Joining Prayers and Other related Issues

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                 Joining Prayers and Other related Issues

One of the issues, among many others, that the Sunnis quarrel with the Shia
about is the form, method, and time of the Prayer (Salat) prescribed on
every male and female believer. Indeed, they make a mockery of the Shi'i

The Shia acknowledge FIVE daily PRAYERS.  However, they are allowed to pray
them in THREE distinct TIMES, not five; the five prayers are: Fajr
(Morning), Zuhr (Noon), `Asr (Afternoon), Maghrib (Sunset), and Isha

The Fajr (morning) is prayed at the same time as the Sunnis do; however,
the Shia usually wait 10 minutes before they consider it to be time for

We are allowed to pray noon and afternoon prayer one after another (without
a lot of delay between the two). Similarly we are allowed to pray sunset
prayer and night prayer one after another. Actually it is better to pray in
their own specific time (close to what Sunnis do), but it is not necessary.
Thus instead of five separate times, we can pray all the five daily prayers
only in three separate times.

(NOTE:  The prayers in ALL cases are DISTINCT (separate), it's NOT that
they (the Shia) pray eight Raka't (for Zuhr and `Asr) straight, or seven
Raka't (for Maghrib and Isha) straight, as part of ONE prayer.  It is the
SAME regular form of prayer, but combined into one TIME, NOT one PRAYER.)

It should also be noted that the Sunnis agree to the combining of prayers
in the case of Rain, Travel, Fear, or other emergencies.  Two forms are
allowed: Jam'a Taqdeem (Early Combination) or Jam'a Ta-ikheer (Late
Combination). An example of Early combination is the combining of Zuhr and
`Asr to be prayed in the time of Zuhr.  An example of Late Combination is
the combining of the Zuhr and `Asr to be prayed in the time of `Asr. The
EXCEPTION among the Sunni schools are the Hanifites (Followers of Abu
Hanifa):  They contend that you CANNOT combine the prayers at any time, not
even if you're traveling.  This clearly violated the other Sunni schools of
thought, but it was and still is tolerated. The Maliki's, Shafeei's, and
Hanbali's all agree to the combining of prayers when one is traveling, but
are in conflict on other times.  The Shia said that one can combine the
prayers ANYTIME without ANY cause of fear, rain, or whatever.  Nonetheless,
the Shia also contend that if you want to pray them separately, it is
acceptable as well.

Now, let's question why the Shia perform the Prayers as described above,
and who is more accurate in their Prayer, the Sunnis or the Shia? Here is
what Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran:

     "Establish regular prayers at the Sun's decline till the darkness of
     the night, and the recital of the Quran in the morning prayer; for the
     recital of the dawn is Witnessed. [17:78]"

How many prayer times are mentioned?  THREE, NOT five. Count them: the
"Sun's Decline, Darkness of the Night, and the Morning Prayer."  That's

Now, what did the Prophet (PBUH&HF) do?  Here's what Ibn Abbas, one of the
most famous narrators, says according to the Musnad of Ibn Hanbal (One of
the books of tradition):

     "The Prophet (PBUH&HF) prayed in Madina, while residing there,
     NOT TRAVELING, seven and eight (this is an indication to the seven
     Raka't of Maghrib and Isha combined, and the eight Raka't of Zuhr and
     `Asr combined)."

Musnad al-Imam Ibn Hanbal, vol. 1, page 221.

Also, in the Muwatta' of Malik (Imam of Maliki sect), vol. 1, page 161, Ibn
Abbas says:

     "The Prophet (PBUH&HF) prayed Zuhr and `Asr in combination and Maghrib
     and Isha in combination WITHOUT a reason for fear or travel."

As for Sahih Muslim, see the following under the chapter of "Combination of
prayers, when one is resident":

     Ibn Abbas reported: The messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him)
     observed the noon and the afternoon prayers together, and the sunset
     and Isha prayers together without being in a state of fear or in a
     state of journey

Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter CCL, Tradition #1515

     Ibn Abbas reported that the messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him)
     combined the noon prayer with the afternoon prayer and the sunset
     prayer with the Isha prayer in Medina without being in a state of
     danger or rainfall. And in the hadith transmitted by Waki(the words
     are): "I said to Ibn Abbas: What prompted him to do that? He said: So
     that his(prophet's)Ummah should not be put to (unnecessary) hardship."

Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter CCL, Tradition #1520

     Abdullah b. Shaqiq reported: Ibn Abbas one day addressed us in the
     afternoon(after the afternoon prayer) till the sun disappeared, and
     the stars appeared, and the people began to say: Prayer, prayer. A
     person from Banu Tamim came there. He neither slackened nor turned
     away, but (continued crying): Prayer, prayer. Ibn Abbas said: May you
     be deprived of your mother, do you teach me sunnah? And then he said:
     I saw the messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him) combining the noon
     and afternoon prayers and the sunset and Isha prayers. Abdullah b.
     Shaqiq said: Some doubt was created in my mind about it. So I came to
     Abu Huraira and asked him(about it) and he testified his assertion.

Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter CCL, Tradition #1523

     Abdullah b. Shaqiq al-Uqaili reported: A person said to Ibn Abbas(as
     he delayed the prayer): Prayer. He kept silent. He again said: Prayer.
     He again kept silent, and he cried: Prayer. He again kept silent and
     said: May you be deprived of your mother, do you teach us about
     prayer? We used to combine two prayers during the lifetime of the
     messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him).

Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter CCL, Tradition #1524

     Ibn Abbas reported: The messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him)
     observed the noon and afternoon prayers together in Medina without
     being in a state of fear or in a state of journey. Abu Zubair said: I
     asked Sa'id[one of the narrators] why he did that. He said: I asked
     Ibn Abbas as you have asked me, and he replied that he[the Holy
     prophet] wanted that no one among his Ummah should be put to
     [unnecessary] hardship.

Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter CCL, Tradition #1516

     Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allah(may peace be upon him)
     observed in Medina seven (rakahs) and eight(rakahs), i.e., (he
     combined) the noon and afternoon prayers(eight rakahs) and the sunset
     and Isha prayers(seven Rakahs).

Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter CCL, Tradition #1522

Now, who is it that follows the customs and tradition of the Prophet
(PBUH&HF)???  The Shia who follow it to the letter, or the Sunnis who don't
even acknowledge the traditions in their own books? This is a SIGN for
those who reflect!

Furthermore, Allah (SWT) continually reminds us in the Quran that Islam was
revealed to make your life easier, not more difficult.  How then, can one
work, eat, sleep, study, etc... with five prayers a day in five different
times?  You pray Maghrib, and an hour later, you pray Isha.  Is this
convenient, say for doctors in a surgery room?  Believe me, if the Sunnis
followed what the Prophet (PBUH&HF) did (five prayers in three TIMES a
day), many people would be praying today.  I witnessed this myself in this
holy month of Ramadan.  My Sunni friends pray Zuhr, then sleep.  They then
wake up about 30 minutes before Iftar (the time to break the fast), and
pray `Asr.  Many also miss the prayer!  Is this really convenient???
Question and ask for the TRUTH, and if you are honest and sincere, Allah
(SWT) will guide you.

There is another aspect which the Sunnis make a mockery of when they see a
Shii praying: The Shia will only pray on natural rock (not cement), the
ground (if it is NOT planted something that is either edible and/or
something of which clothe can be made to be worn by humans), rugs made of
Palm tree leaves, or rugs made of dry grasslike material (the same stuff as
that used in building huts).  The Shia will NOT pray on regular carpet.
That's why, if you see a Shii praying, you will notice that he is praying
on a peace of mud that is about the size of matchbox.  The Sunnis mock the
Shia and say that the Shia worship the rock!

It should also be noted that the piece of mud that the Shia pray on is from
the mud of Karbala, the place in Iraq where al-Imam al-Hussein (AS) was
slaughtered by Yazid's army.  Nonetheless, this is NOT a mandatory
requirement; the mud can be from ANY place on Earth as long as it is clean
and, as I mentioned earlier, is not planted edible foods or materials which
can be made into clothe that humans can wear.

Now, let's question why the Shia pray on the above materials only, and,
again, who is wrong or right?

First, carpets are not allowed, nor is cement because the ingredients that
they are made up of are not known.  They may contain materials which are
Haram (Islamically illegal) to prostrate one's head on (make sujud).

Second, the prostration on the ground is more humble and modest when one is
between the Hands of Allah (SWT).  It is a form of eliminating pride,
arrogance, and flamboyance.

Third, the Shia pray ON the rock, NOT FOR the rock. We DO NOT worship

NOTE: The Sunnis allow the prostration on anything that is clean, but they
do FAVOR rugs made from Palm tree leaves.

But what did the Prophet (PBUH&HF) do?

Sahih Muslim, v1, p168, under the chapter of  "A Menstruating Woman's
     Eligibility to Wash Her Husband's Head" narrates that the Prophet
     (PBUH&HF) had a special rug made of Palm tree leaves that he (SAAS)
     used to pray on.

Sahih al-Bukhari, v2, p256, under the chapter of "Retreating to
     Prayer in the last ten days (of Ramadan)" narrates at the end of a
     long tradition that when the Prophet (PBUH&HF) raised his (SAAS) head
     from prayer, the companions saw the marks of mud and water on his
     (SAAS) forehead. This indicates that he (SAAS) prayed on the ground.

Sahih al-Bukhari, v1, p86, under the chapter of "Tayamum" narrates
     that the Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: "The GROUND has been cleansed and
     made a masjid for me."

Do I need to comment?  Who, now, is it that follows the custom of the
Prophet (PBUH&HF)?

Some of the other differences between the Shia and Sunnis are: The Shia
pray with their hands hanging down the sides (like the Sunni Malikis), not
clasped above their navel. Also, the Shia don't say "Ameen" after the
recitation of the first Surah (chapter) in prayer is completed.  The reason
is that there is no proof to support the notion that this kind of behavior
was performed by the Prophet (PBUH&HF).

Again, there is a difference in the Azan (Call to Prayer) among the Shia
and the Sunnis.  The Shia add one line to the Azan, which they consider to
be a MANDATORY component of the Azan.  This line, repeated twice, is: "Haya
`ala Khair al-'amal -- Rise Up For The Best of Works."  It comes right
after the line: "Haya `ala al-Falah -- Rise Up For Salvation."  Another
addition by the Shia, which is NOT a mandatory part of the Azan, is the
affirmation: "Ash-hadoo Ana Ali-yan Walayo Allah -- I witness that Ali is
the Vicegerent of Allah." This line is repeated twice and follows the line:
"Ash-hadoo Ana Muhamadan Rasool Allah -- I witness that Muhamad is the
Messenger of Allah."  As I mentioned, the latter line is NOT considered
mandatory, and ANY Shii individual that argues otherwise, has invalidated
the Azan. The origin of this assertion and addition goes back to the days
of the Ummayads and the political environment during those days. The
Ummayads attempted wholeheartedly to eliminate the memory of al-Imam Ali
(AS) from among his (AS) followers. This effort reached astronomical
proportions, that during and after the days of Muawiyah's ruling, it became
customary to curse al-Imam Ali (AS) whenever his (AS) name was mentioned
(May Allah (SWT) forgive us). As such, the followers of al-Imam Ali (AS)
chose to oppose the corrupt Ummayad government, and assert that Ali (AS)
was truly the Vicegerent of Allah (SWT). That served as both an annoyment
to the authorities, and a reminder to the posterity that al- Imam Ali (AS)
was indeed the Agent and Vicegerent of Allah (SWT).

In conclusion, I simply appeal to all believing individuals to engage in a
serious soul-searching effort to find the truth for themselves. May Allah
(SWT) forgive us our sins, and guide us to that which pleases Him (SWT).


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