimed that the Jewish
        scriptures mention that Islamic Leadership would pass from the
        Prophet ( saw ) and his 2 ( two ) companions to his enemies. There
        is no mention of anything to this in the Old Testament in spite of
        the fact that Kaab had said to Qais Ibn Kharsha :

                There is no place on earth that is not mentioned in the Old
                Testament, along with the events which will happen at that
                place untill the Day of Judgement.

        Kaab actually did not find in his Jewish scriptures any of the
        events that he had fabricated. He only stole what he overheard from
        the Companions of the Prophet ( saw ). Companions including Umar,
        reported that the Messenger ( saw ) of Allah said :

        Banu Omayyad shall climb on my pulpit and I have seen them in a
        dream jumping on the pulpit like monkeys.

Sunni reference :

        - Jalal ud Din Suyuti, Tarikhul Khulafa
          Translated by Major H. S. Barret, p12
          Published by J. W. Thomas, Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta

        - Imam Fakhr ad Din al-Razi in his Commentaries of the Holy
          Quran, Chapter 17, v5, pp 413 - 414
          Second Printing by al-Matbaah al-Sarafeyah 1304 H

It is amazing that the Caliph heard these words from the Messenger of
Allah and still did not suspect Ka'b had stolen them from the Jewish
scriptures. It is more amazing that the Caliph heard all these false
statements that Ka'b had attributed to the Old Testament and did not
even command Ka'b to show him the Jewish book from which he received
the information.

The second Caliph took the word of Ka'b as if it came from heaven and
was inevitable. If he believed that the matter of successorship was of
divine choice, then he should not have implemented the entire
Caliphate system in the first place. On the other hand, if he believed
that the matter of successorship was his right, then it was entirely
up to him to choose Imam Ali (AS) or any other person. It was expected
that the second caliph would please the Prophet (PBUH&HF) by
preventing the Umayyad from coming to power after seeing the Prophet
(PBUH&HF) disturbed over his dream in which the Umayyad were jumping
on his pulpit like monkeys. One word from Umar could have had changed
the course of History.

The second caliph could have appointed Imam Ali ( as ) as his sucessor and
prevented the Omayyads from coming to power. Unfortunately, he kept the
Imam away from the Caliphate by forming a six member comittee, most of them
who were very un-friendly to Imam Ali ( as ) and friendly to Usman, the
righteous Omayyad who was extremely attached to his clan. Contrary to what
was expected, however, the second caliph did that which Kaab liked and the
Prophet ( saw ) disliked.

Sunni reference :

        - Ibn al-Atheer, al-Kamil, v3, p35
          Published by Dar al-Kitab al-Lubnanai 1973 A.D

Thus a Jew, newly converted to Islam, claiming that he had knowledge of
what was in the past and what will be in the future, was able to change the
course of Islamic History through his influence on a prominent Caliph,
Umar. What a historic catastrophe !

To be continued, Insha Allah ...


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