Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis (Part I)

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           Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis (Part I)

In this series we provide the history of the events of Karbala as recorded
by the Sunnis. Although dampened, and sometimes inaccurate on the favor of
the tyrants, such Sunni documents are the lasting testimony for the
undeniable horrible massacre of the household of the Prophet (PBUH&HF). The
information, unless otherwise specified, are from the History of al-Tabari.

Few remarks on the History of al-Tabari by the Sunni scholars. Shibli
Numani wrote:

     Among books of historical character, an authentic and very
     comprehensive book is that of the Imam al Tabari, known was Tarikh
     Kabir. Al Tabari is a writer whose scholarly attain- ments and whose
     sure and extensive knowledge are unanimiuosly recognised by the
     traditionists. His commentary by far is the best of the commentaries.
     The well known traditionist, Ibn Khuzaima, says that he knew no man
     learned than al Tabari. Al Tabari died in the year 310 A.H - 921 C.E.
     Some traditionists, al Sulaimani in particular, have remarked that al
     Tabari coined traditions for the Shia. Regarding this charge against
     al Tabari, Allama al Dhahabi, in his Mizan al-I'tidal says:

          This is an allegation based on false misgivings. The fact is that
          Ibn Jarir is one of the most trust worthy Imam.

     al-Dhahabi has further remarked:
          All the authentic and comprehensive books of history, such as
          Tarikh al Kamil and those written by Ibn al Athir, Ibn Khuldun,
          Abual Fida etc, are based on his work and abridged Tarikh of al-

Sunni reference: Sirah al-Nabi -- The Life of the Prophet, by Shibli
                 Numani, English version, v1, p25

The Martrydom foretold
On the death of Muawiya, when Imam Hussain (as) refused to
pledge his allegiance to Yazeed, he went to the tomb of his
grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (saw, pbuh&hf). He worshipped
there for the most of the night, and also slept there for
a while, in his dream he saw the Messenger of Allah, May
Allah bless him and his cleansed progeny, surronded by angels.
The Prophet (saw, pbuh&hf) embraced him and said:

        My   beloved   Hussain,  I   foresee  you  when you
        will be, in the  very  near  future,  covered  with
        your blood, slain at the land  of  Karballa,  while
        thirsty, being deprived of water. This will be done
        to you by people who claim  that  they  are from my

Imam Hussain (as) in his dream looked at his grandfather and

        My grandfather, I ask you to admit me into your grave.
        I do  not  desire  to go  back  to  the earthly world.

The Messenger of Allah (saw, pbuh&hf) answered him:

        My beloved Hussain, there are degrees which you will not
        acquire except through martyrdom.

Before he departed to Iraq, he uttered the following words:

        I am as eager to join my ancestors  as  Jacob was eager
        to join Yousef. I visualize my  body  being dismembered
        by the wolves of the  desert  which  shall fill from my
        flesh their empty abdomens  and  hungry  stomachs.  The
        pleasure of God is our pleasure. We  are patient at His
        trial and he gives us the reward of  the  patient. (Men
        from) the flesh of the Messenger of God will never part
        with him. They will join him on the Day  of  Judgement,
        and he will be very pleased by the re-union.

Yazid's efforts for allegiance
According to Hisham b. Muhammad (al Kalbi) - Abu Mikhnaf: Yazid
succeeded at the beginning of the month of Rajab in the year 60
(April 8, 680). Al Walid b. Utbah b. Abi Sufyan was governor of
Medina, al Numan b. Bashir al Ansari of al Kufah, Ubaydallah b.
Ziyad of al Basrah, and Amr b. Said b. al as of Mecca. Yazid's
only concern, when he assumed power, was to receive the oath of
allegiance from the individuals who had refused to agree with
Muawiyah's demand for this oath of allegiance from Yazid. Muawiyah
had summoned the people to give an oath of allegiance to him that
Yazid would be his heir. Yazid's concern was to bring their attitude
to an end.

When he wrote to al Walid, he wrote to him on a patchment as small as
a rat's ear :

        Seize Husayn, Abdallah b.  Umar,  and  Abdallah  b. al  Zubayr
        to give the oath of  allegiance. Act  so  fiercely  that  they
        have  no chance to do  anything  before  giving  the  oath  of
        allegiance. Peace be with you.

Therefore, al Walid sent in the night for al Husayn, peace be on him,
and summoned him (to attend). Al Husayn, peace be upon him, was aware
of what he wanted and so he called a group of his retainers and ordered
them to carry arms.

Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, said:

        Al Walid has summoned me (to come to him)  at  this  time  (of
        night). I cannot be sure that he  might  not  burden  me  with
        a matter I may be  unwilling  to  respond, he is unpredictable
        man,  so  remain  with me.  When I go to him, sit at the door.
        If you  hear  my  voice  raised,  come  in to prevent him from
        (doing anything to) me.

Al Husayn, peace be upon him, went to al Walid, and Marwan b. al Hakam
was with him. Al Walid gave him news of the death of Muawiya and al
Husayn replied with the formula:

                 We belong to God and to Him we will return.

Then al Walid read out Yazid's letter and his order to get the pledge of
allegiance from him. Then al Husayn said to al Walid:

        I do not see that my pledge of allegiance to Yazid in  private
        would be sufficient. Wouldn't  you  prefer  me to give  it  in
        public so that people are aware ?

        Indeed, said al Walid

        So see what you think about that in the morning, suggested al
        Husayn, peace be on him.

        Go, then, in the name of God but come to us when the people
        gather, said al Walid.

        By God,  interrupted Marwan, if al Husayn leaves you now without
        giving the  pledge  of  allegiance, you will never have the same
        power over him  untill  there  is  a  great  number of slain men
        between you and him. Imprison  the  man  and don't let him leave
        you  untill  he has paid homage (to Yazid), or you have executed

At that al Husayn said:

        O son of a foreign woman, would you or he kill me? By God you
        are a liar.

With that he went out and walked away accompanied by his retainers
untill he reached his house.

        You disobeyed me, Marwan told  al-Walid, No by  God  he will
        never give you the same opportunity over his life.

        Then blame someone other than yourself, said Marwan

        Replied al Walid: Indeed, you had chosen for me something which
        would have involved the destruction of my own faith. By God,  I
        would not want all the worldy wealth and dominion which the sun
        rises and sets over, (if it involved) killing al  Husayn. Glory
        be to God, should I kill al Husayn because he said 'I  will not
        swear allegiance" By God, I do not think  that  on  the Day  of
        Resurrection a man  who  is (responsible)  for  the blood of al
        Husayn (will weigh) little in the scale of God."

Al Husayn, peace be upon him, spent that night at his house. It was the
night of Saturday when there were three days left on the month of Rajab
in the year 680. Al Walid b. Utba was occupied with sending to Ibn al
Zubayr about the pledge of allegiance to Yazid, and with his refusal to
come to them. Ibn al Zubayr left Medina at night heading for Mecca. In
the morning al Walid sent men after him, he sent a party of eighty horse
men under the command of a retainer of the Banu Umayya. They pursued him
but did not catch up with him, so they returned.

Towards the end of Saturday he sent men to al Husayn, peace be upon him,
to bring him to pledge allegiance to al Walid on behalf of Yazid b.
Muawiya. Al Husayn peace be upon him, said to them:

        Come in the morning. Then you will have time to consider  the
        situation and so shall we.

They left him that night without insisting upon him. He, peace be upon
him, left under the cover of the night, it was the night of Saturday
night with two days left in the month of Rajab, and he headed towards
Mecca accompanied by his sons, his brother's (al Hasan's) sons and his
brothers. There was most of the House except for Muhammad b. al Hanafiyya.

Al Husayn, peace be upon him, left for Mecca reciting:

        Then he left it out of fear while he kept on the lookout. He
        said: My Lord, save me from the unjust people. [ XXVIII 21 ]

He kept to the high road and the members of the house suggested:

        If you had avoided the high road like Ibn al Zubayr did, the
        search party could not follow you.

        No by God, he replied, I will not leave untill God judges what
        He will judge.

When al Husyan, peace be upon him, entered Mecca, his entry occured on
the night of Friday (i.e Thursday), 3rd of the month of Shaban. As he
entered, he recited:

        And when he set out towards Madyan, he said: Perhaps my Lord
        will guide me in the right path.               [ XXVIII 22 ]

Then he stayed there and its inhabitants began to visit him frequently, as
did those who had some to make the lesser pilgrimage and other people from
far and wide. Ibn al Zubayr had settled himself there, near the Ka'ba,
where he used to stand in prayer and perform the circumbulation. He came
to visit al Husayn, peace be upon him, with the others who came to visit
him. He used to come to him at intervals of two consecutive days, and
sometimes between the two day interval. He was the most troublesome of
God's creatures to Ibn al Zubayr, who realized that the people of Hijaz
would not pledge allegiance to him as long as al Husayn, peace be upon him,
was in the land. He was more capable of commanding the people's obedience
than him, and was more respected.

Muslim b. Aqil is sent to Kufa
In response to the messages that Imam Hussain received from the people
of Iraq, asking him to come to them and pledging their full support and
promise to die in his defense, that goes as follows

        In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
        To al Husayn b. Ali, peace be upon them
        From Sulayman b. Surad, al Musayyib b. Najaba
        Rifa'a b. Shaddad al bajali, Habib b. Muzahir and the
        believers and Muslims of his Shia among the Kufans.

        Greetings,    we   praise  God  before  you,  other  than Whom
        there is  no   deity.  Praise  be  to God   Who  has    broken
        your  enemy,   the  obstinate  tyrant   who  had   leapt  upon
        this  community,  stripped it  of  its  authority ,  plundered
        its fay  and  seized  control  of  it  without  its   consent.
        Then  he  had  killed  the  choice  members  of  it  and   had
        preserved the  wicked  members of it. He  made  the   property
        of  God  a  state  (divided) among  its tyrants  and  wealthy.
        He was destroyed  as Thamud  were  destroyed.  (Now)  there is
        no Imam over us.  Therefore  come; through you,  may  your God
        unite us  under truth. Al Numan b. Bashir is in the  governers
        palace and we do not gather with him for the Friday (service).
        Nor do we accopmany him (out of the mosque)  for  the Festival
        service. If we learn that you will  come to us,  we will drive
        him away untill we  pursue him to Syria,  if God  the Exalted,

Imam Hussain's (as) reply was as follows

        In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
        From al Husayn b. Ali,
        To the leaders of the believers and the Muslims

        Hani and Said have brought me your letters; they are the  last
        two of your messengers who have come to me. I have  understood
        everything which you have described and mentioned.  The (main)
        statement of your great men is: "There  is  no  Imam  over us.
        Therefore come; through you, may God  unite us under truth and
        Guidance." I am sending you my brother, Muslim b. Aqil, who is
        my cousin and my trusthworthy (representative)  from my House.
        If he writes to me that the opinions of your leaders  and  the
        men of wisdom and merit among you is united in the same way as
        the messengers who have come to me have  described  and  as  I
        have read in your letters, I will come to  you  speedily,  God
        willing. For by my life, what is the Imam  except  who  judges
        by the Book, one who upholds justice, one  who  professes  the
        religion  of  truth,  and  one  who  dedicates  himself to the
        essence of God.



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