Did Imam al-Husain (AS) Know He Would Be killed?

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             Did Imam al-Husain (AS) Know He Would Be killed?

A sunni brother mentioned:

     al-Husain (RA) was truthful in his detrmination to change the munkar,
     but he was adviced by the likes of Ibn Abbas and Ibn Umar that he was
     overoptimistic with the people of Iraq and their help. Husain, being a
     human who is not ma3soom like the prophets, excersised his Ijtihad.

Based on what is even reported by the Sunnis, Imam Husain knew that he will
be killed in Ashura in Karbala, and yet he went forward. Not only Imam
Husain, but also all the Prophets of God knew about the detail of this
catastrophe. From Adam, to Noah, to Moses, to Zakariyya, to Yahya (John),
to Muhammad, all cried for Imam Husain (AS) and remembered him on the day
of Ashura.

Imam Husain, before he leaves Medina, saw the Messenger of Allah in dream
who told him:

     "Verily Allah willed to see you martyred. Verily Allah willed to see
     your family captives"

He knew that he will be killed where and how. There was no error in his
part or what you called overestimation of the people of Iraq. A person who
goes to a battle which has an uncertain ending, never takes his family,
women, and children with him, and never put their lives in to jeopardy. But
Imam Husain did all that, knowing all the tragic events which will happen
to them from setting their tents on fire (by the soldiers of Yazid) to
plundering them and moving them from town to town. But he took with him
women and children because they were supposed to deliver a message to the
people of each town and to wake them up from their deep sleep. No doubt
that the event of Karbala was a turning point in the destiny of the
religion of Islam, by which the religion was immuned form annihilation.
Individuals, however, are not immune from going astray. But the blast in
Karbala and its inspiring effects on the hearts of people never let Islam
to be eradicated.
Another brother mentioned that if one knows that by going to certain place,
he would be certainly killed, the going to that place is considered to be
suicide, and as such, how could Imam al-Husain go toward Karbala if he knew
that he would be killed?

The above question is interesting. Imam al-Husain knew where and how he
will be killed and who will kill him. This was the case for the other Imams
of Ahlul-Bayt as well. Even Sunnis narrated that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) told
Imam Ali who kills him and when will he be killed. But non of them avoided
what Allah foreordained. Thus Imams having the knowledge of when they die
is confirmed by both Sunni and Shia.

It should be noted that the prophets and Imams share with the rest of
humanity the means for obtaining knowledge which Allah has given: the
senses, the intellect, etc. They also possess special powers and means
which other people do not have. In carrying out the commands of Allah in
which people have also responsibility, and likewise in ordinary behavior,
the prophets and Imams only make use of the first way of knowing, that is
the commonly available means. The second means (extraordinary means) is
only used by them in duties and works which are connected with their
position of prophethood and Imamat.

Thus in matters such as knowing the beginning of the month, passing
judgment, finding out if something is unclean or pure, etc., they make use
of ordinary means such as sighting of the moon, and so forth, which anyone
else employs. The extraordinary means of knowledge can not be the basis for
their action (unless in some rare circumstances when Allah wishes
otherwise), and what they volitionally do must be determined by the means
available to everyone. In other words, the act of Imam is based on the
conclusion of pieces of evidences which can be obtained by the ordinary
human beings, and not by the information related to what Allah has
foreordained, otherwise a contradiction would arise: For instance, Allah
foreordained that Imam Ali be killed by Ibn Muljam (LA) in the Mosque on a
specific date, but since Imam Ali knows this via an extraordinary means of
knowledge given by Allah, if he avoids the Mosque, he would have gone
against what Allah foreordained which is impossible.

Likewise, Imam al-Husain (AS), though knew most of the people of Iraq will
not follow him, he did his duty by answering their unanimous call. Imam al-
Husain sent his agent, Muslim Ibn Aqil to Kufa, since he wanted to do the
investigation as an ordinary human being does. This is while he knew the
situation in Kufa by extra-ordinary means of knowledge and that Muslim Ibn
Aqil will be killed, yet he was not supposed to act based on what is
concealed from an ordinary human being. He acts based on the extraordinary
means of knowledge ONLY IF Allah wishes so, and such circumstances are

Thus, such extraordinary knowledge has spiritual aspect as being the
Representative of Allah (Khlifatullah), and the reason for it must be
sought on this level, and it is not for the purpose of influencing and
controlling the events on the level of ordinary understanding.

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                           More on Commemoration

The Commemoration of Imam Hussain ( as ) has been observed by the followers
of Ahl al Bayt ( members of the House of the Prophet ( saw ) ) for
centuries; yet many Muslims resent it, thinking that this would divide or
increase the division of the Muslims. To my understanding this argument is
un-sound for the following reasons :-

- Imam Hussain and his opponent Yazeed are on the opposite ends of the
Heavenly Scale. There is no Muslim School that doubts the purity and
qualification of the Imam. Righteous Muslims also know that Imam Hussain is
a dear grandson of the Prophet Muhammad ( saw ), and that he is a leader of
the youth of the paradise. On the other hand, Yazeed is un-acceptable to
any Muslim, and every Mulsim condemns him, and will continue to do so, for
his transgression and for the crimes he commited againts the Ahl al Bayt.
With such a clear distinction there should be no confusion among the
Muslims on account of the commemoration of this great Imam. No Muslim party
should be angered by hearing the truth about the great Imam and his
opponent Yazeed !

- Imam Hussain and the rest of the Ahl al Bayt did not receive in their
lives the fairness and respect due to them on the part of the Muslims,
while the rest of the Companions of the Prophet ( saw ) received of that as
much as they deserved ( or more ). The members of the House of the
Messenger were denied even the right to live or feel safe. The Muslims,
should therefore try to correct the mistake of history by un-covering the
virtues of these distinguised people.

- To keep the names of these people alive is in the interest of the
Muslims. The Messenger of God, Mohammad ( saw ), said when he was returning
from his valedictory pilgrimage, while at Ghadir Khum : -

     I am about to be called  ( by the Lord to   depart  from this World )
     and respond ( to His call ). I am   leaving  for You the Two Valuables
     ( one of them is bigger  than the other ) : The Book of God and the
     members of  my House.  Beware how you shall treat the two after me,
     because they will not part with each other untill they join me on the
     Day of Judgement !


- Mustadrak of al Hakim, vol 3 p 109
  Arabic Printed in Hyderabad 1334
- Sahih of Tirmizi, vol 2 p 307
  Arabic Printed in Cairo 1350-1352
- Musnad of Ahmed Hanbal, vol 3 p 14, 217
  Arabic Printed in Cairo 1313
- Khasais of al Nasai, p 30
  Arabic Printed in Najaf 1369
- Sahih of Muslim, vol 4 p 1286 hadith 5920
  English Printed in Lahore (Pakistan) 1992
- ... and many many more

Thus honoring their memories and informing people about them would be in
accord with the advice of the Messenger ( saw ), and would provide the
Muslims with what they need of Guidance.

- The History of this great Martyr is a school for the seekers of the
truth. Every Muslim can learn a great deal from the supreme sacrifice and
the courage of the Imam. The Muslims are still living under similar
conditions now as before. Corruption is still prevalent in our society, and
tyrants, like Yazeed, are no rarity in Muslims and non - Muslim countries,
but we don't have men like the Imam Hussain. Fortunately, this
commemoration is providing the Muslim World with some of his excellent


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