Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis (Part III)

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          Tragedy of Karbala as reported by the Sunnis (Part III)

Martyrdom of Muslim Ibn Aqil
That same morning the son of that old woman went to 'Abd al-
Rahman b. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath and told him about Muslim b.
'Aqil being with his mother. 'Abd al-Rahman went to his father who
was with Ibn Ziyad. He went to him and Ibn Ziyad learned his secret.

"Get up and bring him to me immediately," said Ibn Ziyad to
(Muhammad b. al-Ashath), poking a cane into his side. He sent
(Amr b. ) Ubayd Allah b. Abbas al-Sulam, with him, together with
seventy men from the tribal group of Qays.

They went to the house where Muslim b. Aqil was. When the
latter heard the beating of horses' hooves and the voices of men, he
knew that it was him whom they had come for. He went out against
them with his sword (drawn) as they rushed blindly towards the
house. He fell upon them and struck them with his sword so that he
drove them away from the house. They repeated the attack, and
Muslim counter-attacked in the same way. He and Bakr b. Humran
al-Ahmari exchanged blows and Bakr struck Muslim's mouth,
cutting his top lip and slicing down to the lower lip to knock out two
of his teeth. Muslim struck him a terrible blow on the head and
repeated it again, cutting a nerve along his shoulder with a blow
which almost reached his stomach. When the people saw that, they
(went up and) looked down on him (Muslim) from the tops of the
houses, and began to hurl stones at him and to light canes of wood
with fire which they threw from the top of the house. When he saw
that, he went out against them into the lane with his sword

"You can have my guarantee of security," said Muhammad b. al-
Ashath, "don't kill yourself."

But he continued to fight against them saying:

    I swear I will only be killed as a free man, although I see
    death as something horrible,

    Or it makes the cold a bitter heat and deflects the ray of
    the sun (for ever).

    Every man one day will meet an evil, I fear that I will be
    cheated and deluded.

"You will not be cheated, deluded or deceived," replied
Muhammad b. al-Ashath. "These people (i.e. the Banu Umayya) are
your cousins and they will not fight against you or strike you."

He had been hurt by stones and weakened by the fighting. He was
out of breath and he was propping his back up against the wall of that
house. Ibn al-Ash'ath repeated the offer of security to him.

"Am I granted security?" he said.

"Yes," he replied and he said to the people who were with him, "he
is given security by me."

"Yes," replied the people, except (Amr b.) 'Ubayd Allah b.
al-Abbas al-Sulami.

"I have neither she camel or camel in this (i.e. I will have nothing to
do with it)," he said and he turned aside.

"If you will not grant me security," declared Muslim, "I will not
put my hand in yours."

A mule was brought and he was put on it. They gathered around
him and pulled his sword away. At that he was in despair for his life
and his eyes filled with tears.

"This is the first betrayal," he cried.

"I hope no harm will come to you," called out Muhammad b. al-

"Is it only hope?" he retorted as he wept. "Where then is your
guarantee of security? Indeed we belong to God and to Him we will

"One who has sought for the like of what you have sought for,
should not weep when there befalls him what has befallen you," 'Amr
b. 'Ubayd Allah b. al-'Abbas goaded him.

      I would not weep for myself," he replied, "nor would
      I grieve for my own death, even though I have not the
      slightest desire for destruction. But I am weeping for
      my family who are coming to me, I am weeping for al-Husayn
      and the family of al-Husayn, peace be on them.

Then he went closer to Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath and said:

"O servant of God, by God, I see that you are unable to
grant me a guarantee of security. Yet do you have the goodness
to be able to send one of your men with my message so that it
will get to al-Husayn? For I have no doubt that he has already
set out towards you, or will be setting out soon with his House.

(This messenger) would say:

Ibn 'Aqil has sent me to you. He is a prisoner in the hands
of the people, and he does not expect to see evening before
he is killed; and he says:

      Return, may my father and mother be your ransom, with your
      House and do not let the Kufans tempt you, for they were the
      followers of your father and he desired to leave them even
      through death and murder. The Kufans have lied to you. A liar
      has no judgement.

"By God, I will do that," replied Ibn al-Ash'ath, "and I will inform
Ibn Ziyad that I have given you a guarantee of security."

Ibn al-Ash'ath went with Ibn Aqil to the door of the palace. He
asked permission to enter. Permission was given him and he went in
(to see) Ibn Ziyad. He gave a report about Ibn 'Aqil and Bakr's blow
against him, and about his own guarantee of security to him.

"What (is this about) you and a guarantee of security?" demanded
'Ubayd Allah, "as if we sent you to guarantee him security when we
only sent you to bring him."

Ibn al-Ashath fell silent.

While Ibn Aqil remained at the palace door, his thirst had become
severe. At the palace door there were people sitting waiting for
permission to enter. Among them were 'Umara b. 'Uqba b. Abi
Mu'ayt, 'Amr b. Hurayth, Muslim b. Amr and Kathir b. Shihab.

There was a jug of cold water placed at the doorway.

"Give me a drink of that water," asked Muslim.

"See how cold it is," replied Muslim b. Amr, "but by God, you will
never taste a drop of it until you taste the heat of Hell-fire."

"Shame on you whoever you are!' cried Ibn Aqil.

"I am the one who recognized the truth when you denied it; who
was sincere to his Imam when you deceived him; who was obedient to
him when you opposed him. I am Muslim b. Amr al-Bahili."

"Your mother has been bereft of a son," replied Ibn 'Aqil. "How
coarse you are, how rough, how hard your heart is. Man of Bahila,
you are more appropriate for the heat of Hell-fire and to remain there
forever, than I am."

He sat down, propping himself against a wall. 'Amr b. Hurayth
sent one of his boys to bring a jug with a napkin and cup. He poured
water into it and told him to drink. But whenever he went to drink, he
filled the cup with blood so that he was not able to drink. He did that
once, and then twice. When he made as if to drink for the third time,
his tooth fell into the cup.

"Praise be to God," he said, "if it had been a provision granted me
(by God), I could have drunk it."

Ibn Ziyad's messenger came out and ordered him to go to (see)
him. He went in but did not greet him as governor.

"Don't you greet the governor?" demanded the guard.

"If he wants my death, what is (the point of) my greeting him with
words of peace?" he replied. "If he did not want my death, my
greetings (of peace) to him would be profuse."

"By my life, you will be killed," declared Ibn Ziyad.

"So be it," he replied.

"Indeed, (it will)."

"Then let me make my will to one of my fellow tribesmen.

"Do (so)."

Muslim looked at those sitting with Ubayd Allah. Among them
was 'Umar b. Saed b. Abl Waaaas. He said to him: " Umar, there is
kinship between you and me and I have need of you. So you could
carry out what I need of you. But it is secret."

Umar refused to listen to him.

"Why do you refuse to consider the need of your cousinT' asked
Ubayd Allah. So Umar got up with him and sat where Ibn Ziyad
could watch both of them.

"I have a debt in Kufa," said Muslim. 'I borrowed seven hundred
dirhams when I came to Kufa. Sell my sword and armour and pay the
debt for me. When I have been killed, ask Ibn Ziyad to give you my
corpse and bury it. Send to al-Husayn, peace be on him, someone to
send him back. For I have written to him telling him that the people
are with him and now I can only think that he is coming."

"Do you know what he said to me, governor?" Umar said to Ibn
Ziyad. "He mentioned these things."

"The faithful would not betray you," said Ibn Ziyad to (Muslim),

"But the traitor was confided in. As for what you have, it is yours, and
we will not prevent you from doing with it what you like. As for the
body when we have killed it, we do not care what is done with it. As
for al-Husayn, if he does not intend (harm) to us, we will not intend
(harm) to him.

Then Ibn Ziyad said: "Ibn Aqil, you came to the people while they
were all (united) and you scattered them and divided their opinions so
that some of them attacked others."

"No," replied Ibn 'Aqil, "I did not come for that but (because) the
people of the town claimed that your father had killed their best men,
shed their blood and appointed governors among them like the
governors of Choesroe and Caesar. We came to enjoin justice and to
urge rule by the Book."

"What are you (to do) with that, you great sinnerT' cried Ibn
Ziyad. "Why did you not do that among the people when you were
drinking wine in Medina?"

"Me, drink wine! By God, God knows you are not speaking the
truth, and have spoken without any knowledge, for I am not like you
have said. It is you who are more correctly described as drinking wine
than me, (you) who lap the blood of Muslims and kill the life whose
killing God has forbidden and (you are one) who sheds sacred blood
on behalf of usurpation, enmity and evil opinion while he (Yazid)
enjoys himself and plays as if he had done nothing."

"You great sinner (fasiq)," shouted Ibn Ziyad, "your own soul
made you desire what God prevented you from having (i.e. authority)
(because) God did not regard you as worthy of it."

"Who is worthy of it, if we are not worthy of it?' asked Muslim.

"The Commander of the faithful, Yazid,'' answered Ibn Ziyad.

"Praise be to God," called out Muslim. "We will accept God's
judgement between us and you in every circumstance."

"May God kill me, if I do not kill you in such a way as no one in
Islam has (ever) been killed before," retorted Ibn Ziyad.

"You are the person with the most right to commit crimes of
innovation in Islam which have not been committed before," Muslim
replied, "for you will never abandon evil murder, wicked
punishment, shameful practice, and avaricious domination to
anyone (else)."

Ibn Ziyad began to curse him, and to curse al-Husayn, Ali and
'Aqil, peace be on them, while Muslim did not speak to him.

"Take him up to the top of the palace," ordered Ibn Ziyad, "and
cut off his head, (throw it to the ground) and make (his body) follow it
(to the ground)."

"By God," said Muslim, "if there was any (real) kinship between
you and me, you would not kill me."

"Where is the man whose head Ibn Aqil struck with (his) sword?"
asked Ibn Ziyad. Then Bakr b. Humran al Ahmari was summoned
and he told him: "Climb up, and you be the one who cuts his head

He went up with him. He (Muslim) said: "God is greater (Allahu
Akbar)" He sought forgiveness from God and prayed for blessings on
the Apostle, saying:

         O God, judge between us and a people who have enticed
         us, lied against us and deserted us.

They (took) him to a part which overlooked where the shoemakers
are today. His head was cut off (and thrown down) and his body was
made to follow his head. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ash, then approached
'Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad and spoke to him of Hani' b. 'Urwa. He said:
"You know of the position of Hani' in the town and of his House in
the clan. His people know that I and my colleague brought him to
you. I adjure you before God, hand him over to me for I would not
like (to face) the enmity of the town and his family."

He promised to do that but then afterwards something occurred to
him and he ordered Hani' (to be) taken (immediately) to the market-
place and (his head) cut off.

Hani' was taken in chains until he was brought to a place where
sheep were sold. He began to shout: "O Madhhij! There is no one
from Madhhij for me today! O Madhh,ij, where is Madhhij?"

When he realised that no one was going to help him, he pulled his
hand and wrenched it free of the chain, crying: "What is there, stick,
knife, stone or bone, with which a man can defend his life?"

(At this) they jumped upon him and tied the chains (more) tightly.
He was told to stretch out his neck but he answered: "I am not so
liberal with my life and I will not help you (to take) my life."

A Turkish retainer (mawla) of Ubayd Allah called Rashid struck
him with a sword but it did not do anything.

"To God is the return, O God to Your mercy and Your paradise,"
called out Hani'. Then (Rashld) struck him with another blow and
killed him.

Concerning Muslim b. 'Aqil and Hani' b. Urwa, may God have
mercy upon them, Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr al-Asadi said:

If you do not know what death is, then look at Hani' in the
market-place and Ibn Aqil:

         (Look at) a hero whose face has been covered with wounds and
         another who fell dead from a high place.

         The command of the governor struck them (down) and they
         became legends for those who travel on every road.

         You see a corpse whose colour death has changed and a
         spattering of blood which has flowed abundantly;

         A young man who was (even) more bashful than a shy young
         woman, was more decisive than the polished blade of a two-
         edged sword.

         Is Asma' riding in safety a mount which moves at walking pace
         while Madhhij urged him to seek vengeance

         And Murad wander around him? Are all of them in fear of the
         questioner and the questioned?

         If you do not avenge your two brothers, then be harlots satisfied
         with little.

When Muslim and Hani' were killed, the mercy of God be on them,
Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad sent their heads with Hani' b. Abi Hayya al-
Wadi'i and al-Zubayr b. al-Arwah al-Tamimi to Yazid b. Muawiya
He ordered his secretary (katib) to write to Yazid about what had
happened to Muslim and Hani'. The secretary who was 'Amr b.
Nafi' - wrote but he was very wordy (in his style). He was the first to
be wordy in writing letters. When Ubayd Allah saw the letter, he
disliked it.

"What is this prolixity and this excessr' he asked.


        Praise be to God, Who exacted the dues of the Commander of
        the faithful and has given him sufficient provisions against his
        enemy. I (am writing to) inform the Commander of the faithful
        that Muslim b. 'Aqil took refuge in the house of Hani' b.
        'Urwa al-Muradi. I set look-outs and spies on them, concealed
        men against them, I tricked them until I brought them out. God
        gave me power over them. Thus I came upon them and had
        them executed. I have sent their heads to you with Hani' b. Abi
        Hayya and al-Zubayr b. Arwah al-Tamimi. They are both
        people who are attentive and in obedience to you, and of
        sincerity. Let the Commander of the faithful ask them about
        whatever of the affair he may wish; for they have knowledge
        and truth.

        Farewell. Greetings."

Yazid b. Muawiya wrote (back):

        You have not gone beyond what I wanted. You have acted with
        the decisive action I wanted. You have launched into the attack
        with the violence of man who has control of his emotion. You
        have satisfied me, been sufficient for (the task) and
        corroborated my view of you and my opinion of you. I have
        summoned your two messengers and questioned them, and
        talked to them. I found them in their views and merit as you had
        mentioned. Receive them both with kindness on my
        recommendation. I have been informed that al-Husayn has set
        out for Iraq. Therefore set look-outs and watches, be vigilant
        and detain suspicious (characters). Put to death (any who are)
        accused and write to me about any news which occurs. God, the
        Exalted, wishing.

Muslim b. 'Aqil's (attempted) rising in Kufa was on Tuesday, 8th
of Dhu al-Hijja in the year 60 A.H. (680). He, may God have mercy
on him, was killed on Wednesday, 9th of Dhu al-Hijja, the Day of


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