How is This Possible ?

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                          How is This Possible ?

[ The following article is adopted from the book "Brother of Muhammad
(pbuh&hf)" written by late Mohammad Jawad Chirri (RA). The event under
discussion is when the Prophet (pbuh&hf) were ordered by Allah (swt) to
preach to his relatives ]

The two Shaikhs: al-Bukhari and Muslim did not mention the important event
pertaining the first preach of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) though it was reported
by many historians and traditionists. Instead, Muslim and some other
traditionists reported an event that took place after this event. They
reported the appearance of the Messenger on Al-Safa and his call to the
Qureshite clans (the Meccans) and his invitation to them to believe in the
new faith. Muslim and these reporters mentioned this late event and tied it
with the verse of the warning of the closest relative of the Holy Prophet.
Muslim recorded that Abu Huriarah reported the following:

     When this verse was revealed: "And warn thy closest relatives," the
     Messenger of God called the Qureshites and they came together. He
     addressed them in general and in particular. He said: "O children of
     Ka'ab Ibn Lu'ay, save yourselves from Hell. O children of Murrah lbn
     Ka'ab, save yourselves from Hell. O children of Hashim save yourselves
     from Hell. O Fatimah, save yourself from Hell. For I do not possess
     any protection for you from God, except that you have relations to me
     which I would like to observe."

Sunni reference: Sahih Muslim, v3, pp 79-80

It is amazing that God commanded His Messenger to warn the closest of his
relatives, who were the children of Abdul-Muttalib, but the Prophet called
upon the children of Ka'ab Ibn Lu'ay and the children of Murrah Ibn Ka'ab
who are from the remotest of his relatives. It is inconceivable that the
Messenger of God disobeys what his Lord commanded him to do.

And what is more amazing is that the messenger called upon his daughter
(Fatimah) publicly, to save herself from Hell, yet she was the purest
Muslim girl whose father and mother were the purest parents.

Fatimah, at the time of the revelation of the above verse was according to
the historians, either two years or eight years old. al-Hakim in his al-
Mustadrak, v3, p61 reported that she was born 41 years after the birth of
her father.

It would be illogical that the Prophet addresses himself to a two year old
child or that he put a pure Muslim girl (who was still a minor, not
exceeding eight years of age) on the same level with the pagans of Banu
Ka'ab and Banu Murrah.

And more curious is the Hadith of Aisha which Muslim recorded in his Sahih
as follows:

     "When the verse of warning was revealed, the Messenger of God said: 'O
     Fatimah, daughter of Mohammad, Safiya, daughter of Abdul-Muttalib, I
     have nothing in my power to protect you against God. Ask me from my
     wealth whatever you want.' "

Sunni reference: Sahih Muslim, v3, p79-80

This Hadith does not agree with the previous one. For this Hadith reported
that the Holy Prophet addressed himself to the children of Abdul-Muttalib
alone, while the other Hadith reported that the Holy Prophet publicly
addressed himself mostly to other than the Prophet's clan. And most weird
in this Hadith is that the Messenger addressed himself publicly while on
the Safa mainly to his youngest daughter Fatimah while she was living with
him where he sees her every hour. It is also curious that the address which
he directed to her and to the other members of the children of Abdul-
Muttalib did not contain any message, such as calling upon them to worship
God or to avoid idol-worshipping.

Furthermore, Aisha was not born at the time of the event. The Messenger
died when she was only eighteen years old. (See al-Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd,
v8, p61). And this event took place ten years before the Hijrah (twenty
years before his death). Abu Hurairah also was not an eye-witness to the
event because he saw the Messenger for the first time when the Messenger
was coming back from Khaibar in the 7th year after the Hijrah. (See al-
Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v4, p327).

And more curious than all is that Al-Zamakhshari reported that Aisha,
daughter of Abu Bakr and Hafsa, daughter of Omar, were among the ones whom
the Holy Prophet addressed after the revelation of this verse of warning
(which was revealed before the birth of Aisha). (See al-Sirah al-
Halabiyyah, by Ali Ibn Burhanuddin al-Halabi, v1, p321)

This clearly indicates that recorders or the reporters of these traditions
were seriously confused. They overlooked the fact that the verse commands
the Prophet to warn his closest relatives, who were the children of Abdul-
Muttalib, and that the Holy Prophet is not expected to disobey the order of
God. What these traditions convey is opposed to the verse itself, and
whatever disagrees with the Holy Qur'an has to be disregarded.

The event which the historians and many Hadith recorders reported of
holding a conference with his immediate relatives is the only logical
course which the Holy Prophet was expected to follow after the revelation
of the verse.


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